Unbelievable... the support is amazing!

Unbelievable... the support is amazing!

I don’t normally twitter, facebook, blog of any sort just because I never saw a use to it. I have a facebook page but made it to keep up with my daughter. I mean, pick up a telephone and call. But after reading the blogs and postings here, I am dumbfounded at the amount of support everyone has and gives. Its truly unbelievable and amazing.

I have been struggling with my weight and doing it alone for almost 15 years. My wife and family support me but, they love me for who I am, not what I look like. They are greatly concerned for my health but if dad wants to eat that extra slice of pizza, let him. They had given up trying to make me stay on a diet because, no matter what I said, I liked to eat so NO diet would help.

But now I WANT to change. I came across this site and was amazed at the support and number of people that are just like me who what to make a change in their lives. All I can say is Brilliant!

Thank you for your stories. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for your support. They have gotten me off the couch and on the road to my goals. I hope I can return the favor and if you are reading this for the 1st time and are new to the site, I encourage you to read the postings and stories of everyone you can. You too will be amazed.

Thank you.


  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    This site is a great tool to help you achieve your goals! Good Luck!
  • zumba66girl
    Yes it is awesome to know someone is behind you......Good luck and you need any support just type and we are here for you!!!
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    You are so right!! This site it very addictive... but it's the people here who are AMAZING!! When I start to feel weak, I love to go to the "Success Stories" message board and read those - very inspiring!! Especially the before and after pictures - it usually makes that extra slice of pizza seem not so appealing anymore! :) Good for you for making the decision to get healthy!!! We're all here with you 100% of the way!!!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Welcome, and YOU CAN DO IT! I am living proof of that! Stick with it, read everything, everyday, and maintain the attitude of "you are doing this for you, and YOUR health," and you will be successful. It will be a slow process and you will more than likely have bumps in the road, but if you put one foot in front of the other, every day, every week, every month, it will just become your new way of life.

    I was just like you and nothing I "tried" ever worked. Very rarely could I ever stop myself from having, "just one more helping, just one more piece!" But, I am not like that anymore and literally 8-10 bites of food put me to the full line, now. Exercise used to be a very taboo word to me and now I am out the door, every single morning, with at least 60 minutes of brisk walking, slow running that I do. Then, 3-4 times a week I do another 30 minutes of biking, eliptical, or stepping, in the afternoon. I don't "make" myself do it, now, I just do it because I want to and I feel good afterwards.

    So, good luck, as you have noticed, it is a wonderful support system here. Take care.
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    Nice intro!! Great to have you hear and I look forward to sharing in your success!!!
  • cmsdives
    Welcome! This is truly a life-saving site for me and I think you'll find the same to be true. You're very correct when you say that the support is amazing, it is...and it's unwavering. If I'm struggling at 11PM I can log on and find someone to help me get through, that's one of the beautiful things about this site (amongst MANY).

    One of my MFP friends is the best at providing WONDERFUL inspirational sayings; I'd like to share today's with you because it totally addresses what you said about wanting to do this:

    "If there is a will, there is a way. If there is no will, there is no way. I have never been able to do anything well… that I did not truly want to do. " - DJackson230

    Looking forward to seeing your progress! :drinker:
  • BughaBear
    Well welcome and I hope u find the support u need I know I did!!
  • pamelasusan
    pamelasusan Posts: 90 Member
    This place is like coming home! Thats how I view it anyhow.

    We are all struggling, have ups and downs, bad days and good ones. We know how it feels to be unhappy with yourself.

    Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who has a daily battle with every morsel of food I put in my mouth, whose day is based on what the scale says or how tight my pants feel. When I found this site I realized that I am not.........and that alone was inspiring and supportive.

  • marniehodges
    Welcome! Just sent you a friend request and message :smile: . Friends I have made here are a big key for me-they are awesome! I love following their progress and goals met, and to be there for them on their not so good days too. And they are here for me every day! Yay for you for deciding to change your life! Have fun on the journey :flowerforyou:
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    *smacks the pizza out of dad's hand* I'm that daughter that you love but have to roll your eyes

    we love you and don't want you to die.


  • holymolar
    Hello and Welcome. I've only been using MFP online for a couple of days and have already found an amazing amount of support. THIS website is the place to be :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Welcome to the site! I just joined a few weeks ago myself and have found a lot of friendly people and helpful ideas to succeed.

  • kshindledecker
    See... this is what I am talking about. Thank you all for your comments and support. I truly feel this is a turning point in my life. Now i just have to figure out how to balance 11 hour days, 6 days a week work and exercise too.

    Work at 8am, home at 8pm ... not allot of give. :( BUT Im not giving up and not making excuses.

    Thank you all. I hope to see all your stories succeed.
