Anyone had success with Jullian Michael's 30 day shred?

Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone else doing this? I'm on day four! I'm SO sore, but I really like it. Afraid I'll never get passed level one though!


  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I posted this same topic last week and got quite a few responses. Some negative but mostly positive. I have done it off and on but started last night again with Day 1 level 1 and am determined to make a go of it this time. It really is a good workout and gives me lots of energy when I am done. Good luck with it!
  • I started it last Thursday - I think it is a great workout and I'm amazed and what I can do now compared to a few days ago. Once you get over the "I can't move, everything hurts" phase you'll feel great. No change in weight at all, but I can already feel and see a difference in body shape. I'm still on Level 1, but things are getting easier. Find the two reps of pushups hard, but I can complete one rep, whereas when I first started had troubles even doing 5 pushups.

    Hang in there!
  • Thanks, I'm going to try to do 30 days straight, but I'm so used to taking Sundays off even when I 'm being good at working out! Lately I've been lucky to even get in 3 or 4 days a week, so this is a challenge!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    In April I started it and did all 30 days in a row. It took until about day 5 or 6 on Level 1 for me to feel like I wasn't going to DIE...and then on day 11 I moved to Level 2 and the fun started all over again (I still hate level 2, but it's like Brussel Sprouts. Good for me but I hate them.). Day 21 I moved to Level 3 and actually that's my favorite of all the levels.

    I lost 12 pounds the first time through.
  • nharr002
    nharr002 Posts: 22 Member
    Don't worry, 30 Day Shred does work. I actually did it last summer for about 2 months, and lost about 25lbs. I did it just about every day. I've managed to build a love/hate relationship with Jillian. I hate her when I'm sore and struggling to get through the workouts, but I love her when I see the weight and inches coming off. Good luck and have fun! Level 2 is my favorite! :D
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    When I was consistant with it I did have success and even though I didn't think I would get past level 1 I actually moved to level 2 on day 7, but I became bored with it really fast and quite by day 15. However I did lose 4lbs by that point so it wasn't a waste at all. I just cant do the same thing every day or even every other day. Good luck and tomorrow or the day after you will realize that not only is the sorness minimal but your endurance will have increased as well.
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    In April I started it and did all 30 days in a row. It took until about day 5 or 6 on Level 1 for me to feel like I wasn't going to DIE...and then on day 11 I moved to Level 2 and the fun started all over again (I still hate level 2, but it's like Brussel Sprouts. Good for me but I hate them.). Day 21 I moved to Level 3 and actually that's my favorite of all the levels.

    I lost 12 pounds the first time through.

    Wow, that is awesome! I hope to make it to the next level this time around. Level 1 is fun for me. I like it alot, and use my own music to keep me pumped up. I hope I can handle level 2 when I get there. But I am excited to see how this changes my body. I also plan to incorporate some Yoga and my Wii Fit Plus stuff into my routine as well, just to add variety and a little more activity. Thanks for sharing your success!
  • Is this a dvd you follow or something with the WII??
  • THANK YOU!! Very encouraging!!
  • It's a DVD (I got mine from the library, but saw it at Walmart for $9.00 and think I will buy it) I has 3 levels of workouts on one DVD and it is a very fast paced 20 minutes workout in 3 curcuits of cardio, resistance and abs!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I did the 30 day shred but I wasn't as sore the next day. I do the firm videos I am way more sore with those. I did the video every other day. Did other stuff in between.
  • yes! i'm on my last 10 days - doing level 3. i'm wearing jeans i haven't worn in months (although my weight isn't moving so fast). I must be losing inches from somewhere :)

    Plus i feel stronger and stronger ever day.
  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    I loe the 30day shred!! Just wish I coudl do it right now. but i had a tooth pulled, so i can't right now, and plus I injuried my neck and back sleeping. hopefully i can do ti tomorrow. i saw results right away when I was doing it.
  • Thanks! Hope you can get back to it soon!!
  • So of you that are doing it almost every day, do you only do 30 day shred or do you do other forms of cardio too? I have the dvd, but don't do it every day. I would like to start, but I like changing it up a bit...
  • pamelasusan
    pamelasusan Posts: 90 Member
    Anyone Do Cathe Freidrich?

    I have both Jillian and Cathe's workouts. I am addicted to Cathe but might dust off my old Jillian workouts.......
  • I get bored and have to have variety too! I had success with Tae BO DVD's but then got bored and quit doing them everyday and gained the weight back. I'm hoping with the quickness and variety in each workout and then changing to levels 2 and 3 it'll keep me interested for the 30 days! If not maybe the TaeBo will interest me again. I have the TaeBo Cardio and Ultimate Challenge so far. Sounds like variety is the key for a lot of people!
  • I've not heard of Cathe.
  • pamelasusan
    pamelasusan Posts: 90 Member
    The Firm is also a good series. Weight training and cardio.......
  • What about alternating this with another DVD? I have the Biggest Loser Cardio Max one as well. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week but it's kind of difficult with a 3 month old. Easier to have my husband watch the baby for 20 mins while I go in the bedroom and do the video. But I get bored and can't do the same thing everyday. And more realistic for me is 4 or so times a week. Is it even gonna help? I've been doing 30 mins elliptical previously.
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