Strength Training - Advice please

Hmm... need some opinions please.
I've just had a review session with the gym manager at my work gym, and very surprisingly, she is of the opinion that heavy weights make women bulky (even on a calorie deficit!)!

I'd love to do the Stronglifts programme but we just don't have the equipment in the gym downstairs for it and instead, she's recommended cutting out my old 'beginner' weights routine (leg press (which I'd swapped to squats anyway), lateral pulldown and bench press) for more of a circuit (lunges, kettlebell single arm rows, side planks, press ups and squat/shoulder press using 5kg bar).

Does her routine sound worth it and should I stick with it?

I think I lost some confidence in her advice after she was 'uhming and aahing' about how I don't want to get 'big' because I'm only a shorty (5'2").

There is another gym around the corner which would cost me a bit more per month and not quite so convenient as using the one at work, but it definitely has all the equipment.

For background, I go to the gym ever weekday morning for an hour and have until now, been alternating the strength days (plus a bit of cardio) with pure cardio days.


  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    What?! That's insanity. You will not get bulky doing SS 3x/week. I've been doing SL 5x5 for a few weeks and am considering a 4 day program, because I want to build muscle faster. (There are programs that properly rotate muscle groups, etc. to allow for recovery time.) You should show her the pics of heavy lifting chicks on MFP...

    Never mind. I wouldn't waste my time on a gym that doesn't know women can't easily get bulky lifting weights.

    Edited because I realized this was the GYM MANAGER who said this.
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    You already know my opinion, girlie. I'm just in to see all the 'WHAT??!?!?!' responses. Don't mind me. :glasses:
  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    gym manager at my work gym

    Almost had a heart attack, then I see it's a work gym so I'm guessing the manager isn't qualified to give out expert advice therefore gives BAAAAD advice. Do your own research, this person has no idea what they're talking about.

    SS or SL5x5 and show that work gym manager
  • NovaStar82
    You already know my opinion, girlie. I'm just in to see all the 'WHAT??!?!?!' responses. Don't mind me. :glasses:

    Haha! Tourist ;-)

    I'm strongly suspecting I'll have to look at the other gym after payday... just damn inconvenient :(
  • NovaStar82
    gym manager at my work gym

    Almost had a heart attack, then I see it's a work gym so I'm guessing the manager isn't qualified to give out expert advice therefore gives BAAAAD advice. Do your own research, this person has no idea what they're talking about.

    SS or SL5x5 and show that work gym manager

    I did email her the SL5x5 programme and specifically asked if she could work out a similar programme using what we have downstairs!

    She's actually employed by a fitness company and on contract here, so is qualified (but apparently not up to date on her reading...)
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    What?! That's insanity. You will not get bulky doing SS 3x/week. I've been doing SL 5x5 for a few weeks and am considering a 4 day program, because I want to build muscle faster. (There are programs that properly rotate muscle groups, etc. to allow for recovery time.) You should show her the pics of heavy lifting chicks on MFP...

    I don't want OP's thread to get derailed, but I feel I need to address this.

    Don't change. Not yet. You want as good a strength base as you can get before trying to build muscle (hypertrophy). More strength = more ability to lift heavier weights during a hypertrophy routine. These heavier weights during hypertrophy will be best for building muscle.

    OP: you already seem to know that the gym manager has no clue what she's doing or talking about.
  • jadeh77
    If your gym manager says that lifting heavy weights will make you bulk then she is very unqualified.
    It is a myth and a lot of women believe that lifting weights will make them become body builders, its absolutely false!

    Men and women have different hormones as you know and it is testosterone that makes you bulk, which is why men do. Women only have a low amount of natural testosterone so working out on heavy weights will not make you bulk. In fact I would highly recommend lifting the heaviest you can and do 4 sets of 8-10 reps (9 to 10 reps should be a struggle) and do that, do lots of leg and back work as they are the largest muscle groups in your body. Squats are a girls best friend is a common phrase in the fitness world so would highly recommend them to lose fat and tone your legs, *kitten* and core. Lunges, step ups etc using weights are a must. Back work grab some dumbbells and do dumbbell rows, then pulley and lat pull downs using gym equipment and again using the same heavy weight theory.

