Jillian Michaesls 30ds

I am going to try it see if I get any results. Has anyone tried it before? I hate DVD workouts but being only 27min can't be that bad. :laugh: I will update my results every 10 days:smile: excuse typo


  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I've done it twice over the years, it's great for toning up.
    And although I felt like Jillian Michaels was personally trying to kill me on day one of each level, by the end of the week it was all much easier.

    I'm trying killer buns and thighs now, sure I'll feel the same with that.
  • Kuly85
    Kuly85 Posts: 38 Member
    I've done it twice over the years, it's great for toning up.
    And although I felt like Jillian Michaels was personally trying to kill me on day one of each level, by the end of the week it was all much easier.

    I'm trying killer buns and thighs now, sure I'll feel the same with that.
    oh how I cannot wait to try I can just imagine.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    It's so quick though.
    Let me know how you get on?
  • Kuly85
    Kuly85 Posts: 38 Member
    It's so quick though.
    Let me know how you get on?
    ok. I'm usually on here through my kindle. I have a question how do you document shred workout on mpg?
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I wasn't using mfp at the time...but from other posts,I think its logged as circuit training...might be worth doing a search to check.
  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    I've done it once and it's tough, but worth it. People I know that are fit still struggled at first. It's pretty intense which is why I think it's successful if you stick with it. I'm going to try it again as it's been many years since I've done it last.

    As for logging it on MFP, it is under circuit training. Basically that's what it is.

    Good luck! I think you'll enjoy it once you catch your breath:smile:
  • boobear7
    boobear7 Posts: 18 Member
    I have done it twice....amazing results for me....I would recommend it. The first time I did it for 30 days straight not rest days, the second time I did it 5 days a week and rested on Saturday and Sunday. It worked well for me both times but I felt better the 2nd time I did it. The rest days helped a lot.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I've done it twice over the years, it's great for toning up.
    And although I felt like Jillian Michaels was personally trying to kill me on day one of each level, by the end of the week it was all much easier.

    I'm trying killer buns and thighs now, sure I'll feel the same with that.

    Oddly enough, last week when I did the first day of Level 2 I posted on Facebook: "I'm pretty sure Jillian Michaels wants me dead."
  • im doing that currently today is day 4 and im LOVING it. i document is as circuit training, general or something
  • carrysa
    carrysa Posts: 119 Member
    I'm doing it as well. I'm doing level two and man is that a killer. It is tough I am not going to sugarcoat it but at the end of it you feel amazing and like you really accomplished something. trust me i curse at jillian michaels while im doing it lol. im like yes jillian you are a crazy B****. lol but i promise you if you stick with it and eat healthy NOT just low calories but actually healthy food you will get results!!!...just stick with it!
  • SherryIsRunner5
    SherryIsRunner5 Posts: 74 Member
    I have tried it, but didn't stay with it. Going to try it again, starting after work!
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    I am doing it with a group of friends on FB/MFP. it is TOUGH. and I imagine the more weight you have the harder it is. Sometimes I have to modfy the moves (i have over 100 lbs to lose), or if i just CANT do exactly what shes doing, i do SOMETHING...so that I am always moving. i know plenty of people who also take rest days..i.e do day 1..are so sore they skip a day then do day 2 , etc. you gotta make it work for you..I think just starting it and finishing it is such a feat in itself. its a pretty good quick workout though! :)

    get some 5-8lb dumbells. youll need em!

    edit: I started last wed. Weighed myself friday for the first time then weighed myself today. Ive lost 4 lbs. i need to measure though lol
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    That is going to be the longest 27 minutes of your life. Fact. You will hate her but after a few workouts you will see little improvements and it makes it actually kind of addictive. I have never done her 30DS programme in the actual 30 days but I use her workouts a couple of times a week and I can't believe what a big difference they have had on my fitness. If you really want a challenge after this try her 45 minutes banish fat boost metabolism workout. It's on youtube and I mean....it's about as close to death as you can come without actually dying!
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I haven't tried Jillian's "30 Day Shred", but I have been doing her "Ripped in 30" for 8 months. It's done me good thus far!
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    I completed it not too long ago. I got results, although I lost no weight because I added muscle mass (Which I had very little of before). I was happy with the results. It wasn't too awful bad either.
    I also did Ripped in 30 (Jillian) and It was my favorite. much more intense and better results.
  • Kuly85
    Kuly85 Posts: 38 Member
    I have done it twice....amazing results for me....I would recommend it. The first time I did it for 30 days straight not rest days, the second time I did it 5 days a week and rested on Saturday and Sunday. It worked well for me both times but I felt better the 2nd time I did it. The rest days helped a lot.
    thanks =)
  • Kuly85
    Kuly85 Posts: 38 Member
    I completed it not too long ago. I got results, although I lost no weight because I added muscle mass (Which I had very little of before). I was happy with the results. It wasn't too awful bad either.
    I also did Ripped in 30 (Jillian) and It was my favorite. much more intense and better results.
  • Kuly85
    Kuly85 Posts: 38 Member
    That is going to be the longest 27 minutes of your life. Fact. You will hate her but after a few workouts you will see little improvements and it makes it actually kind of addictive. I have never done her 30DS programme in the actual 30 days but I use her workouts a couple of times a week and I can't believe what a big difference they have had on my fitness. If you really want a challenge after this try her 45 minutes banish fat boost metabolism workout. It's on youtube and I mean....it's about as close to death as you can come without actually dying!
    I have that DVD too awesome. I did level one today and it's heart pumping I can't believe how out of shape I am ugh mad I lost myself over the years. I couldn't do push ups so I do them against a wall. I need to practice my push ups I suck at that.
  • Kuly85
    Kuly85 Posts: 38 Member
    I haven't tried Jillian's "30 Day Shred", but I have been doing her "Ripped in 30" for 8 months. It's done me good thus far!
    I should try ripped after 30ds I get on the treadmill too but I want to mix it up more now. I work at a hospital 12/16 hour shifts so home workouts all I can do.
  • Kuly85
    Kuly85 Posts: 38 Member
    I am doing it with a group of friends on FB/MFP. it is TOUGH. and I imagine the more weight you have the harder it is. Sometimes I have to modfy the moves (i have over 100 lbs to lose), or if i just CANT do exactly what shes doing, i do SOMETHING...so that I am always moving. i know plenty of people who also take rest days..i.e do day 1..are so sore they skip a day then do day 2 , etc. you gotta make it work for you..I think just starting it and finishing it is such a feat in itself. its a pretty good quick workout though! :)

