Why can't I just do it?



  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Because you're eating food you don't like and doing exercises you don't enjoy, probably.

    No one wants to do and eat stuff they hate for the rest of their lives.

    No i enjoy my workouts and i am a super great cook so i know how to cook healthy and unhealty.:tongue:
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    ...but still why can't I stay motivated.

    You can't.

    Nobody can, over the long term.

    What you need to do is become disciplined. Treat it like a job (or better).

    ok true i love that last line
  • I always tell myself that this next month, year, whatever, is going to happen whether or not I eat right. I can either waste the time and feel just as depressed later or I can push through the tough days. Then, when that next month has passed and I've done well, it's easier to look at the next month and say, "welp, this next month is going to happen with or without me, what am I going to do with my time?" Good luck, lady, it gets easier as you go, I promise!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Because you're eating food you don't like and doing exercises you don't enjoy, probably.

    No one wants to do and eat stuff they hate for the rest of their lives.

    No i enjoy my workouts and i am a super great cook so i know how to cook healthy and unhealty.:tongue:

    If you enjoyed it you wouldn't come up with excuses not to do it.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    I always tell myself that this next month, year, whatever, is going to happen whether or not I eat right. I can either waste the time and feel just as depressed later or I can push through the tough days. Then, when that next month has passed and I've done well, it's easier to look at the next month and say, "welp, this next month is going to happen with or without me, what am I going to do with my time?" Good luck, lady, it gets easier as you go, I promise!

    Tahnk You!!
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Because you're eating food you don't like and doing exercises you don't enjoy, probably.

    No one wants to do and eat stuff they hate for the rest of their lives.

    No i enjoy my workouts and i am a super great cook so i know how to cook healthy and unhealty.:tongue:

    If you enjoyed it you wouldn't come up with excuses not to do it.

    for you information i am clinically depressed so it is have to even look forward to your day..
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Mswife09, I think one answer to your question is that motivation is not enough. It can get us started on the path, but it won't be there day in and day out. Sometimes we just have to "do it", as Nike once famously 'said'. Kelly McGonigal has done a lot of work in the area of willpower, including her dissertation for her Ph.D a few years back. Check out these links for greater insight:



    Neuroscientists who study self-regulation also believe there is a chemical connection; that one can build up willpower by "exercising" it, and can replenish the chemicals necessary for self-regulation by finding ways to relax. This is one reason it has been suggested that sleep and rest are so important for weight loss (Baumeister, 2007). Even something as simple as sitting in a comfortable chair listening to music for 10 minutes can help boost your resolve.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    Do you hear a voice inside your head, telling you that you are a failure, that you should quit, give it up, you will never be good enough, pretty enough, that you deserve to be sad, unhealthy and overweight, that good things are just out of your reach...

    We all do. This voice, in my humble opinion, has always guided humanity, always spoken to us. It is neither good or bad or an angel or a demon. It means only to protect us, no matter the costs, short term or long term. It evokes our fight or flight mechanism. It's a drill sergeant, a tough coach who drives us to do the impossible.

    Over the course of human history, this voice has protected us from failure by backing us down and pushed us over the limits of what we thought possible. But all we hear in the modern world, all we think we hear is that we should give up and that's what we do, because the known feels better than the dark, b/c it's easy to take the path that is clear and well-traveled.

    Listen to your voice carefully, listen to it with an open heart, open your mind to it's wisdom. It will push you forward, beyond the impasse, around the bend, if you let it or it will push you back, for your protection b/c you are not ready for the journey. This voice always thinks about 5 minutes out, there in, lies it's weakness, it will make you give up the long-term gain for short-term pleasure b/c it wants to protect you no matter what.

    You have to decide how you want to listen to the voice, you have to make the decision, will your step forward toward the long-term or will you step backward until you know you are ready. Know this, you have the capacity for great things, you can overcome just about any obstacle, you just have to be ready and commit.

    I hope this helps.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Do you hear a voice inside your head, telling you that you are a failure, that you should quit, give it up, you will never be good enough, pretty enough, that you deserve to be sad, unhealthy and overweight, that good things are just out of your reach...

