40something mom ready to get serious!

I "joined" last year (aka made an account) but did not start using this site until 5 days ago. I lost 25 pounds on WW about a year and a half ago, but when I quit it trickled back....another month, another pound. Six days ago I officially gained all of my 25 pounds back and that's when I got serious. My biggest frustration with my weight is that anytime I am not tracking and actively trying to lose weight, I seem to slowly gain weight...and I don't mean b/c I start binging and drinking sugary sodas.....it just creeps back despite the fact that I feel I eat "reasonably"!
I am committing to logging food and exercise on MFP daily and I also joined the "bikinibodymommy" 90 day challenge and it is very motivating. No, not looking for a bikini (those years are long gone!) but it would be nice just to get some confidence back and be happier and healthier!
Looking for friends and support:).


  • dblk19
    dblk19 Posts: 43 Member
    I too am getting back on the bandwagon that I have fallen off of so many times....I keep gaining and losing the same 20 lbs or so. I am logging everyday and exercising 5 - 6 times a week. Feel free to add me as I am looking for friends to help keep me motivated. I too am a mom and am trying very hard to "fit it all in". ;-)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I know that story too well, good luck sticking with it!
  • aplatt41
    aplatt41 Posts: 88 Member
    42yr old mom here....I am getting serious about my weight and health. sent you a friend request
  • crisachristy
    crisachristy Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I find myself in the same boat. I lost 50 lbs and its starting to creep back on. I'm back up 15.

    If anyone want to add me, I would love to make some new friends!
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Finally a 40 something club! I've been here a while, welcome everyone! 45 year old mom of three here, and a math teacher. I've lost over 20 lb with about 30 more to go. I look forward to getting friend requests!
  • 45 yr old homeschooling mom here- would be happy to have more MFP friends to share encouragement! Feel free to add me!

    -Grae :flowerforyou:
  • JaneE1967
    JaneE1967 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm a 46 year old mum of three, ready to get healthier. I would love any of you to add me as a friend for mutual support. :wink:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    48 year old here with two little kids 4 and 6. Full time job, second job... I understand busy. I use to have the same issue with tracking. I think the more I'd pay attention the more I would think of food and therefore Eat More.

    Sounds like we have a good group here looking for the same things. Finding the foods we like that are healthy and getting some exercise in. :)

    I Finally found workouts I'm sticking to. Only took 47 years lol
  • Georgianbaygirl67
    Georgianbaygirl67 Posts: 97 Member
    Just finished day 6 of bikini body mommy! I'm 46, and don't plan on putting a bikini on anytime soon either. I have been doing this for 279 days. and have been doing pretty well. I am not a 'clean eater' if I want it, I have it. Lifestyle change, not diet for me!
  • HI, I am not quite 40 but i will be in just a few short months. My goal right now is to lose 40 by 40.. I need to lose more than that but like i said it is just goal. I am a mother of 3. I have been on a diet all my life it feels like but just can find the right one or keep it off. i was a member of TOPS. It helped to maintain, but i would lose 1 gain 2. and it was just frustrating. Hopefully i can do it this time and keep it off. Im looking for friends to inspire me.
  • anname9203
    anname9203 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there. I am 45 and have 2 boys. I was on Weight Watchers for a while and lost about 30 lbs and then decided I didn't want to pay anymore but I had to do something so I came back to MFP. I'd signed up for an account way back in 2011 but just recently came back to it. I have lost another 10 lbs since being back here and have about 20 to go. I've been on the diet roller coaster since I had my first son and he is 21 now! I've been up and down over the years and this time I want to stay down for good!

    I'm sending you a friend request.
  • Add me too! 47, 2 boys, lifelong struggle with weight. Currently trying for 130lbs (I'm 5'3").

    On MFP since August. Actually - it's a milestone, I joined on August 11! Exactly 5 months ago. 20 lbs in 5 months is not a terribly impressive result, but I'll take what I can get. Exercise is my biggest problem - I still haven't found something I'd love, and I'm almost out of things to try. Currently experimenting with yoga and hoping to start weights - bought the NROLFW book, haven't finished reading it yet...
  • I lost 60 lbs on Weight Watchers, (I needed to lose about another 30!) then stalled, then they changed the program and it only seemed to get worse. I had a lot of stressful stuff going on, wasn't tracking, etc. Last summer I finally just dropped out because I simply couldn't afford monthly fees. :( It's a good program, but it can add up, and the shameless self-promotion of products sometimes got old. I regained about 45. :(

    I just started this in December (day after Christmas!) because it was recommended to me by several people, and the price is right!

    I, too, am in my 40s, and I swear my metabolism took a nosedive this year too. But at least the tracking is keeping me honest, and the scale is finally creeping down instead of inching up.
  • Mkstehle
    Mkstehle Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I just turned 43 and have 2 boys. I have tried to lose weight, but within a few weeks, i lose motivation or have a bad week and then give up. I figured just working out would help me lose weight. Well, not true, it is what you eat, which is hard because I am an emotional and boredom eater. I also started an account a year ago, but never really logged in. This year I am determined to give it all I have. I'm finding friends a huge motivation. I will send you an invitation. Anyone can friend me.
  • mrsljacob
    mrsljacob Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I'm not a mom, but I am always looking for friends on here. :) I am trying to lose 30 by my 30th. Then I have at least 20 more to lose after that.
  • ariana_chris
    ariana_chris Posts: 1 Member
    Yes. Me too! Ready to get serious. I am a 38 year old mom of an almost two year old and managed to lose most of the weight, but am noticing that it is creeping back up. We're trying for number two and I don't want to just "let go" in the mean time. I'm hoping to do it more healthfully this time. I don't want to give up on being healthy just because I'm in between. Happy to meet you all.
  • Would love to have any and/or all of you as friends. I'm a 46 yr. old mom who's
    been struggling w/ the nutrition-exercise-weight loss battle since I got pregnant
    14 years ago! Just when I'm doing "good" in one area (eating better quality foods)
    I start to lose it in another (overeating those same foods!) So far, I love MFP for
    having to be accountable and others' support. 2014 could be the year we all
    make consistent and positive changes -- Be in touch!
  • granolagirl
    granolagirl Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I am a 41 year old mom of 2. I originally lost all my weight a couple of years ago through MFP and exercise but have slowly had the weight creep back up. Back on track again. I am finding the weight is not coming off as fast as it used to:/

    Would love to have mom friends for the journey. Add me or I will add you:)
  • seattle_hd
    seattle_hd Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm 40 and mom of 2.

    I lost about 5 lbs when I started working out about 3 years ago, found MFP but never got all that serious. So my starting weight is from three years ago which never moved anywhere. I hit a plateau after losing a few more pounds doing a 30 day food challenge, but gained it all back last summer.

    Now I'm diagnosed with hypothyroid and excited to see I finally made it under my plateau - lost weight even during the holidays! Surprised me big time. So I'm here trying to keep it going and motivated. :)