Discouraged and disgusted

I am having an issue.. this whole eating right thing...in new orleans... next to impossible. I have meal prepd before but my diet is getting SOOOOOOO boring and I'm returning to the horrible stuff (2 orders of beignets O__O) . I know i can do better but the will power.. the will power is just not there man. I'm doing low-carb but i know this weight isn' coming off without proper eating. So..help a sista out


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    What is next to impossible? The Internet is full of websites of healthy food ideas of all kinds. Maybe it's time to create a list of easy to prepare meals that will perk you up and make you look forward to your food. You don't have to get by on boring, tasteless food. Do your homework.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    You also don't have to do low carb! Just count your calories, pay attention to your macros and eat the things you love!
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I've found that one of the reasons many people fail at weight loss is trying to do too much too soon. Make small positive changes like exercising portion control and getting in some exercise for now. Work on just keeping it within your calorie budget. After a few weeks or a month, start worrying about improving your food quality. Go slow and make the changes more a lifestyle change than a "diet".

    As long as you're at a calorie deficit (you're eating less than you burn by just living + exercise), you'll lose weight.
  • kristenholt73
    If you already lost 29 lbs, that is fantastic! Celebrate that! And those beignets - so good, I can understand not being able to resist. The only recommendation I have is trying to cut out sugar (obviously that would cut the beignets :-(
    I am finding if I can cut sugar (unnatural, fruit is fine), that it makes all the other cravings easier. But once I have sugar, all the will power goes out the window. Sorry, nothing new there, but just trying to encourage you. And, when the sugar craving hits, have an apple. I know it isn't what you want, but it will help pass the craving. Oh, also, try a cup of tea, with skim milk and truvia. That can also help get those the craving. I have never replied to one of these things, but I don't like to see someone discouraged and disgusted! Hang in there!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    1. ditch low carb
    2. create a 500 calorie per day deficit
    3. eat pretty much what you want as long as you stay in said deficit
    4. work out.move more
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    1. ditch low carb
    2. create a 500 calorie per day deficit
    3. eat pretty much what you want as long as you stay in said deficit
    4. work out.move more


    That way you can work in a couple of beignets without feeling guilty or deprived.

    Btw...WHO DAT!!!
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I know i can do better but the will power.. the will power is just not there man.

    Thats your problem right there. You have to have the will power to avoid the extra goodies, BUT ONLY IF you dont have the calories for them.

    Follow what ndj1979 too. Thats how I lost 62 lbs so far.
  • miriamgreeneyes
    your not alone.. its not easy, that's for sure.. I have been on this for over a week, my thing is this.. FLAVOR... as long as it taste good.. Im a Mikey.. I can eat it.. If you cook you should already have your seasoning packed down, have you tried that Wishbone Asian Light Sesame Salad dressing girl it is so tastful.. I'm a diabetic.. and I look forward to eating it cuase it just taste so good.. the trick is recreating your cooking ideas.. do veggie soups, just make sure you eat and use the right veggies, salads.. salads are good.. its the dressings you have to watch for.. unless you do your own.. olive oil, vinegar a little bit of salt.. trust me.. now I like salads.. my problem is Im a diabetic and my cholesterol is way high.. so my choices are cut very thin.. but I had me some awesome spagetti today.. shocked even me.. I experimented.. just take chefs hat honey and say... "I can do this" if you want a buddy just friend me... one day at a time missy.. rome was not built in a day! lol
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    1. ditch low carb
    2. create a 500 calorie per day deficit
    3. eat pretty much what you want as long as you stay in said deficit
    4. work out.move more


    That way you can work in a couple of beignets without feeling guilty or deprived.

    Btw...WHO DAT!!!

    Have I told you lately that I :heart: you Piglet? Also, AGREED!!! :love:

    Oh yeah, and all that advice on top of my own, OP :smile:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yeah i just came back from a trip to NOLA and i have NO IDEA how everyone down there isn't 200 pounds overweight and honestly coming from cali, i was really disappointed in the quality of the produce in the grocery store i ended up having to go to since i ended up using my hotel's kitchenette for the most part

    and yes OMG beignets :cry: i knew as soon as the hot and fresh beignets from cafe du monde touched my lips i couldnt return there again until my next trip otherwise i'd be there 6 times a day :laugh:
    i think a lot of time when people start losing weight they assume they have to eat like they're in a prison camp. there really isnt a reason to do low carb unless you have medical reasons like epilepsy or diabetes. just eat whatever you want and as long as you stay under a calorie deficit you'll lose weight. IF you start regularly exercising and pushing you fitness then you'll find that you naturally will start cleaning up any food issues since you'll find certain foods help you through a workout and recovery better.

    i pretty much eat the same things every week : eggs, avocadoes, baby spinach, chicken thighs, ground turkey, fresh kale, sweet potatoes, purple cabbage, full fat or 2% greek yogurt, gluten free bread, smoked salmon, cucumbers, havarti cheese, etc.

    and will just combine them in different ways. my suggestion would be to get some cookbooks to get some ideas of things to eat. take your favorite recipes and work out ways to make them less calorie in order to fit them into your menu
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    How about starting with one order of beignets?
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Portion control, Moderation, Substitution and exercise. Those are the 4 main things you should follow.

