Traditional porridge (oatmeal)

making it in the stove in a pan, weighing out the ingredients... what a lot of fuss versus instant oatmeal... I believe it's a complex carb and will keep me feeling full until Christmas?


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Oatmeal is loaded with fiber so the carbs digest more slowly which slows the insulin spike associated with eating carbs...meaning you don't store it as fat unless you vastly overeat it, and it keeps you fuller longer.

    It is also better for you than the instant oatmeal because instants usually add lots of preservatives and sugar that you don't need.

    When you make it yourself, you can flavor it naturally and make it a balanced meal. My recipe of choice right now is 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 cup sliced strawberries, 1 scoop of sugar free protein powder, and some cinnamon. It's much more satisfying than the instant oatmeal "strawberries and cream" flavor, and much healthier for you.
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    I just fix the whole oatmeal the regular way, 3/4 cup of oatmeal plus 1 and 1/2 cups of water with a dash of lite salt, but here's the clincher; I like to put in a morning star soy patty in the boiling water and cook it all together, when it's done I crumble the patty with a spoon, to me it tastes like thick Cajun gravy, yum!
  • naughtydoguk
    Hmmm. Looks a bit sloppy right now? Not sure if I have my mix right. Building myself up to taste it!
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Hmmm. Looks a bit sloppy right now? Not sure if I have my mix right. Building myself up to taste it!

    Want to share the recipe?
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I never ate it before, but now love it as it does really fill me up. I put a tsp of cinnamon in there and it reminds me that Christmas is coming. :smile:
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Here Naughtydog - get some from Tesco - they're 'healthy' one is only about 80p for 10 sachets - 1.5 mins. in microwave!

    Easy, simple, filling.

    Saves *rsing about with a pan... therefore no excuses for 'not being bothered' and having something else less healthy I reckon!


    I have it every morning, and it works for me - was advised to eat it to aid lowering cholesterol!

    And seeing that it's ruddy freezing here in the Youkay at the mo, it's great!!!

  • naughtydoguk
    I have the instant one sometimes but it's not complex I believe.

    I had 1 cup of oats, 1 1/4 cup of water and 1 1/4 cup of milk, bring to boil and simmer for 8 mins, added a little salt and some cinnamon then flush down the toilet!!!
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Mmm oatmeal, my favourite subject :-)

    1oz decent porridge oats, 150ml semi-skimmed milk. Either soak both together overnight in the fridge or get up a bit earlier. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 mins (less if you've soaked them) Add 1/2 tablespoon of honey and some cold stewed fruit (I like tinned rhubarb - drain off the juice and mush up in a pan)

    Best porridge ever!

    PS If you've just got cheapy old saucepans (not non-stick) like me then soak and use a steel scourer to clean. Works a treat.
  • naughtydoguk
    Thanks I will try your recipe.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    I had 1 cup of oats, 1 1/4 cup of water and 1 1/4 cup of milk, bring to boil and simmer for 8 mins, added a little salt and some cinnamon then flush down the toilet!!!

    LMAO but i'd do the same if I added salt!

    I make mine thisa way........1/2 cup of oats, cup of 1% milk and YIKES!! 1/2 tablespoon of sugar. Boil, simmer pour into bowl and float a little cold milk round the edge. (means you can start tucking in sooner!) Sometimes I even sprinkle a little sugar on top too (raisins, sultanas sweeten it too if you dont want extra sugar)...I like my oats sweet and i'm not too fussed about sugars providing i'm within my daily calories. It is still healthy, it lowers cholesterol (my 18 stone heifer weight had a very healthy 3.7 level!) and if adding sugar helps me eat it, add sugar I bloomin well will.

    Soaking your oats overnight make them very taste extra creamy LUSH!
  • rayfromtx
    I use 1/2 cup oats and 1 cup of skim milk. I cover and put in the microwave for 1 minute and 50 seconds. Let stand for a minute and use 1/2 cup of fruit and a tsp of truvia. It is great and I never liked it before. Not sure how much faster "instant" could possibly be. I think it's all marketing and packaging to take more money for the same stuff.
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    I eat traditional oatmeal everyday. 1/2 cup oats and 11/2 cups water. I put on the stove and slow cook it for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, while I'm getting ready for my day. Once it's done I do my add-ins...For the past few weeks I've been stuck on 2Tbsp pumpkin and a sprinkle cinnamon but I also love it with a Tbsp of peanut butter. Now that I'm thinking about it I need to go check on mine!
  • Timkerbelle
    I believe "instant" is usually finer cut than regular oats. Doesn't necessarily mean that there are additives in there. My recipe is 1/2-1 dl (about 1/4-1/2 cup) and 3 times that amount of water, and then some salt.
    I don't like milk or sugar on my porridge, but I like to add some fresh fruit after cooking. I make my regular (not instant) porridge in the microwave. Dead easy and very tasty!
  • gunnparker
    I have oats most mornings and have it this way.

    1/2 cup oats
    1/2 cup soy milk
    1/2 cup water

    Add a squirt of honey before serving.
  • naughtydoguk
    Going to try and get some quick oats today, is it the squeezable honey you guys use?
  • gunnparker
    Yes squeezable, in a small plactic bottle.
  • pinecone
    pinecone Posts: 28 Member
    I love the stuff, it was difficult at first but now it's my lovely 6 day a week breakfast. Much more gorgeous when it's cold and you're by a window - lovely hot porridge, nasty cold outside.

    I used to do it with a pan, but I now microwave. I use hot boiled water and around 100mls milk. Mix it, pop it in the microwave, stir every 40 secs or so. Watch it, or it'll boil over and be foul goo. I love some bite to my oats.

    I have different fruit everyday - frozen raspberries/blueberries are cheap and can be wacked in halfway, these need a little delicate honey with them. Banana feels very indulgent, apple puree and sultanas make it like a pudding. Sliced dried or fresh apricots are good, too. In December I like dried figs, sultanas and cranberries with molasses. I always always add some spice - cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice. Cinnamon tastes very sweet so you need less sweetener, and it's good for regulating blood suagr, I believe.

    It's one of those foods that feels just as good in your stomach after eating as it does actually tucking in. mmmmm.
  • mtwd65
    mtwd65 Posts: 51
    I grew up on porridge made with 1/2 cup of oats, 1 cup of water, boil until thick enough (see no milk, you can just keep it going if it is too sloppy).

    As kids we had a knob of butter in the bottom of the bowl but I don't do that any more. Pour milk over and squeeze a bit of honey on top.

    My absolute favourite though is rice porridge, 1/2 cup medium grain rice, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup skinny milk cook until thick and porridgy, add some cinnamon and honey, that's it.

    No matter what the porridge is make sure you soak the pot. It all sets like glue.