How do you get motivated to exercise?


So about two years ago, I started Weight Watchers and it was amazing! I lost 30 pounds, and really learned how to eat right. Since then, I had to stop doing Weight Watchers because of the price but have been using myfitnesspal to track my food. Anyway, my question is, I have a REALLY hard time with exercise. I HATE waking up early to do it, I hate how hard it is, I hate the pain I feel after (I have scoliosis so I have chronic neck and back pain, as well as flare ups in my ankles from old injuries.) My question is, how do you stay motivated to exercise? How can I start off slow so I don't overdo it and end up in a lot of pain? I try to do a little bit each day, even if it is light stretching or yoga for a half hour, but I need more cardio to loose the weight (I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers, but have gained about 10-15 back in the last few months.) I want to exercise and build muscle and lose fat but when it get's hard I quit. I will do it consistently for a couple days, but if I miss one day, I get into this slump and don't do it.


What are your tips to stay motivated?

What can I do that still burns fat and tones muscle but is easy on my joints?

How to I keep up with a routine every day (make it a habit)?

Any advice would be appreciated!!!


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i do stuff i like to do and look forward to doing it.

    maybe you need to figure out what you like doing and do those things?

    and you start off slow by starting off slow. first get in the habit of doing it without worrying about heart rate zones, how many calories you're burn, how to burn more, etc. just get in the habit (and you get in the habit by doing) it takes about a month to make a new habit, so if you have to force yourself during that month to go then so be it.

    if you're going at the correct pace (a pace that you can easily keep up for 45-60 minutes) then there shouldnt be any issues with injuries.

    finally swimming is good if you have joint issues
  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    I def understand the lacking motivation!!

    To help myself want to work out these are some things I do:
    Look at pictures of me
    look up motivating quotes on pinterest.
    tell myself just do it for 5 mins. then once I start I can normally push myself to 20 mins on the bike = 200 calories.

    a way to keep it routine is to do it with a friend!

    Good luck!
  • 4Pookiecat
    4Pookiecat Posts: 20 Member
    I hate exercising early in the morning. i dont want to get up to do it and then I skip it. So my advice first is to find a time that works for you. I exercise everyday. If I skip, it is too easy to skip again, and again. Doing it everyday, it just becomes part of my day and what I HAVE to get done. Next, find an exercise you can do that doesn't feel like all your thinking about is doing exercise. For example, I use a stationery bike but I read when i am doing it. I love to read so I am more engrossed in the book than I am in the exercise. Next thing you know, I have an hour done and I am finished. I also do step aerobics. I dont use a video or anything but I have a step that I step up and down on for sets of 20 minutes while I am watching a good show on TV so my mind is on the show rather than counting the minutes. I guess I DO count the minutes but not as much as I would if it was all I was thinking about!

    The thing with exercise is you WILL see results. It is amazing once it happens and when it does, that is movitation to keep going!

    Good luck to you.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i dont, i just go.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    Try a Zemba class, its fun, social and usually not in the morning! I find a mix of exercise and finding things like zumba or skiing that I actually enjoy doing help a lot. Also an hour zumba is 500 calories!! That is 500 more you can eat!
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    Motivation gets you far enough to make it a habit. Once its a habit you don't need the motivation, you just do it.

    Tell yourself you'll do 10minutes of whatever you find "easy" at the gym. You'll find once you start you'll keep at it.

    I notice the biggest weight loss/body shape difference lifting free weights. I can do cardio until i kill myself and it really doesn't show much difference. But if you are sore and stiff do what you can do to strengthen your body, shed a few kilos and it'll be less painful and easier to do more. If yoga works for you now just do that for now. Anything is better than nothing
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I like the way I feel when I'm done. Sweat, endorphins, feeling like a badass, having extra energy. I love doing what's right for my body. I think about my family and how they are all overweight. How my gramma's body was falling apart from misuse my whole life of knowing her, and how my dad's body cannot do what it used to because he hasn't exercised properly.

    I want to be fit. I refuse to get old.

