Help Binge eating

I have been using MFP since July and I have lost 42 pounds. I have done very well with dieting and exercising even through the holidays. I enjoyed the holidays, but still tried to maintain my weight within a few pounds. These last couple of days something strange has come over me because I have been eating out of control and I'm doing this when I am not even hungry. I know some say maybe you are depriving yourself, but I don't feel like I am because at least once a week I will treat myself to something good and of course I will track it even though it may go over my daily calories. Can someone relate to my situation or give me some advice. I have worked too hard to let it all go, but I feel like I have gotten out of control. I need help getting back on track. I already don't like the number on the scale and it has only been a couple days.


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Can you open your diary? Any changes in your life that could account for the bingeing? Stress, boredom, changes to your routine? Needing something to do now that your favorite TV show is on midseason hiatus? :tongue:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Usually when I start to get bingey it's because I have been eating at a cut for too long. How long have you been dieting for and did you continue to count and log over the holidays? Did you change your exercise routine recently?
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Are you emotionally eating or eating out of boredom? Are you turning to the snacking during a stressful day at work, etc? I only ask this because you stated that you reach for the snacks even when you're not hungry. Try doing something that will keep you busy in between meals and snacks. A puzzle, folding laundry, etc. When you feel the urge to reach for a snack(when you're not hungry) try going to those things.

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck!
  • littlelou374
    Are you depressed or down about something? Stressed?
  • jldvs3
    jldvs3 Posts: 13
    There have been no changes and that's why I am having trouble understanding this. I made it through the holidays, so I thought I could make it through anything.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    There have been no changes and that's why I am having trouble understanding this. I made it through the holidays, so I thought I could make it through anything.

    How long have you been dieting for?
  • jldvs3
    jldvs3 Posts: 13
    I have been using MFP since July and I don't feel like I have completely deprived myself because if I want something bad enough I will eat it and I will track it. I also like to eat something special weekly so I don't get burnt out and give up.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I have been using MFP since July and I don't feel like I have completely deprived myself because if I want something bad enough I will eat it and I will track it. I also like to eat something special weekly so I don't get burnt out and give up.

    What I'm getting at here, is if you have been dieting for quite some time, without a break, and especially if you have been running an aggressive deficit, you may just need to take a small break for a bit. It happens. How much have you lost? Have you been active in that same time period?
  • jldvs3
    jldvs3 Posts: 13
    Dieting since July and at first I was really strict, but lately I have learned my limits and I will have treats often. I do exercise daily and have done well with it. The binging just came about over the last couple of days and almost seemed to be uncontrollable. I don't want to get back into my old habits and I don't want to ruin all of my hard work. I just wanted to know if the was normal for any of you and if so how you deal with it. I'm hoping it's over after the pounds I have gained over the last few days.
  • drenergy
    drenergy Posts: 112 Member
    I've taken a few weeks off here and there over the last year and just stayed at maintenance levels (about 300 cal more per day than I had been doing). I stayed pretty much the same weight and it just gave me a chance to rest and relax for a while. Those kept me sane and then after a couple weeks, I'd get back at it and hit exercise harder than before. Just don't freak out. If you freak out, you're going to do something crazy or give up, and you don't want to do that. It's a marathon, not a sprint! ;)
  • jldvs3
    jldvs3 Posts: 13
    Thanks. It is nice that someone relates to my situation. I definitely don't want to give up and I don't want to continue eating crazy. You are so right. Now I need to get motivated to hit it harder and overcome this obstacle. Thanks!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I mean yeah absolutely I have been there.....what you are experiencing is completely normal. Take a small break, eat at maintenance. Still weigh, measure and log everything, but just give yourself a little leeway for a bit and I bet you will find that you will come back to a cut rejuvenated and ready to hit it hard again! You got this!