Ketogenic Diet



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    So essentially what your saying is that I am going to die from eating foods high in fat with moderate protien and several servings of veggies a day.

    No, that's not what he's saying.

    Try again.
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Anyone with experience or knowledge about this diet know if I should push that fat intake to 60% or if my current macro ratio is good.

    I did about a year of trying to eat that way. You're going to feel like you're dying trying to work out that hard on so few carbs. And your performance will suffer, drastically.

    Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing depends on your goals.

    That's simply not true... if you are actually adapted to using ketones, your athletic performance will keep up with that of a carb-eater, or even surpass it in cases of endurance exercises. For a week or two, sure, you're going to feel terrible. It's not healthy or normal for that to persist though.

    MJudd, can you please cite some literature? I have a feeling you're absolutely full of it. Keto is a state that man lived in for a very long time before agriculture, and still lived in up until the late 20th century in many parts of the world (see; inuit populations that ate an 85% fat diet and were normal weights + healthy before being introduced to a western diet). I'm gonna need to see some facts before you throw scary words with no explanation at someone who doesn't know better.

    I've been eating keto for 2 years and my T4 levels + adrenals are completely normalized after an eating disorder ****ed them over. I have low blood pressure, I've increased my squat and deadlift by 100%, haven't had a UTI in 2 years (used to get em monthly), and the only thing that puts me in a foul mood is rainy weather and tripe such as you posted.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    Ketosis is not good for us. It's a back up plan for when glucose (the main fuel) runs out. The body only uses a small portion of it before the rest exit though the urine.

    Anyone trying to throw the Inuit or masaai tribes in this conversation need to do more research.
    Inuit suffer from severe constipation (they even have a god dedicated to farting), osteoporosis, artery damage, and aged prematurely.
    The masaai (which some will throw in because they eat so much meat), um many of you "primal" followers drink blood? In their later years they convert to a more plant based diet. And I know someone is going to mention how skinny they are, have you heard of malnutrition? They don't have supermarkets there like the rest of us with Internet access. I'm pretty sure if you didn't consume enough calories you'd look that way also.

    But the reason why we go through ketosis is to help in times of starvation. Guess who also go through ketosis? Alcoholics, diabetics (not through insulin) and those who are starving (a.k.a. Not eating enough).

    Just stating the facts here y'all.
  • jhiggi83
    jhiggi83 Posts: 27 Member
    From my first post I stated that I planned on going thru with the diet. I am far from stupid and did my due research , to include reading the book "The Art and science of low carb performance ". I have been on the diet since the 2nd I have not had any of these negative side effects. I like this method of eating, it has crushed my sugar cravings, I feel great and I feel like I can maintain this lifestyle . People can hate on it all they want, it works for me and real research performed by medical doctors says it sustainable. It is now my goal to become keto-adapted.
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    I wasn't saying you were going to die by any means. I was merely stating that keto diets purposely place your body into a less efficient, starvation state for the sake of losing body fat. But the fact is if your carb intake is too low and your energy expenditure too high then you will develop hypoglycemia and the possibility of hypoglycemic coma. Keto diets are a quick fix and do not promote lasting weight loss in my opinion. Your body is in starvation mode and your cortisol levels are gonna be high so the minute you slip up/decide to splurge and eat an entire pizza, all of it is going to be stored as fat. And while were on the literature citing battle BS rant could any of you show me a peer reviewed meta-analysis that conclusively shows that purposely throwing your body into ketogenesis for extended periods of time will not adversely affect ones health? And no, saying that Inuits and tribal villagers do it isn't really supporting your claim considering their average life expectancy is like 45.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I've been eating LCHF for over a year now and I can't imagine ever eating any other way. I love it and my only regret is that I didn't start eating this way sooner. And while I don't specifically aim for ketosis my carbs are often low enough for me to be in ketosis and my health has only improved. For me it's proven to be healthful, sustainable and an absolute life changer.

    If you struggle with overeating or have symptoms of metabolic disorder absolutely give this way of eating a shot -- it's the best thing I've ever done for my health.