    Myself I have lost over 100lbs and gone from 45% body fat to 19% and looking to get to 12/13% by September. With this new addiction to health and fitness I am now soon to train to become a Personal Trainer. My journey started September 2012 and I was a hefty 325lbs and now currently 225lbs. I had to go through so much research during this journey to find what worked best for me and now I am starting to finally understand my body. The above information is to try and nudge you in the right direction to do a little research and trial and error tactics. I have three large women right now doing a food plan and fitness program like I mentioned above and they are dropping fat at a great steady and healthy rate. :)

    As I can't show you myself I would recommend Google and search for squatting/lunges/step up techniques so you don't do it wrong and hurt yourself :)

    Hope this helps
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    I'd love to do the Stronglifts programme but we just don't have the equipment in the gym downstairs for it and instead, she's recommended cutting out my old 'beginner' weights routine (leg press (which I'd swapped to squats anyway), lateral pulldown and bench press) for more of a circuit (lunges, kettlebell single arm rows, side planks, press ups and squat/shoulder press using 5kg bar).

    Does her routine sound worth it and should I stick with it?

    The answer to both questions depends entirely on your goals.

    As for doing SL or any similar program, that would depend on what exercises those programs require and which equipment your gym has.
  • NovaStar82
    Thanks, that's really helpful :)

    Obviously *I* am aware lifting won't make me bulk, I was just amazed to hear it from someone who is supposed to know what they're talking about!

    Shame you're not in my bit of the Country, Jadeh :)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I'd go to the "other" gym that has the equipment you need for Strong Lifts.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Thanks, that's really helpful :)

    Obviously *I* am aware lifting won't make me bulk, I was just amazed to hear it from someone who is supposed to know what they're talking about!

    Shame you're not in my bit of the Country, Jadeh :)

    It's a myth that just won't die. I found out a few weeks ago that even my husband believes it. He told me I should be doing more reps because I'm a woman. Yeah, I've been doing 5 reps for 2 years. Hasn't made me bulky yet.
  • NovaStar82
    From what I can recall, it's got:

    Smith machine
    Lateral Pulldown
    Leg Press
    Other assorted, seated machines

    Some fixed-weight bars
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 233 Member
    Read "New Rules of Lifting for Women." The getting "bulky" or "huge" myth will be explained in just the first two chapters.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    If you love the SL 5x5 like you say, then I would recommend going around the corner to other gym if it better equipped.

    With fitness, number one rule is find something that works & you enjoy and do your thing.
  • NovaStar82
    I should stress, it's HER who believes that weight make women bulk, not me!!!
    I am just trying to figure out whether to go with her routine, or fork out to join the other gym nearby
  • jadeh77
    lol yeah its just funny that some professionals don't actually know the facts and believe the myth.

    Good luck anyway and give me a shout if you need any advice.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I'm the same height. That gym manager sounds very "estupid". But not hearing the convo it's hard to really judge why she gave that workout to you.

    Do what you want. Wanna be badass? Lift heavy.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    gym manager at my work gym

    Almost had a heart attack, then I see it's a work gym so I'm guessing the manager isn't qualified to give out expert advice therefore gives BAAAAD advice. Do your own research, this person has no idea what they're talking about.

    SS or SL5x5 and show that work gym manager
    Agreed. If the gym at work is free, do the program you want and ignore the manager.

    ETA: You might want to join a different gym anyways since I just saw the list of equipment in the gym. I would recommend against the smith machine because I've seen a lot of people who've been injured by it. However, a lot of the exercises can be modified for dumbbells. You could at least get a start in your current gym and then assess your money/gym situation a little later when you've topped out what you can do at your current gym.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would ask for a different trainer. Just because she's the head banana doesn't mean the other trainers will necessarily share her philosophy.

    It doesn't have to be awkward- you just say something like "I appreciate your efforts but I would like to work with someone who's training philosophy lines up with my goals, I want to do Stronglifts and I want someone familiar with the program" She'll get over it. If she's a good manager she won't take it personally and will set it up for you.