Fell off the bandwagon- Need motivation

I started MFP around the middle of october, the first week or so went great. I was motivated to get up and work-out, and was doing it everyday, even when i didn't really feel like exercising i would make myself get up and do something. I seen some weight loss and i felt enthusiastic about continuing. But The past two weeks on the other hand have been nothing like that. I find it hard to want to exercise and i'm not pushing myself to do it. I'm still logging everything i eat, but my exercise diary has been neglected. I want to start again and i know i need to. But how do i motivate myself to keep going after the first couple of weeks? :( Has anyone else had this problem?


  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    You could set a goal for yourself, or join one of the MFP exercise groups.
  • ssanchez2010
    I find that after a while using workout videos get kind of boring, even if you switch between several different ones. When I feel like I just cant do it I make a music list that energizes me and i get up do the videos but always have the music louder so I don't have to hear what I have already heard again. Music is a great motivator.
  • padbh
    padbh Posts: 40
    join an excercise group, I like Jazzercise, everyone is so nice, I am older than most, so i use to not be able to keep up, but its ok, you just do what you can, and you feel so good when its done. I not only keep up now, I kick butt, and when a new younger lady tries it out, I think they think, if that old broad can do it, I can do it. :smile:
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I think joining an exercise group on here is a great idea :)
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Or maybe sign up for some kind of class or sessions with a trainer, or a running group. Sometimes it's easier to go if it feels like an obligation rather than a "I should go to the gym/running/swimming ect." I know that helped me, having a set time to go and exercise
  • Jamaica2
    Jamaica2 Posts: 91 Member
    Sometimes you just have to show up for the game.

    Just do something even if only for 15min. with out much effort. You will be motivated the next day to do it again and from there comes the routine. I am learning that I can't depend on being motivated. I'm starting to understand the genius of the
    slogan "Just do it!"

    Best of luck to you.
  • debkin
    debkin Posts: 14
    Strength in numbers... get a workout buddy or join a fitness challenge. I am the kind of person that cannot motivate myself and need others to push me.
    Go to your local gym and join a fitness challenge.
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome. I am starting my 5th month on MFP and I love it. It's the best decision I have made in many years. I have lost weight with diets many times before, but it was never a lifestyle change. This time is different; it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend; we can help motivate each other.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    I have a hard time committing to eating healthy and working out too. I always start a program with the best intentions, then fall off the bandwagon. Here are a couple of things that are helping me this time:

    1. Keep changing it up: do a different workout every day (this helps your muscles too!)
    2. Get your mind occupied. I get lazy and eat more when I'm bored, so the second I find myself thinking...well, I could have a snack...I read a book, get up and walk around, or do something else to get my mind off things
    3. remember why you're doing it. Getting my feelings on paper helps with this (Blogging!).
  • WonderNoodle
    get a girlfriend and just walk. it's a great start. shoot for a mile or 30 minutes the first week or two, add a little more after that.

    i am NOT one to enjoy exercise when it comes to the video games (wii active i have and do occassionaly) or dvds. i HAVE found that if i have some jammin tunes on my mp3, i walk to the beat and just GO! i also have found (despite never in my 38 years have ever danced before...EVER) that i LOVE ZUMBA! it's great chic time. you really let go and just dance, smile and SWEAT for an hour!

    bottom line is only YOU can hold yourself to doing it so you have to decide are you in this or not. when you try an exercise and you don't feel proud of your accomplishment when you're done....try another until you find what motivates you.

    it is early in the game for you. it is a lifestyle change and if not taught from childhood, it's a process to learn the ways that fit in your life, but you WILL find those ways :flowerforyou: .
  • Awinters24
    Thank you everyone for your advice and support! I have decided to try out a few different suggestions such as listening to energetic music while i'm working out and talking to a workout buddy! Today is a new day and i am going to do this!!!