    We all do. This voice, in my humble opinion, has always guided humanity, always spoken to us. It is neither good or bad or an angel or a demon. It means only to protect us, no matter the costs, short term or long term. It evokes our fight or flight mechanism. It's a drill sergeant, a tough coach who drives us to do the impossible.

    Over the course of human history, this voice has protected us from failure by backing us down and pushed us over the limits of what we thought possible. But all we hear in the modern world, all we think we hear is that we should give up and that's what we do, because the known feels better than the dark, b/c it's easy to take the path that is clear and well-traveled.

    Listen to your voice carefully, listen to it with an open heart, open your mind to it's wisdom. It will push you forward, beyond the impasse, around the bend, if you let it or it will push you back, for your protection b/c you are not ready for the journey. This voice always thinks about 5 minutes out, there in, lies it's weakness, it will make you give up the long-term gain for short-term pleasure b/c it wants to protect you no matter what.

    You have to decide how you want to listen to the voice, you have to make the decision, will your step forward toward the long-term or will you step backward until you know you are ready. Know this, you have the capacity for great things, you can overcome just about any obstacle, you just have to be ready and commit.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank You so much for your time.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    The hard thing is motivation comes from within so until you find something that is important to you, you won't have it. My motivation had nothing to do with losing weight or getting healthy. I used to be on anti-depressants which didn't make me feel good at all. My therapist wanted me to be around people so I would go to this cheap local gym because it was the only place I could think of where I would be around people but have an excuse not to really interact with them much. Instead I discovered that working out made me feel better than any pills could. I started working out regularly after that because I loved how good I felt afterwards.

    And when I started on here it was tough and frustrating, but as I progressed, I got more and more excited to reach the next milestone. I did lose my motivation last summer and ended up gaining back some of the weight I lost, but I've been working on the issues that caused that and am getting back on tracking.

    You aren't going to be motivated all the time. But when you find the thing that works for you it will feel great. And often the best way to find it is just to do a lot of internal work and deal with what is eating you.

    yes i use to be on anti-depressents to, but they were making me weird so i stop them four months ago...and back in april i lost 20 pounds in a month but lost hope and quit and i am now back in the beginning.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    The hard thing is motivation comes from within so until you find something that is important to you, you won't have it. My motivation had nothing to do with losing weight or getting healthy. I used to be on anti-depressants which didn't make me feel good at all. My therapist wanted me to be around people so I would go to this cheap local gym because it was the only place I could think of where I would be around people but have an excuse not to really interact with them much. Instead I discovered that working out made me feel better than any pills could. I started working out regularly after that because I loved how good I felt afterwards.

    And when I started on here it was tough and frustrating, but as I progressed, I got more and more excited to reach the next milestone. I did lose my motivation last summer and ended up gaining back some of the weight I lost, but I've been working on the issues that caused that and am getting back on tracking.

    You aren't going to be motivated all the time. But when you find the thing that works for you it will feel great. And often the best way to find it is just to do a lot of internal work and deal with what is eating you.

    yes i use to be on anti-depressents to, but they were making me weird so i stop them four months ago...and back in april i lost 20 pounds in a month but lost hope and quit and i am now back in the beginning.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I have a hard time getting motivated too. That's why I lake doing scheduled exercise classes at the gym. I'm too much of a procrastinator. I'll say I'm going to workout all day long, and sometimes I never do it. Other times I wait until it's super late to do it. If I know there's a scheduled time I have to be there, that's the only way I'll get off my butt most of the time. Lol.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Based on what I have read in this thread, you are seeking help in the very wrong place. You need medical/psychological help. If you really love your workouts and the healthy way you cook, yet you can't get motivated to do it, I wonder what other things in your life that are good and healthy that you are neglecting? Please get some real medical help, not advice from some random internet posters.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I too feel the same way.

    Ive been working out for three months and it still is a chore each and everyday.

    You are not alone in this. I have found switching up workouts and doing strength training stuff is helping.

    But, I am waiting on it to become a habit like showering. lol

    For some of us it takes longer. But trust me girl its a chore and I just try not to allow myself to think too much and do more action.

    Fitness blender has helped me to be a little more motivated. Try going on youtube and looking at different routines.

    And remember, U GOT THIS!

