Have you lost weight eating "junk food"?



  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    i still eat junk food weekly but I try to keep it within my 1200 calorie limit. If I'm over I try to eat a little under my limit a few days afterwards. I know I probably shouldn't, but as long as I'm not cry in out for food I don't see any harm.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    The short answer: yes.

    But why do people (not necessarily you, OP, but lots of people on MFP) think this has to be such an all-or-nothing thing? It's not like it's a required choice of either McDonalds all day every day, or salads and chicken breasts and nothing else. There is lots of room for variety. I eat some junk, like probably a small piece of chocolate every day. I eat out occasionally, but not every day. I eat pasta but not every day, because I have difficulty with portion control. I eat lots of vegetables and I love a good salad, but I'm not subsisting on just those things, or on "salmon and quinoa" either (although both of those are delicious). You have to figure out for yourself a good balance between healthier foods and foods that may have less nutritional value (aka junk food).

    Agreed. Some sort of balance is also valid, but many often would rather support the extremes
  • loddie26
  • NewLifeNewBody12
    My mother and I are junk food addicts...we love our Mickey D's, Taco Bell, and sweets! However, keeping it at moderate (to completely removing it) on a regular basis, and having perhaps one 'cheat day', along with maintaining exercise has always allowed us some freedom. Also, one trick is to try and modify what you eat, even if it is bad. For example, sometimes when I go to McDonalds, I'll take off the top bun of the burger and only get a small fry. The little steps count :) I don't know how some people can eat so well, lol. I tell my one health nut friend that he eats bird seed.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    lost almost 60lbs while eating fast food 3-4 times a week, 'processed' foods, cookies, chips etc etc. I'm now maintaining that loss while continuing to eat this way :smile: Portion sizes, keeping within your allotted calorie amount, and being aware of your macros. Simple as that!
  • suehiebert56
    I have been on Since Jan19. I have lost 5.5 lbs . I have a cappachino at least once a day. Have eaten at In n out, Carls junior and Golden Corral, where I didn't even bother to try to log food. My food diary is public if you want to see it. I'm sure I am not doing this the best way, but it is working for me.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have lost 26 lbs in 7 weeks eating pizza, wings, subway, some ice cream, etc. Pretty much whatever I want.

    I alternate cycle fast for 24 hours at a time. 24 hour cycle eat whatever I want up to my maintain calories of 2300, and the next 24 hour cycle 500 calories.

    Has been pretty easy and the farther along I am the less I ened to feel full on my up cycle days.