Anyone else going Clean and Lean?



  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    At the moment I eat two boiled eggs for breakfast everyday, as its nice and easy. Can I still do this when doing the Detox Phase or the diet in general?
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    At the moment I eat two boiled eggs for breakfast everyday, as its nice and easy. Can I still do this when doing the Detox Phase or the diet in general?

    Hey! Yes you definitely can :-) Eggs are one of the best breakfast to have! I received the cookbook yesterday - lots of yummy meals to try and the boyfriend even likes the look of loads of them so that will keep him happy! This evening I'll be doing the meal plans for next week.
    My target is to lose 2.5 stone this year - lost 2 stone last year so it's been alot easier breaking it all down and doing it gradually - want to enjoy life at the same time AND keep the weight off!
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    I was wondering how often can you eat carbs?

    If I wanted to, could I eat for example Rye Bread in the morning, Quinoa for lunch and Sweet Potato for dinner?

    I've messaged the Lean & Clean guys on Facebook, but not had a response yet.

    I have also just ordered myself a heart rate monitor / calorie counter watch, so that I know exactly how many calories I am burning when exercising. So hopefully this will encourage me to keep going and finally reach my goals.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    if you want a plan that works but allows real food and fruit 4 servings a day.. check out eat to live. its more plant based, but i have seafood or fish and i have went since march 220 pounds to 165.. i make all my own foods. i look up recipes and just modify them.

    its a lifestyle not a diet.. ill look up clean and lean..

    i have a group for motivation if you want to join
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    I was wondering how often can you eat carbs?

    If I wanted to, could I eat for example Rye Bread in the morning, Quinoa for lunch and Sweet Potato for dinner?

    I've messaged the Lean & Clean guys on Facebook, but not had a response yet.

    I have also just ordered myself a heart rate monitor / calorie counter watch, so that I know exactly how many calories I am burning when exercising. So hopefully this will encourage me to keep going and finally reach my goals.

    Yes, carbs are fine lovely. It's all about just eating the most unprocessed ones - veg, rice, etc. I have carbs at breakfast and dinner and no longer bloated, etc. Think it's because I've cut out the processed carbs.

    So far lost 5-6lbs since 1st - so chuffed and got loads more energy. Loving the food as well - not craving sugar or rubbish food like before! X
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    That's good news for me then :)
    I usually don't eat carbs in the morning, but I'm hungry if I don't get any at lunch and dinner.
    For example today I will have 50g of cooked Quinoa with my Chicken Salad and probably something like a Sweet Potato with Chicken and Veg for dinner.
    My cravings aren't too bad, but it can get difficult when your other half can eat whatever he likes....and does it in front of you. :(
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Ahh yeah that is super tough. Luckily, the boy is doing it with me so he can't do that. I'd have no willpower without him :-) your lunch and dinne resounds super clean :-) well done lovely! X
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    At the moment I am really enjoying it !
    What sort of snacks do you eat?
    I usually eat some raw carrots and some natural yoghurt with a handful of fruit.
    Require some fresh ideas before I get bored. :)
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    In the morning my snack is a handful of nuts and in the afternoon a handful of mixed berries - I find the nuts keep me full for ages and the berries are a sweet kick in the afternoon. In the book they mention about oatcakes with avocado or hummus so I might try those if I get bored of my nuts :-)
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    This plan sounds right up my ally! Thanks for the book suggestion :flowerforyou:

    My current plan sounds similar. I do 30 minute dinners (must be quick, easy, and healthy) that usually follow this formula:

    1 protein (baked chicken breast, pan-seared buffalo steak, grilled salmon, etc.)
    1-2 veggies (steamed broccoli and carrots, baked sweet potato, grilled veggie skewers, roasted asparagus)
    1 whole grain (quinoa, barley, brown rice, sometimes I count potatoes as grains)
    some salad (we just make ourselves eat it- spinach, mixed greens, romaine, whatever greens are around)

    I keep plenty of simple ingredients and sauces around for quick flavors (BBQ sauce, salad dressing, green onions, garlic, lemons, avocado, lime, fully stocked spice rack). They yield dishes like lemon-pepper fish, garlic chicken, barbecue steak, balsamic asparagus, quinoa-green onion salad, and the like. Hope this is helpful for your dinners and again sounds like a good book- thanks!
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for those tips RoseGoldDinos!

    I stumbled across the clean Eating Magazine website and tried their chicken satay recipe last night - tweaked it slightly (which veg I included, etc) and it was really tasty plus the boyfriend loved it so I'm going to try a few more of their recipes :-)

    Hope everyone has a great Clean and Lean weekend!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I've been eating clean since the first of the year. I bought a belt to measure - it just fit me when I bought it - first hole. I'm on the third hole now. I don't snack and I don't feel hungry. In fact last night I felt full, like I over ate. I had peanut butter & jelly on whole grain bread for breakfast. Black bean & corn salad with mashed avacodo/lime juice for a dressing. Steak, steamed broccoli & carrots with a salad for dinner. Today same breakfast, for lunch homemade vegetable soup with chicken. Dinner will be stir fried (in sesame oil) shrimp on field greens with a pear.

    I don't understand why your diet won't let you eat fruit. Non processed & grows on a tree. How is that not clean?

    I don't have a book, just started eating unprocessed food.
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Well done !
    The clean and lean diet does allow fruit, however they suggest having more veg than fruit due to the high sugar levels found in fruit. You want to stabilise your blood sugar levels to minimise crashes and craving more sugar.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Thanks for your response. I see, I guess some people could overdo the fruit since it is sweet.
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    Thought I might share something from the Lean & Clean Facebook page;

    Clean & Lean Diet by James Duigan
    17 January
    Finding it hard not to snack then reach for some Olives when the craving comes. They are a great source of omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids that help kick fat out your fat cells and into your bloodstream, where they can be burned off more easily.
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    Thought I might share something from the Lean & Clean Facebook page;

    Clean & Lean Diet by James Duigan
    17 January
    Finding it hard not to snack then reach for some Olives when the craving comes. They are a great source of omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids that help kick fat out your fat cells and into your bloodstream, where they can be burned off more easily.

    I personally love Olives so I am happy :)
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Ahh, wish I liked olives!
    I'm finding i'm the other way.....I don't feel hungry that often now - it's 3pm and I've only just started on my monring snack of mixed nuts as I wasn't hungry enough for my salad. I'm sre it's ok and I shouldn't be complaining about not feeling hungry for once but I do worry I am not eating often enough. Not feeling tired or anything like that which is always my body's sign I'm not getting enough plus I am drinking 1.5litres+ of water/green tea JUST at work - have another few glasses at home.
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    Maybe you should have smaller portions but eat more often to keep your metabolism high?
    Or just keep going and see how you are getting on. :)

    I've had an awful day yesterday, did not have enough for breakfast, so I was hungry all day therefore constantly snacking on clementines and almonds during the day and after dinner I ended up eating an Orange.
    But surprisingly I was weighing less this morning, so not feeling too guilty.

    How often do you weigh yourself?
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Try to weigh in about twice a week - my official weigh in is Friday but as I had a cheat day sunday I wanted to keep an eye on the 'damage'.
    I had a smaller breakfast today so hoping it will help with the eating more regularly - I just don't want to eat when my body isn't hungry. Fingers crossed!
    Ahh, at least they are healthy snacks - bit different if it was chocolate or pasta, etc! Well done!