Is there a food with equal Carb/Protein/Fat content?



  • allen_ac
    allen_ac Posts: 64 Member
    I'm trying to balance out my diet, but I need to find a food that has a nice balance of Carbs/protein/fat.

    Anyone have any suggestions?


    Not sure why people are being a bit rude

    But don't worry about balancing EVERY single meal, it's the total days worth in macronutrients and micronutrients that matter, as long as you consume it throughout the day, you'll be sweet

    Having a balanced macronutrient ratio per meal won't do anything more special than having an unbalanced one. So this should open up the options you have much more

    Keep working buddy
  • Aquabird
    Aquabird Posts: 38 Member
    Chocolate Silk Soy Milk hits my macros :)
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    a meaty thin crust pizza is usually pretty close

    now i want pizza
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Flaxseed meal
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Are you diabetic? Or eating before a training session?

    If just worried about 'ideal insulin response' in your meal before slogging the next 4 hours in a cubicle, I wouldn't woryr about it.

    No, but the macro (per meal) I'm using is supposed to be followed to manipulate my metabolism to burn fat and put on one pound of muscle a week.

    Oh. In that case I wouldn't sweat it, because that goal is a pipe dream. Just work on getting an overall reasonably balanced diet (for the day) and you'll be fine.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Whole milk has all macronutrients at roughly the same percentages.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Don't worry about certain meals - worry about your whole day!

    I try and divide my protein macros evenly, but that's not important.... It's just even " fullness " throughout the day. My coach wants postWO low fat, so my fat is divided kind of evenly amongst my other meals, as again, it helps with satisfaction between meals. Carbs are eaten after training, with my other meals lowish carb....
    This is just my approach, and kind of sticking to what my coach suggests. These meals are made up of a variety of food - there is not one food I'd choose to eat at every meal just so they were balanced. That would be boring, and I'd likely be lacking in nutrients!
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    Egg sandwich? 30c 21p 10f