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5'2 161lbs, g/w 135. anybody else in this general range?

I would LIKE to be 125, but I'm sure that if I workout, I'll look nice at about 135. I do Cassey Ho's pop pilates videos every day. I usually try to do her HIIT videos and maybe an extra ab workout video! I also do Kpop dances now. I actually look forward to working out, so that helps! my diet generally consists of apples, nuts, veggies, and some kind of meat. I eat at least one lean cuisine a day, also. I don't feel like I eat a lot. I know it's all under 1500 calories a day. I only eat things with extra carbs before and after a workout. does anybody have any idea how long it will be until I can get to 135 lbs? I've heard that the closer you are to your goal weight, the harder it is to get there. oh, I also workout 6 days a week. thanks in advance for any advice!!!!!! :)


  • Tinatot125
    Tinatot125 Posts: 45 Member
    I started at 171lbs and it took me 12 months to get to 131lbs. I am the same height as you. I didn't stick to the plan all the time. I would take a couple of weeks off every few months mainly just from exercising and I never gave up any food I enjoy. I think this worked best for me as I never really felt I was on diet and although the weight may have come off slower than others I know I can keep this weight off no problems. I have actually found the last 10lbs the easiest to lose. I think that is because I have taken baby steps along the way and I really know now what works best for my body. I have decided to lose another 10lbs and I am confident I will get there by April. Don't be too hard on yourself, you need to be in this for the long run so don't restrict too many foods or you will find it hard to stick to. Best of luck
  • bradyle166
    bradyle166 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I'm pretty similar to you. Have a height of 5'2" and weight today is 163. I am aiming to hopefully get down to 120 but I think I'd be happy anywhere around 135 too.
    I do 4 hour long fitness classes a week but after that am pretty sedentary other than walking to and from the bus :P
    I'm trying to eat healthier but amnt over stressing myself about the food. Thats what i focused on in the past and it always just strerssed me out and made me quit., just going to try and be generally healthier and hopefully that will help me get to my goal. Ideally I wan to be there by May but I think thats way too optimistic :)
  • agalassie
    agalassie Posts: 48 Member
    Hey! I'm kind of similar. I am 5'1" and currently 148-ish pounds. I started at around 190 pounds and my goal weight is 130 pounds. I've been doing this seriously for about a year now and have made it to 148 and kind of stalled, but I think I'm back to getting it down. I workout about 6 days a week as well. I had been eating 1200, but recently upped it to roughly 1400 to see if this was the reason I stalled. I'm hoping to be to my goal weight by the summer, but currently I've started just focusing on toning instead of the number on the scale.
  • tokkionew
    tokkionew Posts: 5 Member
    yeah, I quit for a while, but I've promised myself that I won't do that this time. this is something I really want for myself bc it's really made me feel like I'm not that pretty.. I know losing the weight will be a huge boost in my self confidence. I'm signing up for a gym tomorrow so I can at least go there to loft weights a few times a week. I'm not focusing so hard on the food that I'm stressed about it, but I am trying to change all of it so I eat cleaner. I'm trying to do a lifestyle change haha thanks for the reply!
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member

    I'm 5'2.5 and have been at maintenance wt of 133-136lbs for a year almost. I lost 28lbs to get there. My goal was 147lbs but I found the Biggest Loser plan easy so plodded on.

    At 133 I am JUST within healthy BMI but get told I look too thin etc (even by people who didn't know me bigger) so am happy to stop here despite still carrying wt on my tummy.

    I look and feel much better, however.........the brain monkey does not go with wt loss so you need to work on that separately. I am still disappointed when I look in the mirror (not helped by being age 46 lol) even though I get told I look quite glamorous etc. I dealt with a lot of stuff by using a brilliant book on mindfulness before I lost the wt and think it is why I have been able to maintain for the first time ever in over 30yrs of dieting. I was fantastic at losing wt, easy, but never actually CHANGED so always regained it.

    Everyone is different but this is my view from the older side of the hill!

    ps _ I also think going for the long game helped and I lost on 1350-1400 cals/day including days off etc. I refused to play the feast/famine game any longer. It took me 6mths. I went to gym 3x wk but never went hard core, just did what I enjoyed in order to make it sustainable for me. A mini tramp at home is also brilliant along with walking but no major punishment was needed to lose so I didn't get the hunger I often associated with hard exercise.
  • Miss_james1990
    Miss_james1990 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 168lbs!my goal is 125lb. I'm on a calorie deficit diet and sticking to about 1200cals!! I'm not working out every day to extreme lengths as I'm still in the begining stages and too much pressure will just make me quit :) feel free to add me!
  • Hi :) I'm 5ft 3 and started out at 146 4 weeks ago, my current weight is 138.2lbs and my gw is 119lbs.
    I've been trying to sick to 1200 kcal a a day but I have gone over about 9 days I've also been doing the 30ds I'm on day 8 at the moment. I'm hoping to achieve my gw by April. Add me as a friend if you like I like to motivate people :D
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I'm 5'2", I started at 156 and I'm down at 142lbs now. I eat an average of 1642 calories a day and exercise about 5 times a week (3 strength training, 2/3 cardio sessions). I'm losing an average of 1lb a week which I think is perfect.

