Tough Mudder/Spartan race type training??



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    I'll do the training but I still won't do the race. :blushing:

    what?? why not?? thats like saying "i'm gonna study, but not going to take the exam."
  • markheusser
    markheusser Posts: 26 Member
    I just signed up for my first spartan race...just sign up and go for it!...I will start training in feb for it....running, stairs, rowing, etc.
  • OnAllFours
    OnAllFours Posts: 170 Member
    I have done 6 of these last year. Got another 5 signed up for this year among others. I would sign up for the Spartan WOD (Workout Of the Day). they will send you workouts to help you get prepared for any of the Spartan. And if you are ready for a Spartan you can do any of the other races.

    Upper body is the biggest thing to work on. Lots of lifting, pulling, and oh ya get your burpee practice in.

    It's great fun. Everyone should sign up at least once. Year New You+2014&c3ch=Email&c3nid=Email
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I haven't done Tough Mudder yet but I've done long-ish obstacle course races.

    Best training I found was trail running and stopping periodically to do burpees, push ups and "bear crawls". There are a lot of free or cheap training Apps.

    I'm lucky enough to have a mini obsctacle course in a local park where I live. I practiced (and mastered!) walls of various sizes and found that the most useful. Cargo nets will always be my nemesis. They terrify me but I pushed through.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member

    I'll do the training but I still won't do the race. :blushing:

    what?? why not?? thats like saying "i'm gonna study, but not going to take the exam."

    I just don't know if I can deal with our Tough Mudder. For one, I don't run. I'm a cyclist and I hate, hate, hate running. Our TM is up in the mountains on a ski slope...basically, I'm afraid of failure. The Rugged Maniac was a piece of cake and I'd like to do a Spartan. I just need to find my balls some day for the TM.
  • I have done the Vegas tough mudder. At the time the only thing I was doing was Crossfit, but honestly half-marathon training would be your best bet to complete the course with ease. A combination of running and push ups and you will be fine. As long as you can comfortably run ~12-14 miles. The obstacles are easy or at least manageable. There are normally lines at them so you can rest a little. The hardest obstacle for me was the ice bath especially when the person in front of you lags and you can't get out fast enough.

  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    I'm doing my first ever Tough Mudder in June of this year! If anyone else is training for this also and wants to add me for solidarity and motivation then please feel free! :)

    I'm focusing on doing circuit training (starting with 30DS as its circuits are pretty similar in exercises to the ones the TM website recommends) and running, both standard running and intervals.

    Bring it on!
  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member
    I'm doing my first tough mudder in October.

    Currently I am running 3 times a week and have two gym sessions working on strength, with heavy lifting.

    Am also going to be doing the tough mudder workouts and swimming a few times as well.