Pounds going down but..

Not the pictures :( I compared my pictures from 190 to 202 and there's barely any noticeable difference. I can't believe 12 pounds looks like I've done absolutely nothing! So frustrating.

I'm working hard to keep on track but it's sad :S especially since, tbh, I'm doing this for vanity purposes...

Hopefully there will be more noticeable results soon... I'm scared that I'll end up eating way too low to hurry up the process or give up completely because it seems I won't ever look skinnier.


  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I bet there is a difference. Sometimes its hard for us to see it ourselves and we are often pretty harsh on ourselves too. Don't get frustrated or down, keep at it. 12 pounds down is great!
  • collegegrlfit
    Make sure you're taking progress pictures from lot's of angles! No one has to see them but you but sometimes that's the best way to see change in my opinion!!
  • laurenjmartin
    laurenjmartin Posts: 28 Member
    To be honest id say it takes over a stone before I start noticing any difference in myself, so don't feel disheartened! Keep up the good work and your'll soon see a good change :)
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Don't dwell on it. You will see a difference at 24 pounds ! You are cute. I hope you have a nice boyfriend now :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Honestly for most overweight people 20 pounds in when you visually start to see a difference.
  • cabrerva
    cabrerva Posts: 33 Member
    I've felt that way too. Look for the small NSV's such as underwear fitting more loosely, fitting into jeans that were too tight before, etc =) and hang on! I lost exactly 12lbs as well and I am still wondering where they went, except for the afore mentiones NSV's. Add me for support if you want :)
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I take a progress pic every 10 pounds, wearing white shirt and pants in the same chair. My fat shows more when I am sitting. You will love having those pics later !
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    It takes time and unfortunately, the more you have to lose the less noticeable those Lbs can be. I looked basically the same from 220 - 200...very slight change in my face, but that was about it...and that was 20 Lbs. I didn't look substantially different in pictures and didn't start getting much in the way of comments until I got down to about 190...30 Lbs from where I started. At 190, I looked quite a bit different and then 190 - 180 was a major transformation.

    Just be patient and remember that all of this is a lifetime endeavor...there is no reason to give up or starve yourself or whatever...this is ultimately about your health now and into the future and I can assure you that you will need to be working the rest of your life. It's kind of like going to school...everybody is in a hurry to graduate because then they're "done"...they've crossed that finish line...but really, that's when the real work starts. Same goes for all this weight, nutrition, health and fitness stuff...you aren't done when you get to weight...you're just beginning....getting to weight is just the first step in a life long process.
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    I started at a similar weight and while I felt better and rewarded with every pound, no one else noticed and I am sure it didn't show much until down about 25# It sure took off from then though. It goes both ways, when you gain a few pounds it doesn't show - that how we got in trouble in the beginning! Not need to be discouraged. You may want to ask your friends to tweak your program a bit. 12# since September isn't a lot by any means - you probably could loose a little faster for a month or so without doing anything radical.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    A few things might be going on.

    You might be tall or carrying lots of weight. I only had about 30 pounds to lose to get healthy, but more to look the way I want to (only, ha!). I'm 5'3" and small framed, so I started noticing my clothes fit differently at about 10 pounds lost, and started getting compliments around 15-20 when I had to buy my first round of new clothes, which brings me to...

    It might be a bit to do with the clothes you're wearing. For example, if you wear lots of stuff to cover up your belly and you're losing belly fat, you'll find you really notice it in the change-room. New clothes will make a huge difference. I'd still say to wait as long as you can afford to wait, because it'll feel so good to put on a silhouette you wouldn't normally try and leapfrog even one size (e.g. I was a L and bought new clothes when I became a small and damn did it feel good, even though some clothes are XS or M, depending on the fit).

    Losing the weight isn't going to just look different in your body, soon you'll see your eyes look bigger, your cheekbones will pop out and your face is going to start glowing more. The added health is going to improve your skin tone and make you look more hydrated. Overall, you're going to find little tiny things that will make you feel better and better every morning when you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror.

    Good luck!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    We're often the last ones to see any physical changes to ourselves based on our weight. You'll get there.

    Congratulations on 12 pounds off, and reaching ONE-derland.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Patience! This 12 lbs has been over what, 2 weeks (I peeked at your history - Dec 28th)? Nobody is going to look very different in 2 weeks :) I don't know how much you are eating, but don't go all crazy with it and then drop it because it's so hard. Don't make it any harder than it has to be, add in a good measure of patience, and you'll do wonderfully!

    BTW, I hardly noticed my first 12 lbs myself and pictures might not have even shown it, but I did get smaller in inches. I start out getting subtly smaller all over before I lose the parts I want to lose, lol.
  • livehealthier1
    livehealthier1 Posts: 56 Member
    Don't be discouraged ! You will notice a difference
    At the 20 lb mark . Trust me I was there and don't
    Weigh yourself too often look at how you look and feel
    In your clothes. Try on something that's form fitting
    Or something that has a zipper or button ... No sweats
    No loose clothing no elastic waist clothing . You are
    Going to be amazed very soon
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am dealing with the self-image problem right now. I look fat in mirrors and thin in pictures. Why can't I see what other people see? All I see are my flaws.
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    I so understand! I've lost 30lbs and yet don't really see a change in my body :(!
    I do see a slight slimming in my face, yet my parents and others haven't said anything.
    My jeans and sweats do feel loose, but when I look at others photos that lost 20 and 30 pounds who stated they gone down sizes, I get sad. Because I'm in between sizes (a 24 a tad tight and 26 slight loose.)
    The scale is showing weight loss and I still stick to my change in life.
    But I would love to be able to fit into a smaller size better.