Real appetite suppressant supplement?



  • nashvillenellie
    nashvillenellie Posts: 75 Member
    When I get hungry between meals I reach for the celery or other raw veggies. I also like dill pickles. For some reason they seem to dull the hunger pains some what.
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member

    No pill will help you as much as a daily workout exercise routine.......

    I wish you the best of luck...
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    For me it's a balance between protein and fiber. If I don't get an adequate amount of both I find myself hungry when I "shouldn't" be. That and plenty of water does the trick for me, no spendy supplement required.

  • briansyuki
    briansyuki Posts: 11 Member
    To avoid feeling hungry between meals drink a lot of water through out the day. A glass of water before and after the meal will also help control the portions you eat. Eat fruits and veggies between meals if are hungry. This will help enhance your metabolism and stay full.
  • kymber2280
    I've been taking Diet works Green coffee bean extract , the one that Costco carries. I feel it has helped me stick to my calories and kept me feeling full past dinner time ( usually 6-7pm )
    Also, it hasn't given me any strange side effects like jitters or chest pain like some appetite suppressants.

    I take one in the morning 30 min before breakfast and one 30 min before dinner. With logging my calories and exercising 30 min a day, i have already lost 5lb since Jan 1

    I hope you find something that works for you!
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    Sigh. :noway:

    My feelings exactly. OP is not looking for a miracle pill.......while looking for a miracle pill.

    Seriously, if you're not even going to help why talk about her to someone else on her thread like that?
    To the three or four people being ugly? Congrats, you've made me never want to come back to MFP boards to ask questions ever again.

    Thanks to everyone else for your wonderful advice. I don't think I'm getting enough protein, so I'm going to adjust that and see what happens... I'm not shooting for fast weight loss, I'd be happy with 0.5-1 lb/week as long as it stayed off.

    I guess I assumed I was still feeling hungry and having a hard time controlling how much I eat because I'm coming from a place where I used to snack all the time (Basically, I was pregnant in 2012 and gave into all my cravings, then I spent 8 months of 2013 with a baby that NEVER slept more than 1 hour at a time, plus I was taking classes, plus working full time... wasn't about to add diet change stress to the mix)... I guess I thought I was feeling "hungry" out of habit, so I thought an appetite suppressant would help me.

    Anyways, thanks again for all the advice y'all! Good luck to everyone :)

    You can always ask me a question, a lot of people dont like using the boards.
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    Protein & water girl! That's been my best friend! Also I apologize about the rudeness, please don't let those few people keep you from asking questions!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    To the three or four people being ugly? Congrats, you've made me never want to come back to MFP boards to ask questions ever again.
    I'm sorry you feel that way, but nobody was being rude, just straight forward with the truth.

    You said:
    please don't dismiss this as someone else hoping for justification for being a sucker looking for a "miracle pill."
    which means you are aware that this question comes across the board often enough, and
    I get that feeling hungry is part of the deal, but was wondering if there's anything I can take that will make this a bit easier
    which indicates you are looking for a pill to suppress your appetite.

    Really, I'm betting if you eat smaller meals throughout the day and up the protein and fats and fiber it will help suppress your appetite. Also, water is probably about the only healthy appetite suppressant you can take between those meals, and it's free and all natural.

    Hang in there and good luck on your weight loss journey. :smile:
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I actually had the same question!! I dont think you were necessarily looking for a "Pill" but, maybe ideas to help control appetite such as water, increased fat intake, or yes...maybe some kind of tea/herb which can help. I get it! I have a huge appetite and it is very difficult to go through each day being hungry.I am going to "friend request" you, if you accept, maybe we can bounce ideas off of eachother!
  • Clarington45
    As long as I'm on track with calories and macros, I eat plain celery and drink more water when I get hungry between meals or after workouts.

    I have been doig this as well, I am going through a lot of celery but it is great for a snack..
  • shrinking_cylon
    shrinking_cylon Posts: 33 Member
    I've been using PGX for a few weeks and they seem to make me less hungry between meals, which is awesome. :)
  • JamieBeth19
    JamieBeth19 Posts: 47 Member
    I eat pretty high protein. It tends to keep me full :)
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Hey y'all, please don't dismiss this as someone else hoping for justification for being a sucker looking for a "miracle pill."

    I am wondering if there is any supplement I can take that will legitimately help control my appetite. I'm NOT looking for a miracle pill that will let me eat junk and still lose weight :P I am giving it my best shot, controlling what I eat, when, and how much ... But I seriously get intensely hungry between meals. I get that feeling hungry is part of the deal, but was wondering if there's anything I can take that will make this a bit easier.

  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Please, for your own health, look for real nutrient dense foods. Pills in any form for weight loss can have so many side effects. Being hungry is part of it, getting mentally past it is all of it. Take a walk, drink water, eat more protein and fiber. Don't eat at too large a deficit. It might help if you open your diary so we can see what you are eating (if you haven't done this already).
  • itbloke
    itbloke Posts: 20 Member
    Green tea, brew up a cup - no milk, no sugar - hits the spot and helps with suppressing appetite, plus has other benefits ie antioxidants.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey y'all, please don't dismiss this as someone else hoping for justification for being a sucker looking for a "miracle pill."

    I am wondering if there is any supplement I can take that will legitimately help control my appetite. I'm NOT looking for a miracle pill that will let me eat junk and still lose weight :P I am giving it my best shot, controlling what I eat, when, and how much ... But I seriously get intensely hungry between meals. I get that feeling hungry is part of the deal, but was wondering if there's anything I can take that will make this a bit easier.

    works for me!

    Or just eat right and have plenty of green veggies and fruit with some protein and BOOM! Satiety and happiness!

    This is pretty disordered thinking asking us for a way to NOT be hungry since you are probably not eating enough and training too hard. Thats normally the case with these types of questions and I could be completely off point.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Water protein high fiber
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    I am going to be completely honest - I went hungry for like 3 weeks. Nothing helps with appetite control, you can eat all the almonds, fiber, protein, you name it and the hunger is there. Just ignore it. Mentally I tell myself "I love this feeling". Eventually you will find the difference between bored eating and real hunger. We are fat, it's hard to say that we have been really hungry, and that isn't for long.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Are you going to be using this miracle pill for the rest of your life. Honestly just look at your nutrition. People have pointed you towards food, water and sorting out your macros. I would also look at the timing of when you eat either 3 meals or 5 light meals spread through the day. I dont think hunger is part of the deal. You do have to portion control, but you will find fruit, veg and lean protein can give you a lot for your calories, whicch in turn should help you feel full for the day as well as provide a lot/all of the nutrients for the day. Going to the Drs for pills to supress appetite is bonkers when you can manage it safely and sustainably with food.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    ElliottTN wrote: »
    Ephedrine....about the only legit legal pill I know.
    not legal in the us.

    Ephedrine+caffein = hunnnggg!

    Absolutely legal I'm the US. You can go to any Walgreens or Rite-Aid right now and get it. You have to ask for it from behind the prescription counter though and show ID. Meth heads use it to cook so they track IDs to make sure you are not buying huge amounts.

    But yeah, as with anything you need to research ad understand what your putting in your body before you start popping ****.

    >>>The FDA did indeed ban ephedra back in 2004. This is the plant from which most of the formulations of ephedrine originate. This substance, although it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, was considered too dangerous for sale by the FDA. This decision was made in spite of numerous studies from Harvard University and other institutions say it is safe and should remain legal. Today, any weight loss product containing any amount of ephedrine alkaloids is considered to be illegal. Unfortunately, many people end up confusing ephedra and ephedrine and incorrectly think that ephedrine itself has also been banned. <<<

    There are 2 different things here :)