    I do all my workouts at home as well.

    mini stepper
    exercise ball
    resistant bands
  • Aedon2
    Aedon2 Posts: 11 Member
    Sometimes I don't always workout because I'm tired or just don't feel like it. I found that when I use some apps (runtastic, fitbit) I got more motivated than by doing it alone. Even though my Mom is doing it with me we need outside motivation to keep it up! Sometimes though you just need a break from working out and eating right. I find that having one day each week where I can eat anything I want and not feel guilty about it helps. Although I still try to log it to remind myself why I don't do that everyday :wink: I usually workout in front of my TV watching Netflix....
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    It sounds to me like you ARE doing it! I loved all the posts and got a lot of information, but the bottom line is you say you ARE exercising, you ARE cooking and eating healthy and you HAVE lost 8#s. The only thing I haven't seen is why you want to lose weight??? That's something to keep focused on. Personally I want to get stronger and lose some weight because I am 65 and want to enjoy the rest of my life. It has been fairly easy for me, I admit, -raising kids, keeping house, while working full-time kept me active and kept me from gaining too much weight. Now I just keep house and visit my kids and grandkids and I have gained weight and lost strength and if I want to keep up with the kids and enjoy the outdoors I have to do something about it. So even though lots of days I want to eat chocolate and lots of wine and jelly donuts I don't -most of the time. I think about those grandkids and how they can outrun me and I go to the basement and put on a video.-LOL. Luckily, like alot of the people posting the exercise keeps me up - as it has all my life and when it fails, my grandkids do and when nothing else does these people do. So hang in there- you CAN and ARE doing it.

    PS: Keep going to your doctor - you may need medicine, many people do and it is not a weakness, just a fact of life.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Based on what I have read in this thread, you are seeking help in the very wrong place. You need medical/psychological help. If you really love your workouts and the healthy way you cook, yet you can't get motivated to do it, I wonder what other things in your life that are good and healthy that you are neglecting? Please get some real medical help, not advice from some random internet posters.

    I do get help and believe it or not this helps me too
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    I too feel the same way.

    Ive been working out for three months and it still is a chore each and everyday.

    You are not alone in this. I have found switching up workouts and doing strength training stuff is helping.

    But, I am waiting on it to become a habit like showering. lol

    For some of us it takes longer. But trust me girl its a chore and I just try not to allow myself to think too much and do more action.

    Fitness blender has helped me to be a little more motivated. Try going on youtube and looking at different routines.

    And remember, U GOT THIS!

    I do all my workouts at home as well.

    mini stepper
    exercise ball
    resistant bands

    Wow but your ticker tells me you did great.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    It sounds to me like you ARE doing it! I loved all the posts and got a lot of information, but the bottom line is you say you ARE exercising, you ARE cooking and eating healthy and you HAVE lost 8#s. The only thing I haven't seen is why you want to lose weight??? That's something to keep focused on. Personally I want to get stronger and lose some weight because I am 65 and want to enjoy the rest of my life. It has been fairly easy for me, I admit, -raising kids, keeping house, while working full-time kept me active and kept me from gaining too much weight. Now I just keep house and visit my kids and grandkids and I have gained weight and lost strength and if I want to keep up with the kids and enjoy the outdoors I have to do something about it. So even though lots of days I want to eat chocolate and lots of wine and jelly donuts I don't -most of the time. I think about those grandkids and how they can outrun me and I go to the basement and put on a video.-LOL. Luckily, like alot of the people posting the exercise keeps me up - as it has all my life and when it fails, my grandkids do and when nothing else does these people do. So hang in there- you CAN and ARE doing it.

    PS: Keep going to your doctor - you may need medicine, many people do and it is not a weakness, just a fact of life.

    I want to lose weight to be healthy, to feel sexy because I feel disgusting, and be able to shop anywhere but plus size department. Feel good in my skin I feel like I am in the wrong body.
  • gsc560
    gsc560 Posts: 11
    I don't think you should be depressed about things. Be patient and kind with yourself, and take credit for the things you ARE doing. Think about the path you want to take long term - and remember each day is a small step. Find people who will help you along the way (which, since you are here, you already have some). Good luck!