Xmas 20lb Challenge P2!!!

cataclysm Posts: 109
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys,

Welcome to the new thread for the challenge. This has been set up as we have reached the total number of posts allowed for a thread (500).




  • Found it!

    Weigh in for me on Sunday morning.

    Wish me luck. XXX
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    oooo is it to late to join? I would like to lose 20lbs before Christmas!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Bump. I thought it automatically started a new thread and would link the new to the old.
  • Harper1984
    Harper1984 Posts: 26 Member
    oooo is it to late to join? I would like to lose 20lbs before Christmas!!

    I was going to ask the same thing!
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    I'd like to join too!
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    Bumping for weigh in on Monday!
  • Count me in for down 0.8 pounds this week. So glad to be on the right side of the scale this week. Last week I gained. So total loss for the challenge 6 pounds. YAY me! Looking forward to some good numbers from everyone else!
  • found it..I am so enjoying the support of this challenge weigh in in the morning...great week to all of you
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Right. Bought the christmas dress! Its very form fitting so I can't be carrying any extra weight by christmas or it will look ridiculous and will not be getting an outing. Its so beautiful and is going to act as serious motivation for the next couple of weeks. Just finished a tough session in the gym. Am whacked and usually I would gorge myself on chocolate but am resisting the temptation. Just had tea and a low fat museli bar instead. No more snacking till dinner.

    Stay strong everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi all!

    Im not sure if it automatically creates a new thread..? It doesnt seem like it has...

    Welcome to all the newbies on the challenge! Its never to late to shed some lbs. I hope you find the thread a useful tool! It is definitely helping to motivate me!

    Just post your total lbs lost each weekend, or post them to me directly if we are friends ( anytime before Monday) and I create a list of success and post monday evening GMT.

    I weigh in tomorrow, and I am not feeling hopefull! A last chance workout is on the cards for me today! What a way to spend saturday?! BOO!

    Keep those losses coming!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • RodgerBuckley
    RodgerBuckley Posts: 48 Member
    A last chance workout is on the cards for me today! What a way to spend saturday?! BOO!

    You LOVE IT, and you know it :wink:

    I'm still participating, but I can't really weigh myself properly until I get home in two weeks, otherwise the figures may be distorted as I'd be using analogue scales which are in Kilos, then I'd have to do the conversion etc etc etc - you get the picture I'm sure :bigsmile:

    I'll post you my losses (he says confidently!!!!) in two weeks, then again the week after that before I go to Hungary, then again the day I get back which is also the day before I go to California, so I'll just make the last weigh in before Christmas - doubt it will be 20lbs, but I'll be trying!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    yay found the new thread!

    fas my wi was yesterday i've just done my first workout for this week did 50 mins this time when i normally only do 30 and i'm going to make sure i do one tomorrow night for sure!

    I'm getting closer to my goal weight so i'm burnng less calories than i usually would - i looked into joining the gym but for now i think i will just have to get up early and workout then as well as in the evening!
  • Down 2 lbs this week for a total of 3 lbs. since starting the Xmas challenge.
  • I'm down 2.8 lbs this week I am feeling awesome, I haven't been great but I keep trucking forward. This week is I have been exhausted and in pain from a bad back and on the worst times I ate too much at times but I tried to work out more and get back on track. Every day is a challenge
  • I'm down 2.8 lbs this week I am feeling awesome, I haven't been great but I keep trucking forward. This week is I have been exhausted and in pain from a bad back and on the worst times I ate too much at times but I tried to work out more and get back on track. Every day is a challenge
  • I'm down 2.8 lbs this week I am feeling awesome, I haven't been great but I keep trucking forward. This week is I have been exhausted and in pain from a bad back and on the worst times I ate too much at times but I tried to work out more and get back on track. Every day is a challenge
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Drank a bucketful of wine last night and of course indulged in late night snacks. started off today with a cheeseburger meal from Macdonalds. Blew myself right out of the water there!!! Will just have to start again i suppose. Will blitz the exercise this week and hope I dont pay for my overindulgence. Hope you are all doing better out there.
  • Lisa_reds
    Lisa_reds Posts: 19 Member
    I can't thank you all enough. It is because of you I have been so successful. (I know it doesn't seem like a lot to those that have lost a tremendous amount of weight, but this is a TON for me. lol)

    SW: 146

    10/25/10 - 143 - DOWN 3 POUNDS
    10/31/10 - 141 - DOWN 2 POUNDS
    11/7/10 - 140 - DOWN 1 POUND
    11/14/10 - 138 - DOWN 2 POUNDS


    Goal Weight:: 133
  • Down 1lb this week. 7lbs so far in the challenge.
  • I can't thank you all enough. It is because of you I have been so successful. (I know it doesn't seem like a lot to those that have lost a tremendous amount of weight, but this is a TON for me. lol)

    SW: 146

    10/25/10 - 143 - DOWN 3 POUNDS
    10/31/10 - 141 - DOWN 2 POUNDS
    11/7/10 - 140 - DOWN 1 POUND
    11/14/10 - 138 - DOWN 2 POUNDS


    Goal Weight:: 133

    Thats amazing! Thank YOU for taking me up on the challenge! I'm sure the other challengers are motivated by your comment! We are all in this together...Keep going! :)
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