Mrs. Fatty McFatty Pants

Hello all! I won't go into a long drawn out story (just yet). You guys that want to will get to know me. I'm 36 years old and have always been overweight. In the past few years life has really taken a toll and I am now the heaviest I have ever been. (After I lose the weight, I will tell you all just how big I am(was). I've tried so many different diets and exercises and seem to give up when I don't get the results I anticipate.
I've never counted calories before so at the suggestion of a friend I decided to give it a try. I like that calorie counting makes me accountable for me. I have to be responsible for everything I put into my mouth. I can treat this like a game where I can earn points by doing exercise. I'm so glad a coworker told me about this site because I was all prepared to handwrite every thing I ate...boy that would have gotten old REALLY quick! :laugh:
I need to be motivated constantly and I need to have to "answer to" someone so I'm looking for you guys to be a great support group for me. My goal is to lose more than 100 pounds. I had a doctor tell me that it can't be done without bariatric surgery....I want to prove him wrong! :glasses:
I look forward to interacting with you, learning from you, sharing with you, crying with you and all around kicking *kitten* at this thing called weight loss!!:explode:


  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    sounds like you have your head in the game!! There are SEVERAL people on this website who have lost more than 100 pounds. Congrats to you for taking the first step!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Welcome! You can do this! I think you will love this site, it has changed so many lives, simply amazing!

    I'm glad you are choosing to change your health, that Doc is gonna have to eat his words because we have LOTS of members who have lost more than 100.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Welcome!!!! Good luck to you, everyone here is fantastic!!!
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    Welcome! You've come to the right place! This site is great and there are so many people on here willing to motivate and give support. You can do this! We all can, we're all here for each other. I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to friend me if you would like :smile:
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Welcome! Make your doctor eat his got this!!
  • ana70
    ana70 Posts: 93
    One MFP member lost 186 pounds and will be on the today show monday. Check her out, she posted a topic about this. You can lose the weight, I am sure. A healthier you is what you deserve!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I'm with Tanee- You'll be asking the doc to remove his foot so he can eat a peice of humble pie!! I'm on my way to 100lbs too! You don't need surgery just motivation (here), desire & dedication!! You got this and we're all here for you! Friend request comin' your way! :drinker:
  • driscollmc
    Welcome!!! I'll add you, we can support each other the whole way :) just remember that every person is here for the same reason and we'll miss you (and get notifications haha) if you don't log in for a few days. Good luck love!!
  • ciy9091
    I know where you are coming from, I have been big all my life, but at the moment I am the biggest I have ever been, lost 6 stone about 30 years ago which got me down to a normal size this time if I lose 6 stone will still be obese, to get to a proper weight I need to lose 13 stone. but am aiming at 10 at this time that is 140 pounds we can try to get there together.
    Have been doing it for a week and wish you every success
  • rokikio
    Welcome to MFP!

    I am sure you will find this site to be very helpful and easy to use. Not only that, but there are so many wonderful people using this site that help you stay positive, motivated, and inspired. Best of luck!
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    You can do it!!! I've lost 49# from my highest so far. It took me 3+ years to lose the first 28...I was working out 8-10 hours a week but not watching my food. Since joining MFP, keeping track of my food and exercise and receiving the amazing support, I've lost 21# in 3 1/2 months!!

    Keep reaching out. There are some amazing and inspiring people on this site. You'll succeed!
  • MandiPandi757
    MandiPandi757 Posts: 28 Member
    Yeah, I've tried writing everything down in a food journal by hand and it did get pretty old after awhile.....Until I heard about MFP from watching Good Morning America. Sounds like you've got a good solid head on your shoulders and are ready to work. It's hard work and that's no lie. Good Luck! I wish I could be a fly on the wall when you enter that drs. office and show him that with hard work and can do anything that you set your mind to. Cheers!! To you for making a healthy start.
  • lesandrara
    I am pulling for you! I am 37 and I myself have also been overweight all my life. I did have bariatric surgery this past June and have loss over 100 lbs. I also exhausted many diets but was unable to realize positive weight loss. I however believe it is possible without surgery and I wish you all success!.
  • Chickabittie
    Welcome! This is a wonderful place to track your calories, and your exercise when you get to that. You can do it! YOU are in control! We are here to encourage you. :flowerforyou:
  • Lulu2929
    Glad you're here. counting calories and being accountable to yourself is what has helped me too.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    You can do it! It is like a game. You can exercise and gain more calories. You can pick foods that will give you more available foods you are able to eat People post things they ate and you can pick up tricks and what was good or bad to help you keep in your "points" goal. Someone mentioned it's like a game with money. You get a certain amount of money to spend each day (calorie goal) and you spend those dollars. You want to find what you can eat to spend your dollars wisely and get more for your money. I liked that a lot. It helps me!

    Welcome! Keep at it! Any progress is progress! You are here, and that's progress!
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    You guys are truly awesome!! Already I have several friend request and all you giving me motivation. I feel like I want to go exercise....well, not really! :tongue: I would LOVE to be able to go back to that doctor and tell him I did it without spending thousands of dollars on surgery!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    you can do it. you just have to stick to it. i'm doing it and if i'm ding it anyone can do it.
  • jenn_18
    I am friend requesting you! I also have more than 100 pounds to lose! We CAN do this!!! :)
  • penguinfan03
    penguinfan03 Posts: 32 Member
    I'll tell you from experience - there is nothing like being told by a doctor one year that you need to lose weight, and going back the next year having lost 10, 20, 30, however many pounds. The look on his face will be ABSOLUTELY priceless. I got the impression from my doctor that he didn't think I could do it.... now granted, I've gained some of it back recently, but boy was he shocked to see me 30 pounds lighter.

    Maybe we should all find pictures of our doctors and hang them in front of our treadmills/bikes/elipticals and yell at them while we work out. HA!

    Congratulations and good luck!!!