How did you FINALLY lose weight after months of failure?



  • GMotY
    GMotY Posts: 3
    I stopped lying to myself. I realized that I was fat, and it was no one's fault other than my own. I realized the reason my pants no longer fit was because I ate terrible food. So, I stripped down to my knickers and took some photos of myself. This helped me even more to realize how obese I had gotten, how far I let myself go. Then, after some time, I started a food journal. This helped me see exactly what I was putting into my body. It also helped me see that if I didn't have the best day eating, it wasn't the end of the world and I shouldn't give up on my diet and begin to gorge myself again.

    Currently, I am still very overweight. But, I'm not as fat as what I used to be :). I also have my head in the right place. I realized that if I could quit smoking (which I did earlier this year), and lift weights (which I started up), and go for a 3.5 mile run on the elliptical, there was nothing stopping me from losing weight.

    You first have to tear yourself down and let yourself see how far you've fallen. Then, and only then, can you pick yourself up because you will see how there are no more excuses. And once you start doing that, you realize just how strong you are. No one can stop you. Not the haters, not your family, not your friends, not even yourself. You do have the power and you will do this.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I had lost a lot of weight when I was preggo (I was 243 three years ago) and even after. In Dec 2012, I was down to my lowest of 166lbs. Then my weight jumped from 166 to 175 within a matter of 4 months (my body gains weight easily). After that, the weight hasn't shifted, and so basically I went into maintenance mode and have been since. I'm getting ready to move out of maintenance mode and back into losing weight because I need to lose the remaining weight due to my asthma (which has gotten worse, now I am on a control inhaler as well as rescue).

    In all honesty what helped was being active and tracking and not giving up. Even now, though I have been in maintenance, I still keep as active as possible. Because I started to develop an unhealthy relationship with food and logging, my doctor suggested that I only log a certain amount of days a week (so I have been logging 4-6 days a week with a couple of days off), and that has helped me look at food as fuel not as comfort or to deal with stress and that this process doesn't have to be well stressful.
  • armourer178
    I started to use a scale in my kitchen and counting my calories ect.
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    What finally worked for me was counting my calories on My Fitness Pal. The gym alone wasn't enough as I wasn't aware that I wasn't creating a calorie deficit, which was my needed boost to shed the pounds.
  • abickford82
    I'm a fitness lover, and lost 109lbs. from 2009 to 2011. My problem was when I finally got into a healthy goal range, or slightly overweight...I was still eating crappy food. It was the nutrition holding me back. It wasn't till the past 15 months that I finally got my nutrition down and finally combated my hormonal issues and the kinds of food I can actually have. Nutrition=most important part of success. Exercise comes easy for me.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I just stopped giving up on myself and I log into MFP every single day, several times a day. I had to become accountable. Nobody else can do this for me. And the time is going to go by whether I'm trying to improve my body or not. I used to (and still do sometimes) worry about the amount of time losing weight would take. I'm not a success story yet, but I've gone further than I've ever been. I've had some personal victories and it keeps me going. I decided my weight and my bad habits were no longer going to have control over my life and my happiness.

    ETA: I also stopped lying to myself and stopped just guessing calories.
  • veredit
    veredit Posts: 29 Member
    I'm finally being successful after many tries, but this time is different. I feel totally confident like never before as I've discovered something new. I now know the number of calories my body needs to survive!! As long as I don't overeat that number, I won't gain weight, and conversely if I eat less than that number , I will lose weight. I am just aware now where I wasn't before. I had no idea how many calories my body actually needed and was eating way too many for my size.

    Me too!
  • missie_515513
    missie_515513 Posts: 20 Member
    My boyfriend dumped me!!! I then had more time to work out and focus on my diet!!! It also gave me a bit more motivation! Since we split I have lost 11lbs Just another 20 or so to go!!!