Unbelievably psyched

vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
Okay, I know that people are probably getting sick of me sharing stuff, but I just went shopping today. There are an absolute ton of sales on today at JC Penney's, so decided to go and check it out. I have been reducing in size so dramatically, clothing wise, I thought if they have Worthington dress pants in size 4 on sale (I am currently in a size 6 and they fit well), then I will get several pair - makes sense to me since I intend to continue to reduce my weight until I reach my goal which means smaller clothes. So, went and did find several pairs of size 4's - different styles etc. So bought them and got great deals on them. Worthingtons usually cost about $40.00 a pair and I was able to purchase each of them for $17.00 and then an additional 20% off at the register - just absolutely awesome in my opinion. So, I'm thinking I will put these in my closet and probably around Christmas time I will be able to wear them. Also bought some size 6 jeans, and a few really cute sweaters (mediums - woohoo!!!). So, came home and decided to "just see" how small the 4's are - gives me an idea of my goal - right? I know I am not the only one who tries on smaller clothes just to see how far I have to go. Well, all but 2 pair of the 4's fit. 2 of them fit a little snug and I probably won't wear them, but the other 2 fit really well - and look great on me. I am still in shock at this - I just don't see myself as being that small - especially when the body fat calculators indicate my body fat is still at 32% (well, I haven't checked it since my weigh in this morning, but 1 pound won't have brought it down that much).

So, the message for everyone is JUST KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You will reach your goals. If you start to lose sight and start to falter on your determination - Just try to think of how absolutely awesome you will look in those smaller sizes. YOU CAN DO THIS - REALLY YOU CAN!!!!

If I can go from 200 lbs (or very close to 200) to 149.4 lbs in 5 months and from a size 16 to a size 4 - SO CAN YOU!!!!



  • lizzieann2010
    Great job!!!! and thank you for the encouragement!!! :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    That's amazing! Good for you.

    I know when I was at my smallest, I thought, "Wow, I can't remember ever being in 8s!" It's weird how we don't see ourselves as we really are.
  • mmarlow1207
    Your story has inspired me and I was just wondering how you have done it? I have been trying to change my lifestyle for a few months now and have been taking it seriously. We haven't been eating out, I've been exercising, when I cook I use natural and whole wheat foods. I have not had a sip of soda in almost a month and I haven't lost any weight? I know this isn't all about weight loss, but it seems like I'm doing something wrong. I watch my intake and watch for sodium, saturated fat as well as calories and its not making any sense to me. Do you have any tips on how you have accomplished this? Do you work out every day or a few times a week? Sorry for all the questions, but you have accomplished something so awesome and I need some tips :)

    Thanks in advance!
  • flynabster
    Wow!!!! It does feel soooo good to see the sizes drop!!!!
    Congrats to you!!!

    I think I might pull my size 8's out and hand them in plain view.....not sure I'll get that size again, but it's definitely a motivator :)
  • troyindallas
    troyindallas Posts: 18 Member
    Go ahean and brag all you want...YOU EARNED IT!! Congrats.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Wow!!!! It does feel soooo good to see the sizes drop!!!!
    Congrats to you!!!

    I think I might pull my size 8's out and hand them in plain view.....not sure I'll get that size again, but it's definitely a motivator :)

    Do it - get them out, try them on (just pull them up as far as you can), then put them where you can see them every day. And when you have those days that you think - "UGHH!!!! I am NOT losing weight - I may as well just give up." Then remember that you have them hanging there and they want you to be their friend once again. REALLY - we all experience those days/weeks/months. JUST HANG IN THERE!!! YOU CAN DO THIS.

  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Your story has inspired me and I was just wondering how you have done it? I have been trying to change my lifestyle for a few months now and have been taking it seriously. We haven't been eating out, I've been exercising, when I cook I use natural and whole wheat foods. I have not had a sip of soda in almost a month and I haven't lost any weight? I know this isn't all about weight loss, but it seems like I'm doing something wrong. I watch my intake and watch for sodium, saturated fat as well as calories and its not making any sense to me. Do you have any tips on how you have accomplished this? Do you work out every day or a few times a week? Sorry for all the questions, but you have accomplished something so awesome and I need some tips :)

    Thanks in advance!

    Melissa, I sent you a private message.

  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    That's amazing! Good for you.

    I know when I was at my smallest, I thought, "Wow, I can't remember ever being in 8s!" It's weird how we don't see ourselves as we really are.

    I really think that there is a mental/emotional process that has to be accomplished with weight loss - and I think it is slower than the physical process. I know that I have a couple of dresses that I wore in 2002. I remember what I looked like at that time, and I think that when I am able to comfortably wear those dresses again, I will be able to recognize how much I've accomplished. I can already get them on and get them zipped, but they aren't "comfortable" yet - but they are getting close to being comfortable. So, I think it is a mental process that just has to be accomplished along with the physical one.

  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    You are at a size 4 -- Wow! You have done great!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    What ARE you doing woman?!?!?!?!
    That's amazing!!! I am 149 and in a size 10!!!
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    TOTALLY AWESOME VICKIE!!!! Shopping for clothes is so much fun when you can find things that fit and look good! Way To Go Girl!!!!
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    What ARE you doing woman?!?!?!?!
    That's amazing!!! I am 149 and in a size 10!!!

    Jess, it is likely a difference in our body frames and muscle mass - You are a LOT younger than I am, so your muscle mass is likely much higher than mine, which means you have more lean muscle which is denser, so you wear a larger size. Additionally, I wear dress pants - Worthingtons, and East 5th St (JC Penneys brands) which run a little larger in size than most jeans - which is probably what you wear most of the time. The jeans I wear are 8's comfortably, 9's jr.s less comfortably, and 6's if they are stretchier types of denim. So, the different clothing styles/fabrics have a lot to do with it. I guess the truth is really in the measurements - so my hips are now 39.5 and my waist is 29.5 (as of today).

    So, Jess, I think you are doing awesome and you are looking good yourself. Keep up the hard work and don't dance too vigorously while you are out partying tonight (you don't want to hurt your leg more).

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