Hi I'm new. Can I get some friends please?

Hi! I used this site in 2012 and lost 40 pounds. I felt better than I ever did. I got cocky and stopped monitoring my calories and just guessed at it all. Eventually I stopped exercising and told myself I'll just maintain for awhile until I can get back into my groove. Fast forward to today and I'm 20 pounds over my 2012 beginning weight so all the hard work I put in went to the dogs. My hips hurt, my back hurts and I'm way too tired in the mornings. I'm done with dealing with my weight and I want it gone. I weight 333 pounds and would like to be around 165. I wasn't even 165 in middle school. I'm back in that mind set I was in when I started in 2012 and feel I can keep it up with this if I have some friends for support. Thanks


  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome (again) :wink: Friend me if you want. I just started using this site and I love it already, albeit some posts on the message boards can be downright mean. I just ignore those. Like you, I got cocky and stopped counting my calories. I did great for awhile and then got lazy, started eating whatever. New year, new me. Let's do this
  • skinnedcrocodile
    Oh hugs! We've all been there. We lose weight and we get so excited about it we stop to even care if we are over our limit or not. I've been on a plateau for a while now because I had stopped being careful about what I put into my body (and final exams have kidnapped me. lol). The key is to diet and exercised. Dieting never works alone, at least in my experience. Walking is a great way to start out if you have back or joint pain.
  • wellygogs1
    wellygogs1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, I'm new to this too. Hoping to get some inspiration from other users in this weight loss battle, I've been on since a young age. I started a new health plan this week and have made some short term goals, 4 weekly to use as a focus. I want to lose around 3 stone. Maybe more, want to be realistic and go for a weight that will suit me and that I can maintain in the long term. Good luck on your journey.