I think Im finally ready.

Hello, my name is Sami. I've been struggling since I was a child with obesity and I recently found this site. I want to loose 40 pounds by June so I've giving myself 6 months to do so. If I loose 10 months a month, though then that could put me at 60 pounds.

Nonetheless, I'm not going to set my goals too high, because I've never been lucky with weightloss. However I was wondering if anyone here had any tips or suggestions on where to start, and how to keep yourself motivated even when you feel like its just easier to giveup. I dont want to keep on being obese, and I'd really love to loose 80 pounds, but I would really appreciate some tips and suggestions. thankyou!


  • asaffell
    asaffell Posts: 43 Member
    You can do this!
  • honestmango2013
    honestmango2013 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to lose about the same, and I'm halfway there. I don't really have any advice. I just wanted to tell you that every day that you consume less than you burn, you get a little smaller. I try to log the calories of everything that goes in me, even when I have a "special" day (like Christmas or a random Wednesday when I overeat)...I really believe that just the act of putting the stuff into MFP makes me eat less. Maybe it will work for you as well.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Sounds like a pretty high goal to reach. Have you established how you are going to achieve this ? Do you know what your challenges will be and how you will handle them ? Are your plans short term or long term ? Are you 'dieting' or making lifestyle changes ? What will you do when you have the inevitable setback ? What are your strengths - What are your weaknesses ? Do you have a good support network or are you going it alone ?

    If you have answers to all those you will succeed - I had answers to all those and am doing great ! Friend me and we can help each other along :)
  • amyknjones
    My piece of advice is don't take on too much at once. Start by logging and eating healthier. After a month of solidity, give yourself a cheat day once in awhile. Then slowly work in exercise. If you do it all at once it's overwhelming and you're more likely to give up. Also, when I feel less motivated, I sit down with a glass of water and I read success stories. That really helps! MFP has some great ones. Remember you will have ups and downs (I am back after gaining about 15 lbs back) but as long as you keep at it you're on the right track! Good luck to you! I added you! :)
  • ftloy
    ftloy Posts: 132 Member
    My piece of advice is don't take on too much at once. Start by logging and eating healthier. After a month of solidity, give yourself a cheat day once in awhile. Then slowly work in exercise. If you do it all at once it's overwhelming and you're more likely to give up. Also, when I feel less motivated, I sit down with a glass of water and I read success stories. That really helps! MFP has some great ones. Remember you will have ups and downs (I am back after gaining about 15 lbs back) but as long as you keep at it you're on the right track! Good luck to you! I added you! :)


    It's fairly easy to go full-bore and steamroll your way through losing the weight, but if it's not done correctly, you run the [very high] potential of gaining it all back once you reach your goal weight. If your lifestyle change [keywords, here] is not sustainable, you WILL gain the weight back. Follow the advice above and you'll be okay!

    Like the Beastie Boys said, "Slow and low, that is the tempo."
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    My piece of advice is don't take on too much at once. Start by logging and eating healthier. After a month of solidity, give yourself a cheat day once in awhile. Then slowly work in exercise. If you do it all at once it's overwhelming and you're more likely to give up. Also, when I feel less motivated, I sit down with a glass of water and I read success stories. That really helps! MFP has some great ones. Remember you will have ups and downs (I am back after gaining about 15 lbs back) but as long as you keep at it you're on the right track! Good luck to you! I added you! :)


    It's fairly easy to go full-bore and steamroll your way through losing the weight, but if it's not done correctly, you run the [very high] potential of gaining it all back once you reach your goal weight. If your lifestyle change [keywords, here] is not sustainable, you WILL gain the weight back. Follow the advice above and you'll be okay!

    Like the Beastie Boys said, "Slow and low, that is the tempo."

    Both of these! Feel free to add me if you like and we can chit chat, I have lost about 45lbs thus far but let me tell you it wasn't in 4.5 months. No 10lbs a month isn't impossible but I also enjoy living and going out with friends, so I am choosing to lose weight slower so that I can still enjoy life's invitation to birthday parties etc.

    I know you can do this, and as others have said, take it slow, make goals, what are you REALLY wanting?

    Best of luck