    That is my motivation.
  • indignantgnome
    indignantgnome Posts: 60 Member
    I, too, am in the "just 5 minutes" group, but I push myself longer by alternating between "well, you may as well finish this mile," "now there's only 2 minutes until you get to 20 minutes!," and "hey, this is a good song! you may as well finish it out." By the time the song finishes, I'm back to one of the others, and sometimes end up going an hour or more.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I don't.

    I look at it like going to work.

    A necessary evil.
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    Tips to stay motivated? Go stand in the mirror naked. Are you happy? Then make a plan and change it.

    If you have joint issues stick to low impact i.e. water aerobics/sports or the elliptical machine.

    How to make it a habit? Don't make excuses, just do it.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    I started by using Leslie Samson 'Walking Away the Pounds". She has a bunch of them, but you can find one that's easy, low impact and you can pick your 'mileage' with each mile = @ 15 minutes. You can do them in your PJs & sneaks in an area about 6' x 6'...and you will work up a sweat. Google it and check out some of her free stuff on YouTube. I'm planning on doing my 1st Marathon in Jan 2015 at age 60, but I started with Leslie Sansone doing 1 mile in my living room.
  • amberlynn1218
    I started by taking progress pictures and that has helped push me to keep going. I want to be able to wear a bathing suit this summer and take my son swimming. I don't want to feel embarrassed. I started doing T25 in Sept and it is hard but man, the 25 min goes fast and then I'm done!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I don't. I love it, and when I can't exercise, it drives me nuts. Ask my friends how elated I was when I received full clearance to lift again last Monday. I know it's a privilege to be able to move my body, and I take full advantage of it.
  • Kollane
    Kollane Posts: 45 Member
    Find someone who would excercise with you. I have my sister, who pushes me, while I push her. Neither of us want to let other down, so we pick a class and day (be it step aerobics, yoga, bodypump, zumba or anything else) and stick to it. We choose the time and class together and pick it according to her working hours and my uni exams/classes.

    Having a dog is also a great motivation, just because I can NOT skip walking her every day for 6-7 km (3-4 miles).
  • j67867
    j67867 Posts: 27
    by checking out some hot bird me all the motivation i need
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I find it difficult to work out at home, it's too easy to get side tracked into doing something else or to give up and sit on the couch. I'm much more likely to work out hard at a gym with other people around. I'm sure no one is noticing me, but just in case I want them to see me sweat no barely moving. Also, I work out harder in classes because I don't want to seem like the most out of shape person (even when I am). When it's all said and done, I love to feel tired and sweaty because then I know it was worth it.

    As for your joints, definitely swimming or water work out classes. Our Y offers many of those, if you have one around I would call and ask. The other great thing about classes is you tend to make friends there and look forward to seeing them.

    Eventually, working out becomes a habit, you just have to stick with it for a while. I haven't felt motivated this past week, even once I was at the gym but made myself work through it. Definitely didn't work as hard as usual but at least I got there, as for me, I find it can be easy to get out of the habit if I skip too many days.

    Just push through the beginning (first few weeks or month), I promise it will get better and you might even start to enjoy exercising.
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    I find it easier if I have a class---like it is happening at THIS time at THIS place! This way, I have it on my calendar for a specific time and not just when I get to it. Also helps if you have someone going to the same things---that way you have someone to show up FOR.

    Find something you love to do and do it.

    Try walking, elliptical machine, or water aerobics...water exercise is great resistance and very gentle on the joints.
  • Rayyn
    Rayyn Posts: 1
    How do you like the T25? I did the insanity for the first month but knew the high impact of month 2 was just too much. Is the T25 good and how does it compare to insanity?
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Some days, I hate every minute of my time at the gym. And that's okay. I work out because I have to and overall, I want to. I agree with finding something you like and make sure to listen to your body if you're hurting. Good luck!
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    My motivation is. Knowing that the payoff comes quicker when I excercise than when I don't. I also find exercise is me time and a way better way to relieve life's stress than bad for me food.