
I started doing Zumba today at my daughter's school and loved it. Unfortunately it's only offered once a week. Are there any good Zumba dvd's out there? Any you recommend?



  • jessicagilb
    jessicagilb Posts: 69 Member
    I do zumba via youtube. tons of free videos.
  • shadowrealms
    I bought the entire DVD set for relatively chip via amazon. Great DVDs (still cannot make it through Cardio Party). I hate running and it kills me to do it, and Zumba works me out EVEN MORE than that. But I still have fun doing Zumba. I suggest buying the DVDs!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm not sure if this counts but jessica smith does a zumba walking workout free on youtube, I really like that one :)
  • Squdge
    Squdge Posts: 4 Member
    Do you have a Nintendo Wii? There are some great Zumba games on there
  • FoogooFish
    FoogooFish Posts: 54 Member
    I bought the DVD set that comes with the shakers off Amazon, and while I enjoyed it, I personally had two main problems:

    1) if I'm by myself, I don't work as hard as I do when I'm in a group. Being in a group brings out my competitiveness, so I push myself to keep up with "that girl" (and there's one in every class) who makes Zumba look effortless.

    2) trying to do Zumba on carpet does not work well and really mucked up my knees and ankles. I read the reviews on the Zumba shoe gliders, which are basically satiny fabric with elastics that are supposed to slide over shoes, and most of them weren't good. I opted not to spend additional money on something that might fall apart after two or three uses and not give me the results I wanted. If you have hardwood or another non-carpet floor where you'll be working out, then this problem likely doesn't apply - just be mindful of scuffing your hardwood floors if they're really nice. ;-)

    All-in-all, as much as I love Zumba, I decided to embrace some of the other classes at my Sportsplex when Zumba was limited to one day a week. I'm now trying Body Pump and yoga, and I plan to work my way up to Body Combat, Bootcamp, and Barre.
  • ellenmg
    ellenmg Posts: 26 Member
    Zumba for the Wii is pretty good. You wear like a fanny pack type belt with the remote in it, so it tracks your movements sort of.
    I used to go to a Zumba class once a week and that felt like enough for me, but on the weekends I would sometimes do the Wii Zumba too.
    Zumba is so much fun and a great workout - I need to get to that class again!