I am back... Again!

So I joine MFP in July(ish) 2012, but did not really stick around...

Then I came back in Jan 2013 after having lost 10lbs... I lost even more weight, joined a gym and pretty much got down to my goal weight.

Then my kidneys went wrong, we went on holiday and had some terrible news in the family. Although I have put on a bit of weight, I have not gone up in my clothing, and nor is it massively noticable.

However, I want to get back in to the swing of things, so I have decided to come back!


  • mel2nc
    mel2nc Posts: 2 Member
    I just rejoined this morning too. I am participating in "The Biggest Loser" at my workplace so I have to lose weight by March. Tracking my food is the only way for me to stay in check. Good luck!