    get some 5-8lb dumbells. youll need em!

    edit: I started last wed. Weighed myself friday for the first time then weighed myself today. Ive lost 4 lbs. i need to measure though lol
    that's great hope to see your results when completed
  • tigerjane81
    tigerjane81 Posts: 39 Member
    It's a great video. Not too long, easy to follow, the exercises are easily adaptable if need be. But don't let people scare you - it's not super hard. If you've been working out already, this won't be a huge challenge. I did 30ds as my first exercise after having my son. That combined with swimming and walking helped me drop about 40lbs in 5 months. It's good for getting your heart rate up and burning some cals without having to leave your house :) Good luck, hope you have fun with it!
  • Kuly85
    Kuly85 Posts: 38 Member
    It's a great video. Not too long, easy to follow, the exercises are easily adaptable if need be. But don't let people scare you - it's not super hard. If you've been working out already, this won't be a huge challenge. I did 30ds as my first exercise after having my son. That combined with swimming and walking helped me drop about 40lbs in 5 months. It's good for getting your heart rate up and burning some cals without having to leave your house :) Good luck, hope you have fun with it!
    thanks and congrats on your weightloss
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    I love all JM workouts!!!!
  • Today was day 1 of the 30 DS for me. Like many of you, I'm not going to sugar coat it either. It kicked my butt! I am 56 years old and way out of shape. I think the hardest thing for me was getting up and down off of the floor in time to start the next exercise and my bladder and jumping jacks do not get along yet. Maybe it was because it was hard, maybe it was because until now I didn't realize what kind of condition I was truly in but I had to fight back the tears a couple of times. I wanted to bail out but she kept reminding me that in order to see the results I have to stick with it, so I did. This is very emotional for me.......I need this!

    BTW I took before pictures :)
  • GardenOfSongs
    GardenOfSongs Posts: 37 Member
    I've done ~20 days so far since the end of November amongst other things... was very sore for the first week but then my body got used to doing exercise :tongue: It's definitely worth the pain, I've lost much more than I thought I would
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'm on day two of level 3. I'm still getting used to all of the exercises in plank position and I find the jump lunges and jump squats pretty intense. But I was already able to do more of the higher level exercises today, than yesterday. So I hope to get better everyday. Level three combines strength moves with simultaneous cardio. That makes it a bit intense....
  • Im currently doin this day 5 of level 1 and i was super tough to start off ith but she is so motivational constantly reminding you that if you don't work HARD you wont get the result your truly want. i have to admit her and her girls behind her are machines. i like that she has one girl for beginners and an other more advanced.
    Good luck everyone else trying it :). Also her level 1 is on youtube
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I'm on day 8. The more I do it, the shorter it seems. I don't know what my results will really look like yet, but I lost 2.6 pounds the first week of doing it.
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I'm thinking about starting this tomorrow - I watched level one on youtube and it looks full on, for me anyway. But I've seen some pretty awesome results from people on here and if they can do it, then so can I! Off to get some weights today so I can get going
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    I've done it for the 30 straight days twice.. I felt toned up when I was done. I didn't find it that difficult... so I skipped over level one. I alternate between level 2 and 3. I keep my ipod on when I do it because I know the routine... get sick of hearing the same comments. lol You can list it as circuit training... I wear my heart rate monitor when I do it... not a big calorie burn but it definitely helps tone you up. Push ups and plank moves... really help tone your arms. Very quick workout... no excuse not to do it! Good Luck! :smile: