Insanity Week 2 Thoughts

(accidentally posted this in motivation and support, can a mod please delete that one?)

I finished up my Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs for the day and so ended week 2 of Insanity!

There were a few things I noticed this week comparing it to last week so I figured I'd share my experience so far.

1.) Things get better. I noticed that within this week I was able to hold on a bit longer, and not have to sit out a section of exercises. My extended breaks got a little less, and and pushing forward is a bit easier. There are still a few things that I have such an incredibly hard time doing (sitting in a squat or lunge for minutes at a time in Cardio Recovery for one), but I'm able to move forward.

2.) Week 1 I wasn't keeping the core tight. I had no idea how to do it and breathe at the same time. So I practiced when I wasn't working out and by mid-week I figured it out. It's an ENTIRELY different workout for me now. I'm hoping that my back pain will go away soon because of the core stuff.

3.) Cardio Abs suck! I still think that the P90X Ab Ripper X is tougher, but after not doing ab work for a while, I was crying my way through. And doing this after Pure Cardio....eff off Shaun T, eff off.

My HRM is way off on calorie burns, I got one specifically for this and I don't believe for a second that 784 calories are being burned n 45 minutes. I don't care what Beachbody or anyone else says, that's just way off the charts.

With having the HRM though, I've been able to work out a little bit smarter. I have a high exercise heart rate maxing out at around 198 (I'm 35 so the 220-age doesn't work).

Week one it was up around there maxing out the heart rate at times, and averaging 179. Now it barely cracks 190, and I have to push harder to do it. During the breaks, I pause the DVD for a little longer break, and let my HR go back down into the 150's or 160's, only takes about 20 seconds, and then hit play and go. If I notice my HR cracks 190 or high 180's, I take a small break, and go on when I can.

As far as inches and things like that...I really have no idea...I forgot to measure!! I will be measuring later today. My weight loss has been on par with what I'd expect. The first week I was kind of ticked because I dropped a whopping 0.2 lbs. However I ended up weighing myself again around Wednesday, and had dropped another 1.5 lbs. My weigh in is Sunday, so we'll see if I knocked a few more tenths off. It'll be posted with my 15 day fit test results.

I'm working through a crazy shoulder injury, so the pushups are not as many as I want, I'm getting it looked at on the 21st. Whenever I raise my arm straight above my head....there is pain...but I still have full range of motion and no other position is painful. However when I warm up, it no longer hurts until I do the pushups, and there is only some discomfort. Planks don't bother it at all.

I'm going to enjoy the rest day, and Sunday get back to it!


  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    After getting on the scale today for my weigh in day, I've lost 5lbs in two weeks with Insanity.

    I DID change some of my diet, but nothing so drastic that I'm hungry or I'm not craving things. Just cut out a lot of the crap.

    Fit Test today to start of Week 3....we'll see how it goes.
  • tripn404
    tripn404 Posts: 109 Member
    I just started Yesterday with my First Fit Test... a little sore just because im not used to this particular type of cardio.. Hope i get some results like you . Keep posting your tid bits and thoughts it'll keep me motivated and I'll post mine!
  • mummy2two20092011
    Hi, Hope it is going well for you. Was just wondering, if you managed to consume the right amount of calories every day, that it says you should consume, as think i am going to struggle with 1,700 x
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I don't worry about the calories....I just eat when I'm hungry and try to eat healthy.

    If I focus on their diet plan too much I just go crazy...that's with any of their diet plans, not just Insanity.

    I normally get about 16-1700 calories before exercise calories.
  • MarshaMole
    MarshaMole Posts: 142 Member
    I laughed out loud at your #3 and I agree wholeheartedly!

    I am starting week 3 tomorrow and will be doing my fit test..hoping I will at least do a little better =)

    I also have trouble with the sitting in the squats for any length of time

    All the best in your journey I know I am enjoying mine!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Yeah, I watched some Insanity Asylum, which I want to do after this...and my God...Shaun T hates me...he really really does.

    Did better in my 2nd fit test, improved in ALL areas!
  • tripn404
    tripn404 Posts: 109 Member
    Just finished day 17 of Insanity... Fit Test #2 was better... and I must say pure cardio today was rough.. even though i feel like im so much better than i was on day one. I am so scared of phase2! :/