History of yo-yo dieting..

I've been worrying about my weight since I was eleven , although I have never been "fat". I've always always always been extremely active and a fan of working out , I also have an above average metabolism with the ability to lose weight quickly . However, I LOVE TO EAT . I'm an extremist , so while it's easy to starve myself , once I take one bite , I can't stop eating . The starving&binging has led me to almost having an ulcer&having extreme constipation issues .
The worst that I've ever looked was in eighth grade , when I gained ten pounds--so i was fifteen pounds "overweight" . I finally got fed up with being 125 , so I started a 600 cals a day diet&worked out every day&went down to 113 ! Of course, freshman year of high school ..my stressful transition led me to gain allll the weight back ! Since fourth grade, I've known exactly how to take care of my body perfectly--women's magazines&having gymrats as parents . But let's be honest, starvation doesss work (for immediate results.) I'm a sophomore now .
I'm medium, with a curvier bottom half thanks to my latina side , which i like(: Still , 119 is way too much for my 5"0 figure . I've always loved my body, but I can't stand not being able to wear anything I want&i'm definitely not going to go out&buy brand new jeans ! I used to be able to squeeze into my size 0's . I know there are people on here who do have real health problems&they don't have time for an "anorexic cheerleader" . I'm not , and I have a realistic healthy goal so I appreciate anyone taking me seriously .


  • msemejuru
    For your height 102 to 128 is a healthy weight. You are at 119 now so talk to your doctor before you lose too much weight. Your school nurse can help you in cultivating a healthy lifestyle so trying getting an appointment to talk. Do not eat less than the calories recommended by this site and make sure you log all your cheerleading workouts and eat most of those calories back as well. It's always good to develop a love for healthy, fresh food and staying active so that's a good move.
  • catrinpersephone
    Hey sweetie :) I feel your pain! I've been worried about my weight since early teens and it's never really gone away. I was eating about 600 cals a day at about 13/14 and I did lose weight, but decided to do it healthily.

    Like you, I'm losing my last few pounds mostly for vanity! I'm in the healthy range... but if you don't feel good about yourself you should definitely lose some weight to help yourself be more confident! And lose it the healthy way, of course! :)