    I use the TDEE method and it works for me. The only time off I've had since I started was the 10 days over Christmas where I went on holidays, and gained 7lbs!!! (mostly water weight that dropped off nice and quick). I don't struggle with food because I think 1600 is plenty of food for my activity level.

    My goal weight is 120lb. I had it set to 135 originally but I lost 14lbs and reassessed as I can see loads more to go so dropped it down to about 120lb, which I'm hoping with my strength training programme will give me the body I want.
  • sarahcyr3
    sarahcyr3 Posts: 28 Member
    hey I'm 5'3 and I started at 165. I am down to 163. I am doing my goals in two increments 145 and 125. I am aiming for 145 by July and 125 by 2015. I have been logging all of my food and staying within my calorie budget, but I haven't been eating very clean yet. spent my last $20 on bagels and cream cheese from costco. delicious, but not very healthy.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I don't like to focus on just one number, more like a range.

    I'm currently hovering around 135, which is a bmi of 25. I've got down as far as 132, and I'd like to be around 130, but I know it'll take some time to get there. Meanwhile, I'm pretty happy with my dress size and overall health.
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi I'm 5ft 3" and 165lbs was my starting weight in 2011, aiming for 135 - 125 and I'm currently at 148lbs. Add me if you want and we can motivate each other :)
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I'm 5'2 and the same weight.

    I started at 228 and has taken me a year and a half to drop down. I am taking my sweet time and hopefully I will be at my goal weight by the end of 2014.

    My workouts vary week to week. Some weeks I do more cardio (elliptical, jogging, zumba, hiit) and some weeks I do more body weight stuff (fitnessblender).

    Feel free to add!
  • TheWretchedFat
    TheWretchedFat Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5'3 165lbs was my high now I'm at 150! Wanting to get down to 110lbs because I have a small frame
  • tokkionew
    tokkionew Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for more replies!!!! :) I would really wanna get down to 135 by April but I really don't think that's gonna happen.. I'm gonna be meeting somebody for the first time hopefully this summer or in the winter, (I wanted to in march, but honestly I refuse to unless I'm at my ideal weight) so I'd like at be at my ideal weight by then. I'm really, really enjoying doing my daily workouts and I think about working out all day LOL so I guess I'm glad I like it so much so I don't feel discouraged to do it. am I the only one that feels pretty after a workout? I just know I'm doing my body well and making myself look better so I feel pretty even if I'm sweaty and gross :) haha
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    I'm 5"2, was 172-174 when I started, and 154 when I joined MFP. Since joining- I lost for my wedding, then gained because I got complacent.
    My first goal was 130, but I'm now at 140 and No way is another 10 enough.. Ultimate goal is 120. Feel free to add me... I do cardio and strength and lose around 1lb per 10 days, very slow but I don't function on 1200 cals a day. I eat around 1400, I'm hoping a little deficit along with strength will get me where I'm happy x
  • tokkionew
    tokkionew Posts: 5 Member
    really happy to say that I weighed myself a few mins ago and I've lost two lbs now :D!!!!!!!!! ive been trying to at least drink three bottles of water every day. should probably be forcing myself to drink more but I'm generally not a very thirsty so I usually only have a can or two of diet mountain dew whenever I have meals. I'm now going to try and only have those every now and then since I'm sure the water is the reason why I'm shedding the weight so fast. I don't think I've ever been so serious about weight loss before. this time last year, I could actually do 500 leg lifts without stopping but I slacked off and can now only do about 200 before it hurts too much. my goal was to be able to do 1000 and now I'm 300 back, but I still wanna be able to do the 1000 someday!!
  • betseyjane
    betseyjane Posts: 18 Member
    me! i'm 5'3, and currently at 162. my goal is 135. i'm hoping to get into the 140's by the end of march, whether it be 140, or 149...
    recently i've slacked off by not going to the gym, and i'm trying to get back my mojo to do so!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Tokkio you have so e very peculiar go skis- why do you gave to be a certain weight to meet someone you've never met? What are leg lifts?
  • Malu42
    Malu42 Posts: 4

    I am under 5'2, 5'1 3/4 to be axact and weigh 162.5 as of this mornig. My goal is 135 pounds. I do Zumba twice a week but realize I need more exercising to hit my goals. I am aso aiming for 60 grams of protein per day by having eggs, smoothies and Fatflush soup. Looking for a little support.
  • Malu42
    Malu42 Posts: 4
    I love your approach. I am gonna shoot for the same. Work in 20 lb increments.....Very practical!!