Starting Over

This year has already set itself to be challenging for mental health reasons. I have struggled with weight since I was a small child. I have had a lot of weight gain from various medications and am on medication that makes it difficult to lose weight. I am hoping this is the year that things finally turn on the fat burning mechanisms. If not, I can keep up spirits in the fact that because I have been mostly active the last few years of my life my numbers are good. Blood pressure is normal, A1C (test that measure blood sugar over a period of time) is solidly normal, HDL is rockin', LDL is good, etc. My weak spot physically is my lungs. They have improved over the last couple of years to 76% lung function. I'm hoping by the end of the year I'll be at 80% lung function.

My goals are one of health. Losing weight would be great, my docs would be tickled pink. But if it doesn't happen I am determined to not let it result in another flare up of my eating disorder. I do have to be cautious with exercise and the like as I don't trust myself to not go off the deep end with them. I am aiming to learn moderation in all things to live a happier and healthier life.


  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I have a binge eating disorder, but I'm taking everything one day at a time and one choice at a time. I've sent you a friend request :)
  • mykneestretches
    Learning to refrain... Regular exercise and love your body.. :D