Shift Work?

Anyone else do shift work? Overnight/graveyard or evenings? I work nights and it would be awesome to have some friends dealing with the struggle! Add me even if you don't!


  • stef102093
    stef102093 Posts: 48 Member
    I do shift work and it can be a challenge. When I worked overnights I usesd to not eat anything all night long until it was breakfast time.
  • born2late86
    born2late86 Posts: 6 Member
    I try very hard to keep a schedule like I would were I working daylight still bit it's so hard! I still haven't found an eating schedule that works for me.
  • _runbitchrun
    _runbitchrun Posts: 205 Member
    I mostly work 2-1030pm. Sometimes til 3am. : / it can get rough.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I work as swing shift with 2 night shifts on Mon and tues. 2nds on weekend and first on Friday. there are several night shift people on MFP. even a ongoing thread
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    I work 4p-12a or later w/ an hour commute each way. Plus every third weekend I work overnights. I kinda have my normal schedule figured out & I am very bad with my overnights. That's when I tend to binge and get off track :(
  • Mommy_to_6
    Mommy_to_6 Posts: 2 Member
    I've worked 3 nights in a row 7p-7a for the last 6 years, I know that's where most of my weight has come from. Where I work we can't bring food in, and its a struggle to get out of the facility and back in on night shift.
  • julianne824
    julianne824 Posts: 17 Member
    I work 3-11 right now and even though its just part time I feel those couple days a week I work are detrimental to my attempt at becoming healthy. 1st reason is my eating times are all off from when I would eat at home. 2nd reason is I don't always eat good at work. 3rd reason is when I get home I use the excuse, "I just got off work and had a bad night" to binge and have a glass of wine too . I don't want to sleep I just want to snack after work because I still have energy. And forget the gym on work days too because what nurse wants to go to the gym before work and .. oh well its closed by the time I get out.

    Making a switch to 7-3 in a couple weeks so I'm hoping that helps me stay on track. I know I have no excuse not to go to the gym now.
  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member
    I work a rotating shift schedule with days and nights then a set of days off. I've been doing shift work for 18 years now...anyone is free to add me or message me about dealing with it.
  • abithbat
    I work 11pm-7am 5 days a week. It is definitely a struggle to get on any kind of schedule when you are on this shift, for me at least. What I have found that works best for me is to go to the gym around 9:30pm, after my first snack. Since I have started going to the gym at that time, I have found it easier to stay alert and awake while I am work. Eating on the other hand is a little more complicated for me. I typically sleep from 9am-4pm, so by the time I wake up, I have to prepare dinner for the family. I usually will eat in reverse order, eating dinner at 5pm, pre-workout snack at 9pm, lunch at 12am, snack at 4am, and a small breakfast when I get home just after 7am. I think the biggest obstacle that you must master when working on the graveyard shift is that you really must have an adequate amount of undisturbed sleep. When I would sleep for a few hours, then wake up and take a nap later in the afternoon, I was always extremely tired and could not get motivated to do anything. I guess you really just have to find out what works best for you though. Just attempt to make some sort of a routine between sleep, meals, and exercise.
  • ellehcimyelhsa
    I'm really struggling with this now. My hours are so random. We have mandatory forced overtime, and that *really* screws me up. Like this week: I worked day shift tuesday, then had to go back that night to work midnight, forced over to day shift, back for a midnight (now) and I'm being forced over again. I am only getting naps instead of actual sleep because I have a two year old to take care of too. DH doesn't exactly have a 9-5 job either, but he doesn't have forced OT; his schedule doesn't leve me much help for child care. I can't bring food into the facility, so I'm stuck with a bunch of processed crap and a few fruits/veggies when I'm lucky. I'm having such a difficult time adjusting to this. Feel free to add me!