Um yeah, my tummy doesn't agree with running, HELP!

Ok I'm sure this has been asked somewhere and TRUST me I've tried researching this, but seriously this SUCKS
I have recovered from tendinitis and slowly started increasing my mileage again, was up to 6.5 miles now at 3.5 but the last several times I've run it seems I have to stop to well you know, go. I've read to not eat two hours before running so I follow that, I actually didn't eat at all before my run today and still had the problem. I've been watching what I eat the day of running to avoid "bad or greasy foods" I'm sure others have experienced this any other pointers?? Please......


  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Ok I'm sure this has been asked somewhere and TRUST me I've tried researching this, but seriously this SUCKS
    I have recovered from tendinitis and slowly started increasing my mileage again, was up to 6.5 miles now at 3.5 but the last several times I've run it seems I have to stop to well you know, go. I've read to not eat two hours before running so I follow that, I actually didn't eat at all before my run today and still had the problem. I've been watching what I eat the day of running to avoid "bad or greasy foods" I'm sure others have experienced this any other pointers?? Please......

    I guess I am confused. You have to stop and use the restroom - or your stomach is getting upset? The Topic title makes it sound like it is a stomach issue - as in tummy ache. Your post, however, says you simply need to stop and squat. If that's the case, what's wrong with having to go? Nothing like exercise to jiggle up the innards and the blood flow to get things moving so to speak. Works for animals as well.

    Clarify what the concern is and then people can offer helpful advice.
  • jessbro1977
    jessbro1977 Posts: 58 Member
    Have to stop to go like right away! It sucks when you're finally feeling good in your run and then BOOM, gotta go NOW!
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    i was talking to a friend of mine that runs marathons and other off road tail races that stetch ofer many more miles. she says that she has to "GO" after anything longer than the half marathon. her suggestion to me was to plan runs around portapotty's and open gas stations.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Have to stop to go like right away! It sucks when you're finally feeling good in your run and then BOOM, gotta go NOW!

    I wonder if you get nervous a lot and need to go then too? It could be interstitial cystitis

    I get this a lot. What helps me is drinking cranberry juice or pomegranate juice.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I used to have to go too (and TMI- I don't mean pee). I would get horrible cramps and be miserable from it.
    Are you eating before running? And if so what? Are you drinking any water or anything before also?
  • in many circumstances, it's not what you eat that day, it's what you eat the day before.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Its a common thing with some runners. Increased blood flow to your legs shunts it away from the bowel, which alters 'transit' time and absorption rate. In short - it causes your bowel to speed things up.

    There are a few things you can do. Drink adequate water (dehydration makes it worse). Cut back on fibrous food the day before. Avoid anything spicy/greasy/fatty the night before. Coffee can be your friend in the morning (get things moving before you go on the run). However, if you don't go before you run, coffee or tea can make things worse.

    The only way to get rid of it is to start experimenting with what you eat and how it affects you.

    edited because we're talking about 'bowel' movements, not 'bowl' movements:smile:
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    As a runner it happens! Drink lots of water all the time! And forme I had to cut way down on gluten products when I started ramping up mileage! But experiment what works for you. I try to eliminate before I leave, especially on race day!
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    I have had this problem a few times. And it does suck, "runners trots" as they call them are no fun and can really put a hamper on your run. I have learned that with me personally, if i am going to run, it needs to be early in the morning, after I have moved around a bit and had the chance to "GO". After that I do fine.
    If I wait until later in the day to do a run, its no good, I am gassy, bloated and just cannot get the good feeling at all.
    Try really starting to pay attention to what you eat the day and night before your runs, or if you run later in the day, what did you eat that day. Also the water thing is very important you need to stay hydrated. it is a matter of experimenting to find out what works for you .
  • moxiept
    moxiept Posts: 200 Member
    I have this issue which limits me to running in my neighborhood in order to be near the house. I would love to run in parks and other places but when nature calls, I have to go immediately!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I just make a pit stop before heading out the door, that first cup of coffee guarantees results!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    if youre new to running, your organs might need to adjust to the bouncing. plus the movements can pull on the diaphragm which can also lead to side stitches. proper breathing techniques might help
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    I agree with the poster that implied it's usually what you ate the day before. Also do you have a morning BM? One of the great things about being a runner at least in my case is it keeps you regular.
    Maybe you have to play around with what time of day is best for you. Just know it's not that uncommon and come race day the runner squirts are rampant by evidence of the port-a-potties.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Over time you may be able to get your running lined up with whatever time after you've been... I drink coffee to help the going part. Then I can run unhindered. Otherwise I plan a route that has a fast food joint, gas station or port-o-potty along the way in case of emergencies.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    The only thing that worked for me was making sure there was at least 3 hours between eating and running. AT LEAST.
  • jayclock
    jayclock Posts: 51 Member
    Look away now if you are a sensitive soul

    There seems to be a bit of Victorian prurience about sh^itting

    It is a problem I have. My method is to try not run for 2- hours after eating, and not at all in the mornings. It shakes my body up and just stimulates me to go. Not fun. Entirely seriously I sometimes carry tissues and wet wipes in a little bum bag and crap in a bush (luckily I run in the countryside. If in town I have resorted to just going into pubs even if they give me evil looks. But my preference is to offload as much as poss in advance so there is less to stop for on the run. Having just restarted my weight loss, I seriously think a lot of the problem was a lot of poo in the system and needing to offload it very regularly

    Best of luck
  • jayclock
    jayclock Posts: 51 Member
    One other option is to do the warm up round the start point so you can pop back in before heading off for the main run....
  • jessbro1977
    jessbro1977 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone! I guess I didn't think about what I had the night before and for today that could've TOTALLY made a difference! Plus I didn't drink any water cuz then I was afraid I'd have to pee! Lessons learned!
  • avocadoshaped
    avocadoshaped Posts: 35 Member
    Runners Diarrhea is not uncommon. Let us all remember Paula Radcliffe.
  • This used to happen to me a lot. Now I make sure I have two cups of coffee before I run. Make sure I go to the bathroom. Don't eat. Then go for my morning run.