Insanity HELP? (Uncoordiantion! Can I improve? )

So I am doing the insanity DVD. I am finding it hard (but OK - I thought for someone like me it'd be unattainable).

I have a few problems/queries/concerns that maybe someone can help me with.

I am actually really enjoying the workouts, though I didn't get on with the cardio recovery. I will continue to do it because it's part of the programme but I am finding it REALLY hard (same with some of the moves in the other workouts - especially alternative jacks or whatever they're called). Basically I am ridiculously uncoordinated, like LAUGHABLY...Im a primary teacher and kids aged 5 have more skills than me. With practise will this get better, do you think? Or am I stuck with not being able to do certain moves - like the alternative jacks, I JUST. CANT. DO. THEM. I can do the legs but when my arms join in my legs stop. It's not tiredness, it's because I can't so the alternative directions things.

Same with the cardio recovery, I just didn't really enjoy it and found it boring as well as ludicrously hard. Will I grow to like it? AND get better at it? I know fitness can improve but can coordiantion, balance and ability?

I never did well in pe in school, I am junk at sports, can't even do simple coorination activities (find space fitting tasks etc impossible). I can't walk in a straight line well and walk into doors, tables and (unfortunately for them) children. I am woefully clumsy and laughably uncoordinated. I struggle with some moves because of this not because of the pace (which I do, obviously struggle with but can push myself to do more whereas I can't force myself to be able to do alternative legs and arms things, make my left arm do the opposite of my right whilst doing completely different things with my legs), It's extremely distressing because I feel I could be really good if I wasnt so all over the joint. Or is this just me blaming my fitness on something else?


  • anallydiaz
    anallydiaz Posts: 48 Member
    How long have you been doing Insanity? I have done it twice (lost 40 lbs so far) and it took me a while to be able to do some of the moves too, especially the cardio abs dvd. I couldn't do most of the exercises because they were just too much for me and they felt really uncomfortable. My advise is just to give it some time to really learn and get comfortable witht the moves. They seem easy when they do it, but it really takes time to get used to them. Also, like the dvd says, do it at your own pace! It is far more effective to do a move slowly but right, than doing fast and not doing correctly. I know it might feel like you are not working out as hard, but you are, and you will eventually get them all down. I hope this helps.
  • cjudesaenz
    cjudesaenz Posts: 67 Member
    I was literally just THINKING THIS!!!!! I just finished my second T25 workout and found myself very amused as to how UNCOORDINATED I look and feel, I mean, I basically laughing at myself… but I still burned 370 calories… I figure as long as I'm doing it, I still push play… BUT LET THE HILARITY ENSUE…

    But on a serious note I have to step back and really focus on what is being done but once I get a groove going its becomes a little easier to manage my clumsy *kitten*
  • TireGuy1877
    When I started I almost tripped doing mummy kicks so many times, but after practicing over and over I got them down. Looking in the mirror to get the form right helped me..all the best
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    You'll get used to the moves. But it's okay to not be able to do everything he's doing. I have bad shoulders and couldn't do all the floor work so I did alternate exercises instead, but I was still working out and still moving. Do what you can and be safe. Most of all try to have fun. There was one of the workouts (I can't remember which one) that I HATED doing. So after like the 3rd time I said, "Screw it I'm not doing that one again." And I didn't. I would just do a different workout that day. Remember - it's YOUR workout. Have fun. Do what you can. Keep going. :)
  • asaffell
    asaffell Posts: 43 Member
    You'll get better! Coordination can absolutely be improved. BUT the biggest thing I've seen is you just have to keep moving and keep trying. :D However, you won't keep going if you hate it, so try it and if you still resent it, sub it out.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    You'll get better! For now just normal jacks are fine. when you lose your way in the cardio just run inplace .And yes coordination will improve as your fitness improves.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    i haven't done insanity, but i did do T25 for 5 months and it took me some time to be able to some of the exercises at the accurate speed. i would have to go slower, and get the movements down, and THEN work on speed. i would suggest you do that just focus on the coordination part even if you're going slow and are behind. the speed will come with time!!!
  • lauly101
    lauly101 Posts: 63 Member
    anallydiaz - I've only been doing it a week! lol . I'm going to keep on going (and I am actually enjoying it!) it's just ... disconcerting I am SO poor at some of the moves! I can imagine watching me is hilarious!

