late 20's needing some major inspiration

I am in dire need of some serious inspiation and a push! I need and want to lose some weight. Not only to look good but for health reasons. I have a hard time just trying to get meals, snacks etc all together so I won't come off the bandwagon. What do people do for breakfast, lunch and dinner? P.S. I need my coffee in the A.M. before walking out the door. What about excercise??



  • StephMCompton
    this is my second go round for weight loss. My first time I was about 4 years ago at 165 and went down to 115. Now i am back up to 167 and want to be at least 125. it has been hell trying to stay on board with a healthy lifestyle. i had another baby, and just stopped caring for myself. but the last time i lost weight i ran about 15 to 20 miles a week, stayed away from anything that could live on a shelf for more than a week. ate only salmon and nuts, green leaf veggies, no root veggies other than onion, no grains or anything food that is white! (potatoes, rice, flour, milk, sugar) Coffee? of course! it stimulates your metabolism. use stevia or nectresse. unsweet almond milk instead of dairy. no cheese, beans, corn, high sugar fruit. stick to fruit that ends with a long "e" sound, such as strawberry, cherry, blueberry, raspberry. try Idealshape or body by vi shakes. they have prebiotics. try a cleanser like gnc's Complete Body Cleanser and follow it exactly! eat flax seed in your smoothies, take your multivitamin. I take One A Day active metabolism. take L-Carnitine 3 times a day, take Raspberry Ketone twice a day. I lost 50 pounds in 6 months doing all this stuff (besides Raspberry Ketone, thats new to me) After losing all this weight, i started strength training at the gym, kinda just taught myself. But if you dont know much about exercise, try yoga. I like Jillian Michael's yoga dvds personally...well i hope all this helps out. i know everyone is different but i will doing all these things over again and hopefully achieve those goals again! goodluck