Plank Challenge

Anyone interested in a plank challenge starting next Monday January 13??


  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    I had planned to do a 30 day challenge on my own and have missed a few days. Would love to join and be accountable to someone other than myself!!!
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    What are you thinking of doing? I'd like to have an idea before I commit myself lol x
  • Nailah1109
    Nailah1109 Posts: 13 Member
    would also like to know what you have in mind... need to work on my core so a Plank challenge will be awesome!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I will do it! I have seen some plank challenges around and HATE to do them, but if I am in a challenge I will be more likely to actually do them~
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Is it a 30 day plank challenge? Definitely more details, wouldnt mind joining this :)
  • msnevarez1
    I would love a plank challenge!!!*! Keep us informed!
  • jobean12
    jobean12 Posts: 99 Member
    I am on day 5 of the plank challenge and so far so good, I am a bit worried though, it jumps up pretty quickly but hey, if you feel it you know you are alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I'd love to!
  • CaraGowan
    CaraGowan Posts: 7 Member
    Bring it on!
  • KayRisTee
    KayRisTee Posts: 31 Member
    I started the plank challenge so i"m definitely in. I just have one question. How many sets/reps are you suppose to do a day?
    Do you just do one :20 second plank a day, and so on?
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    I'm currently able to hold a 2 minute plank. I was at 2.5 min a few years ago. I would love to get back to that in the next couple of weeks. I'm in.
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    Awesome :) The below is what I was thinking.

    For Beginners: (date, reps, time)

    jan 15 - 3 25 secs
    jan 16 - 3 25 secs
    jan 17 - 2 40 secs
    jan 18 - rest
    jan 19 - 2 45 secs
    jan 20 - 2 45 secs
    jan 21 - 3 35 secs
    jan 22 - 3 45 secs
    jan 23 - 4 35 secs
    jan 24 - rest
    jan 25 - 4 40 secs
    jan 26 - 4 40 secs
    jan 27 - 4 45 secs
    jan 28 - 5 30 secs
    jan 29 - 5 30 secs
    jan 30 - rest
    jan 31 - 5 35 secs
    feb 1 - 10 25 secs
    feb 2 - 5 45 secs
    feb 3 - 5 45 secs
    feb 4 - 5 75 secs
    feb 5 - rest
    feb 6 - 10 30 secs
    feb 7 - 5 75 secs
    feb 8 - 5 75 secs
    feb 9 - 10 40 secs

    For advanced:

    jan 13 - 5 30 secs
    jan 14 - 10 30 secs
    jan 15 - 7 45 secs
    jan 16 - 7 45 secs
    jan 17 - rest
    jan 18 - 7 60 secs
    jan 19 - 10 60 secs
    jan 20 - 10 30 secs
    jan 21 - 7 45 secs
    jan 22 - 5 75 secs
    jan 23 - rest
    jan 24 - 5 75 secs
    jan 25 - 10 60 secs
    jan 26 - 5 75 secs
    jan 27 - 15 30 secs
    jan 28 - 7 45 secs
    jan 29 - rest
    jan 30 - 5 75 secs
    jan 31 - 10 60 secs
    feb 1 - 7 45 secs
    feb 2 - 20 30 secs
    feb 3 - 10 45 secs
    feb 4 - 10 60 secs
    feb 5 - rest
    feb 6 - 5 45 secs
    feb 7 - 7 45 secs
    feb 8 - 20 45 secs
    feb 9 - 10 60 secs

    By the way, I also asked on FB and we have a challenge group page there so feel free to add me there (username vanessasds), but of course let's open one here too or just update this page? Not sure what most would prefer
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    I had planned to do a 30 day challenge on my own and have missed a few days. Would love to join and be accountable to someone other than myself!!!

    Great timing! I posted the schedule I put together!
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    What are you thinking of doing? I'd like to have an idea before I commit myself lol x

    Posted! :)
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    would also like to know what you have in mind... need to work on my core so a Plank challenge will be awesome!

    Can't wait to start. Hope you're on board!
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    I will do it! I have seen some plank challenges around and HATE to do them, but if I am in a challenge I will be more likely to actually do them~

    The group in FB is already quite large and great people I've done challenges with before. We can setup one here too, up to the group here or individually, just let me know!
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    Is it a 30 day plank challenge? Definitely more details, wouldnt mind joining this :)

    4 weeks challenge :) Let's do it!
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    I would love a plank challenge!!!*! Keep us informed!

    YAY .. posted the schedule .. Scroll up!
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    I am on day 5 of the plank challenge and so far so good, I am a bit worried though, it jumps up pretty quickly but hey, if you feel it you know you are alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am sure you will do great!! :) Keep up the good work and cheers to being alive!!
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    I'd love to!

    Awesome!! Posted the schedule. Let me know if you prefer a group here or if you want to join the existing one that will start the same day on FB. Either way, not required lol .. but feel free to add me there too!!