    You say you've lost 40lb - that's amazing! Congratulations! How have you done it? Just Insanity or other things? How are you eating? I am sticking to about 1200-1500 cal a day but finding the 5 times a day eating hard (I'm a teacher so it's more or less impossible to eat in the middle of classes).

    I am wanting to lose about 2 stone by my birthday in may ....

    Everyone - thank you! I thought it was only me who would struggle with the moves, so hearing other people with similar issues is really helpful - thank you! I will just continue to do it, moving if I can't do the actual moves and then with time will be able to get better at the moves. Who knows, one day I may be coordinated enough to play tennis...or catch a ball maybe? :p
  • k8kiwik8
    I did the fit test for insanity last night and nearly died! Am glad to hear that I am not the only one that feels completely uncoordinated. Think I might stick to running instead???
  • michelleraebaker
    michelleraebaker Posts: 42 Member
    I am doing Insanity: The Asylum which is a bit different. I am uncoordinated too and I look like a drunken monkey most of the workout. As a person who follows most of the Beachbody workouts; I can tell you with time you will get better and your body will start allowing you to do the moves correctly.

    I also wear a heart rate monitor and even though I may be a drunken monkey I burn around 600-700 calories a workout, so it's working regardless. Keep keepin' on, you rock!
  • lauly101
    lauly101 Posts: 63 Member
    Yeah I am totally a drunken monkey. Even the cat looks at me as if 'hey I could do that better!'. I'm scared of running lol coz at least I can do Insanity at home and only the cat mocks me (husband is relegated from the living-room when I'm cavorting about) but when I run people SEE me (which is my biggest fear - that's why I like solo exercise). I worry about what my bum looks like from behind to the poor woman with the baby in the pushchair, what the binmen think...the fact that I'm tripping up and running in a not straight line (because I'm concentrating on going faster than walking the brain obviously doesn't allow me to go straight lol)... I think it's about doing what you like the best. I may start running again at the end of the 2-month cycle (hopefully when I'm smaller and less drunken monkey). I do like the dvd ... just WISH I was more able! lol
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Coordination is not (only) a matter of fitness: it's about teaching your brain how to do something. You need to repeat a motor pattern if you want to learn it, just like kids fall countless times before learning how to walk. At first they have to focus and think about every move, every part of the movement, then they just stop thinking about it because their brain has built an automatic pathway.
    "uncoordinated" people will take more time to build the pathway, but you can do it eventually because if your brain wasn't able to learn motor patterns you wouldn't be able to walk, no matter how clumsily. You just need a little more effort and focus at first.
    Of course, it's harder to focus if you are tired (that's why fitness matters) and it's harder to learn from a video.

    My modest advice: before your workout, just sit down and WATCH the moves. Think about them then try to repeat them slowly. Forget about the heart rate, weight and calories, just focus on the moves.
    Rinse and repeat-repeat-repeat until they come naturally. Sooner or later they will!
  • anallydiaz
    anallydiaz Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you! I am halfway though my goal. I need to lose 40lbs more to reach my ideal weight.

    I eat 1700 calories because at my job I stand and walk around all day, plus I do Insanity.

    I am not following a specific diet. I just eat low calorie meals and make sure I dont go over 1700. I am not a very good cook, so I look for very easy recipes that are low calorie. Here is one of the recipe websites that I love:

    Best of luck!!!!!!
  • lauly101
    lauly101 Posts: 63 Member
    Oooh! Thank you! :) I am doing well-ish I think!! :) Food is the hardest part coz I am naturally greedy! lol x