    Exercise at least 3 times a week. Find(or create) a program that you love and stick to you! Also, try to revamp your routine every 4-5 workouts. It's good to keep things fresh so your body doesn't fall into a routine and you don't get bored!

    Portion Control: Watch it. Make sure you are measuring your serving sizes properly. You'd be shocked at the size of a real serving. Average people eat at least 2 servings of cereal for example.

    Moderation: You are absolutely able to still eat some of your much loved food! Just moderate how often you have it, and again, watch your portion size.

    Substitution: Take some of your guilty pleasures and sub it for some healthier choices. For example, if you are a rice lover for your dinner sides, try swapping the rice for some steamed veggies. Or if you love ice cream, try subbing with some greek Yogurt. I love taking a scoop of Greek Yogurt and adding some mixed berries. Even better, you can pop it in the freezer for 10 minutes and have your very own frozen yogurt!

    I hope this helps!

    All the best!:flowerforyou:
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I've found that one of the reasons many people fail at weight loss is trying to do too much too soon. Make small positive changes like exercising portion control and getting in some exercise for now. Work on just keeping it within your calorie budget. After a few weeks or a month, start worrying about improving your food quality. Go slow and make the changes more a lifestyle change than a "diet".

    As long as you're at a calorie deficit (you're eating less than you burn by just living + exercise), you'll lose weight.

    This is what I did when I started on MFP. I decide to start by not worrying about anything but staying under my calories and getting my exercise in. As I progressed, I started watching my macros in addition to calorie counting. Coincidentally, I started getting really serious about getting fit after I returned from a trip to NOLA... and I'm convinced that this whole weight loss thing would be much more difficult if I lived there - the food is wonderful.
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    Ok. You are almost half way there. And suddenly you come to a standstill. Is it possible you are afraid of actually succeeding?
    Obviously you can do this. I've had those Sunday morning donuts in N.O. Have you ever noticed- they taste the same every time. So does everything else. Food has no power over you. It's just food. It's there to nourish and sustain you. So you can live life.

    Just get back on track right now. Don't overeat or under eat. Just take care of yourself, give your body the food it needs in the amount it needs to weigh what you want to weigh. Track your cals. You'll lose it.
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    1. ditch low carb
    2. create a 500 calorie per day deficit
    3. eat pretty much what you want as long as you stay in said deficit
    4. work out.move more


    That way you can work in a couple of beignets without feeling guilty or deprived.

    Btw...WHO DAT!!!

  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    I've found that one of the reasons many people fail at weight loss is trying to do too much too soon. Make small positive changes like exercising portion control and getting in some exercise for now. Work on just keeping it within your calorie budget. After a few weeks or a month, start worrying about improving your food quality. Go slow and make the changes more a lifestyle change than a "diet".

    As long as you're at a calorie deficit (you're eating less than you burn by just living + exercise), you'll lose weight.
    ^^ yes this
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    Ok. You are almost half way there. And suddenly you come to a standstill. Is it possible you are afraid of actually succeeding?
    Obviously you can do this. I've had those Sunday morning donuts in N.O. Have you ever noticed- they taste the same every time. So does everything else. Food has no power over you. It's just food. It's there to nourish and sustain you. So you can live life.

    Just get back on track right now. Don't overeat or under eat. Just take care of yourself, give your body the food it needs in the amount it needs to weigh what you want to weigh. Track your cals. You'll lose it.

    I have been wondering about this myself.. if im actually afraid to succeed at this.. i have been asking myself that over and over again
  • jennbreaux
    Ha ha I'm the same way, plus it's king cake time and they are everywhere! No diet books have anything close to what we eat here so I'm having trouble eating healthy because it's foods I've never heard of, where's the rice and gravy lol
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    1. ditch low carb
    2. create a 500 calorie per day deficit
    3. eat pretty much what you want as long as you stay in said deficit
    4. work out.move more


    That way you can work in a couple of beignets without feeling guilty or deprived.

    Btw...WHO DAT!!!

    ^^^This! :)))
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    1. ditch low carb
    2. create a 500 calorie per day deficit
    3. eat pretty much what you want as long as you stay in said deficit
    4. work out.move more

    This is the answer. Low carb ... not the right answer.