VB6 Vegan Before Six book

Is anyone out there using Mark Bittman's book Vegan before 6? I've been following the eating suggestions in his book & am finding it's really working for me.


  • rachelrkane
    rachelrkane Posts: 13 Member
    I was just looking to see if anyone has posted on this as well- just staring myself. Day 3 going strong. I have been working the past two weeks to heading this way, and easing myself in. Glad to hear it is working for you! Want to swap recipes and keep in contact as we go? Are you counting calories, or letting it slide as Bittman recommends?
  • Calypte
    Calypte Posts: 5 Member
    Me too, and the hubby! We've been going for a couple of weeks. A few mornings we have wanted/needed an egg instead of our usual nut butter or hummus on whole wheat bread. It was also tricky when we had a couple days of business travel but we focused on eating healthy. My husband says he isn't thinking of it as vegan, he's thinking of it as the "eat lots of veggies" diet. :)
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    My copy of the book *just* arrived... like literally I just heard the Amazon delivery guy put stuff outside our door.

    I really like how Bittman's "food rules" have changed how I think about nutrition.

    Excited to read this book.
  • daniellee725
    daniellee725 Posts: 24 Member
    I have not read that book, but if you would like some supplemental material to keep you motivated, you should watch the documentary "Forks Over Knives". It's some great research in favor of the whole foods, plant based (vegan) diet. I was vegan for 2 years in hopes to lose weight, and I recently add egg whites for the protein that I found myself needing, but it is a lifestyle that I think is absolutely phenomenal. I'm sure you guys will love it.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I have not read that book, but if you would like some supplemental material to keep you motivated, you should watch the documentary "Forks Over Knives". It's some great research in favor of the whole foods, plant based (vegan) diet. I was vegan for 2 years in hopes to lose weight, and I recently add egg whites for the protein that I found myself needing, but it is a lifestyle that I think is absolutely phenomenal. I'm sure you guys will love it.

    That documentary was one of the reasons I went vegan, but I think what finally spurred my delinquent conscience was the fictionalized Fast Food Nation. Now if I could only help get the underpaid, exploited people picking my fruits and veggies squared away, I might feel halfway decent about my dining choices.

    I applaud the part-time vegan movement. If you can't go whole hog (pardon the atrocious pun) you can still do something, should you feel ethically bound to do so.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Forks Over Knives was a HUGE motivator for me to really clean up my eating. Because I mostly prepare my food ahead for the week, I try to snag a recipe from them at least two or three times per month.

    I was vegan in college and after for several years. I've been mostly flexitarian since then. I also call myself an "opportunivore" which means I'll eat whatever is available. I just try to make the best nutritional choice in the moment of what's available.

    I also took a college level nutrition course on line last summer. That really helped me cement that a lot of the changes I have made in how I eat are good choices. Whole grains, short ingredient lists of pronounceable things, etc.

    I also really like Mark Bittman's food rules. The very condensed version is: Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.

    ETA: Meerata, I adore your atrocious pun. :D