
Can anyone explain the science of "refeeds" to me? I'm being expected to do a refeed tomorrow where they're telling me I need to eat 268 grams of carbs! That's over 1000 carb calories. I frankly don't see how this is going to help me lose weight. It seems insane. It almost seems like the training facility is trying to sabotage us with this, since we've put up money and we're supposed to lose a certain amount of weight by a certain date and we get the money back if we do. What do you think?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't understand your logic. Why would they give you your money back if you lose the weight? That makes no sense. You're sure they don't give it back to you if you don't?
  • googlebear123
    i dont know the science but from personal experience, reefeeds (predominantly carbs), help you perform better in training after you have been depleting/depriving your body for while, the logic (not science) is that increse performance = increse weightloss.

    example, i ate 5000+ cals last saturday, after being in deficeit for 10 days, day after refeed, i hit a squat pr.did it affect my weightloss, not significantly.
  • anybeary
    anybeary Posts: 188 Member
    Frankl27: If you lose the weight, you get your money back as a reward and they get to use our before/after photos in their advertisements. It was a significant chunk of money, and their reasoning was that if we put up the money, the idea that we'd get it back would be motivation for us to follow through with the weight loss.

    The thing is, the money was WAY more than I would pay at any other gym for 3 x per week large group training classes. I feel like they're totally scamming us.

    As far as re-feeds are concerned, I watched the youtube video posted, and honestly, it seems like this is more for people who have been significantly deprived and eating a major deficit. The diet they have us on is fairly modest and easy to follow. We are not eating at a huge deficit. In fact, they've told us to ignore our calories in/calories out, which I think is a recipe for disaster. People in the group are already posting weight GAINS, and only a couple are reporting weight loss. I think they just want to keep our money. I asked them about the re-feed business, and I know they read/saw my posting on it, but they did not respond.