struggling with a 1200 calorie allowance



  • ram0l
    ram0l Posts: 1
    1200 calories ? Are you all crazy? This is great video for all of you who think that 1200 calories diet will help lose fat :) Thanks to this video and all knowledge that Layne Norton gave me, i'm losing fat despite eating 3000 kcal every day !
  • palmscj
    I was interested in this post as I struggle too with 1200 calories and only going to the gym 3 times a week, and having to take it carefully due to health problems!
    Maybe I will reduce my goal to half a pound a week for a while, until I get more used to the plan!
  • piratebear1
    piratebear1 Posts: 88 Member
    I have a few bad days - namely 1 week a month :-) on the days i cant excercise to eat back some calories I tend to leave most calories to the end of the day for a filling meal.

    I do lots of walking so its easy to earn back some extra - even 10 mins walking on the spot at your desk will give you 30 calories - every little helps on 1200 !

    I weigh myself on Sundays to prevent me binging on the weekend - works well. then i manage my calories as an over all week - if i dont feel hungry i dont eat the calories back and save them for a bad day when i may go over a little but have a 'cushion' - works well for me - lost 34lb since October 20th with only 1 week when i gained week ( Chirstmas week gained 5lb and lost 6lb the week after :-) )
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    I did 1,000-1,200 for 17 months with good results. Initially, I visited my doctor every 30 days and he did blood labs about every 60-90 days. You can read more about what I did on my profile. I didn't have a problem with that caloric intake and felt good the whole time.

    Best wishes with whatever you decide to do.
  • Grumbers
    Grumbers Posts: 111 Member
    I struggle to believe that anyone who exercises reasonably regularly should be eating as low as 1200 calories a day.

    That's a very small amount of calories, even if you're a petite lady!
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    1200 might not be sustainable for you, particularly if you exercise. While I definitely lost weight on 1200, I also ended up with migraines, dizziness, fatigue and muscle spasms. Like others have said, I'd recommend that you find out your Basal Metabolic Rate and your TDEE. That would give you a better idea of how much of a deficit you'd need to lose weight safely.

    As for anyone worried about going over their sugar limit, unless you're eating an absurd amount of it or your health requires such restrictions, there's no need for concern. Going over won't hurt you, and I have seen it often stated in these forums that MFP's default sugar limit is rather low.
  • Emmiejayne90
    I agree with up there ^ ^

    If you are going over but eating the right foods dont worry to much! If you are hungry, eat! dont starve yourself to stay under the cals! I struggle to stay under and im 5"2, Most days I go over my sugar due to fruits but its better than going over beucase of chocolate and cakes!
  • karld70
    karld70 Posts: 46 Member
    Its interesting that many of you say you don't worry to much about the natural sugars in fruit. I used to do weight watchers ( lost 50lb, but its maintaining where I fall down ) and on the weight watchers plan mostveg and fruit are considered free to eat I.e. not counted in your food intake and it used to work too. So the question question is... Is fruit andveg worth counting/should you count it? Any thoughts?
  • meli_moo
    meli_moo Posts: 10 Member
    Helo :) I am doing something similar to the Keto diet and I consume 1100 calories a day. I only eat proteins, healthy fats and on workout days I will have some carbs. I sometimes struggle to consume all my calories as I find this way of eating really fills me up.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I'm 56, yo yo dieted all my life. My first 3 months on MFP, I religiously followed a 1200 or less diet until I decided I couldn't do it anymore. I researched a different way, upped my calories to 1700 and never looked back. It's been working pretty well. Good luck finding your number.

    I was so freaken Hangry (hungry and angry) on 1200 calories and kept binging. Decided to follow others suggestions of upping calories according to BMR I am now eating 1900 calories a day, feeling great and lost 10kgs until the holidays :)
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Its interesting that many of you say you don't worry to much about the natural sugars in fruit. I used to do weight watchers ( lost 50lb, but its maintaining where I fall down ) and on the weight watchers plan mostveg and fruit are considered free to eat I.e. not counted in your food intake and it used to work too. So the question question is... Is fruit andveg worth counting/should you count it? Any thoughts?

    Yes, anything with a caloric value needs to be accounted for. A single banana is 100+ calories, that can and will add up.

    Oh, and for everyone questioning 1200 calories, I suggest you read 

    if you're having trouble meeting that tiny goal, perhaps you need to find more nutrient and calorie dense foods. Drop the diet foods and focus on your macros and staying within your limits rather than cutting everything out for all carrot sticks and apples. These are fine and if you like them, go for it, but I just couldn't live on just that. I find nutrient dense things I enjoy and still get in my ice cream and pizza (sometimes, these things even help me to my goals). I'm 5'5" and eat a net of 1600 a day and lose about 1 lb a week. Hope this helps:flowerforyou:
  • Auntzeus
    I found while allowing myself 1500 cal I usually ate closer to 1200. Once I lowered it to 1200 it became an obsession thinking about what I could eat. Maybe try allowing for more and a slower weight loss. Also try to pick high fiber food, that taste great... Don't waste calories on empty, poor tasting things.. There are some really great recipes that are healthy, and filling .. Ie chicken barley chili, fajitas, marinated steak etc
  • SharkAl
    Change your diet to eat more lean protein. It keeps you fuller for longer, it might be easier that way!
  • SharkAl
    Change your diet to eat more lean protein. It keeps you fuller for longer, it might be easier that way!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I could possibly eat 1200 a day but thats giving up on foods I like and end up binging...So I upped my calories and eat everything I want now and have no more binging issues. I dont even do a cheat day I just watch my portions and if I know Im going to go over on my calories for the day either I make sure to work out that day or the day after
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I usually have between 1000-1200 calories just for my dinner.

    If I was restricting myself to 1200 daily, I'd be constantly hungry and depressed.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I couldn't do this either! I 've tried all sorts, TDEE, the lot! I now do 1800 K cals and go to the gym every other day. So I'm losing a bit, but more importantly, I feel more energised and resilient to face my day!!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,227 MFP Moderator
    Most people try to jump in and start with the "Lose 2lbs" a week program. Start at a lb or 1/2 a lb until your stomach shrinks, and you get use to the smaller portion sizes, then lower your calorie count. Determination isn't a bad thing, but don't make the boulder too big to push up the hill. Start with a smaller stone, then when you are use to pushing it, make the stone bigger. Don't set yourself up for failure. JMO

    This. Absolutely this. Plus, if you toss in some exercise, you get to eat more. :) It doesn't have to be anything vigorous - just go for a walk in the evening, or even get up from your desk a couple of times during the day and walk around the office. Start slow, and make small changes. Then when you're ready to push that boulder it won't be so tough. :)
  • YetiTime
    YetiTime Posts: 1 Member
    I am on a 1200 allowance too, however, I am trying to exercise every day, whether it be walking, gym or housework! Remember to include any activity you do and put down the info in the exercise section even if you have only burned 20 calories, it all adds up and allows you that wee snack just when you need it :)
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Its just not enough...particularly if you are doing strenuous exercise.................