help!!!! how do i link myfitnesspal and body media fit. !!

hi wonderful people . I'm having such a hard time linking both myfitnesspal and body media fit. I've tried everything i could. i keep pressing connect and i get a screen update with no button. is anyone else doing the same thing.


    Are you sure it didn't work? I have linked runkeeper and MFP and there weren't like fireworks going off or anything that really jumped out at me to let me know it worked. I just had to test it. I ran, saved it, and it posted to MFP! Try it with your armband. You may have to play around with things a bit. Since it tracks 24/7, Im not sure how it knows when to post. You may have to tell it. I am due to get my bodymedia link armband tomorrow!!!! If you figure it out let me know because Im sure I'll be struggling with it tomorrow night. :)
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    Have you tried linking them from the bodymedia site instead? Just a thought.
  • Linasanz83
    Linasanz83 Posts: 11 Member
    i have done all of the above. i wanted to call customer service but i need to wait until tomorrow. they're only open monday to fridays :(