Fussy eater



  • Americannabis
    I used to hate any vegetable that wasn't a potato myself, but then I tried cooking things differently to see if I could get them to not taste like crap and what do y'know, it works! Don't force yourself to eat anything that's gonna make you straight up nauseous, but definitely take different approaches into how you cook things and what other flavors on the plate will complement them. I used to not care for most green vegetables until I started roasting them with a bit of olive oil and different seasonings, and now I absolutely love when I get the chance to make 'em.
  • leeds230
    leeds230 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you Ninkyou for your reply. It doesn't sound harsh at all, more realistic!

    With regards to having a walk at work, I don't have a lunch break as when I went back after maternity leave I didn't incorporate this into my working day - I work 9am-2pm three days a week, 9am-3pm and 9am-1pm the other two days (mon-fri). Once I finish work I have to, some days, rush to my car to go and fetch my son. Certainly if & when we get some better (drier) weather I will try to take my son to the park more often, at the moment here it's so wet all the time! Other than that I ought to really get the 2 games out that I've got and use them as exercise as well.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I'm a fussy eater, but you know what? I'm an adult and I need to be healthy.


    Also, what example are you setting your child? Not eating fruit, veg, no exercise, don't cook, just sit around every night. Really poor role model.

    Yes this might be harsh, but let's face it, it's true.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    You rang!?!?!

    Oh wait! I read the tittle wrong, carry on!
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Grow up. Food is fuel. Eat what your body needs. Picky eaters annoy me.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thank you very much. My other major problem in life is that I have been in a crap job for 4/5 years now, I hate it and am trying to find a way out at the moment. My self confidence has been very low for a long time, possibly for longer than me being in this job. I think the way I feel in my head is a big issue for my comfort eating etc. My weight is something I do want to change but is in amongst a lot of other things as well, which I think is why I find things hard.

    I don't really care for vegetables - I have tried some but just don't like the ones I've tried. I'm not fussed on peas but will eat them, I don't like swede or broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower (that's all I can think of at the moment). Fruits - I don't like oranges, not keen on apples, I don't mind peaches, again can't think of anything else at the moment.

    Yes to pizza though we have recently acquired a brand new asda with a pizza counter and I find every time I go to asda I want a pizza. I don't always have veg on top tho - I will have mushrooms and don't mind pineapple but not too keen on the latter.

    I think I will have to force myself to have more fruit and veg as that could be the only way to help myself.

    I live in Worcester, UK but have never heard of the store you mentioned. I have got a couple of games for my husband's Xbox - Zumba and dance but don't often use them as I find I'm just not very motivated.

    Try one new veggie each week. Try the same ones over & over......try them raw, steamed, roasted, grilled, etc. You may like raw peas (snap peas yummy) ....but hate cooked peas. I dislike (boiled) asparagus ....but love it grilled.

    Try roasted carrots ....I know you will eat carrots already....but toss them with a bit of oil & add spices and bake......see how different they are......grilled cauliflower is my favorite.

    Parsnips taste much like carrots

    Re: exercise. This will elevate your mood, help you sleep better, and is good for your health. It took me awhile to find exercise I enjoy. Exercise I enjoy is execise I will do for LIFE. Keep looking.....it's worth it.

    I think this is fun........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjduJjO1pLg&feature=related
    This is great because you can do it indoors, it takes very little space, and you go at your own pace.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    You rang!?!?!

    Oh wait! I read the tittle wrong, carry on!

    hahaha wow!

    I agree with everyone else. You just need to try new things. There is no way you hate EVERY fruit and vegetable.
  • firstjog11
    firstjog11 Posts: 58 Member
    I saw a billboard while driving that said, "Nothing changes if nothing changes". Simple, but true. Make some positive changes for yourself and after you are comfortable with those, make some more. Good luck on your journey.
  • DownsizingAaron
    DownsizingAaron Posts: 127 Member
    I HATE vegetables. I'm also not a huge fan of fruit. I LOVE meat and any kind of bread, cheese or pasta. What I'm started doing is using a NutriBullet to make smoothies/shakes. You can sneak in some veggies without even tasting them.

    For example, I am doing a smoothie now with protein powder, milk, 2 bananas, chia seeds, yogurt and spinach/kale. It ends up being extremely filling and I'm getting a bunch of different nutrients.

    Someday maybe I'll work up to eating salads, but that day isn't today. However I've lost 21lbs in less than 2 months by eating below my MFP calorie goals each day and doing a ton of walking.
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    I used to be a picky eater when I was a kid and teenager. I found that if you try new things you learn to enjoy even healthy food. Eat all the yummies in moderation and add healthier things.
  • leeds230
    leeds230 Posts: 46 Member
    Someday maybe I'll work up to eating salads, but that day isn't today. However I've lost 21lbs in less than 2 months by eating below my MFP calorie goals each day and doing a ton of walking.

    Congratulations on the weight loss xxx
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I'm extremely picky as well. People say "just try it" but I really can't make myself. I realize this makes eating healthy a little more difficult, much more monotonous, but still possible. I still haven't mastered the "healthy" eating, but I am at least committed to tracking everything I eat, counting the calories and trying to stay under what I'm expending.

    I'm a SAHM with the kids in school, so I have more time and no excuses (really none at ALL as I have a home gym) so I do get in a lot of activity. I totally realize it is so much harder for those of you who work, but from personal experience, I find a workout makes me feel less tired, it gives me energy and makes me feel good. I've actually become addicted to exercise and on a day I don't have the time to get one in I drag so much more than on the days I get in several workouts. It's good for you mentally and physically and of course gives you a few extra calories to play with too.
  • jsmith1167
    I don't think it was that harsh. Let's get serious here, you have to work hard and sometimes do things you dont' like to do if you want things to change in regards to weight or exercise. I mean, seriously, I have never enjoyed lifting weights or running but I do them religiously to maintain my weight and try to stay in shape. It's all about sacrifice and being strict with yourself. In terms of vegetables, hard not to eat them if you want to be healthy really----they can't all be that bad can they?
  • leeds230
    leeds230 Posts: 46 Member
    I think this is fun........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjduJjO1pLg&feature=related
    This is great because you can do it indoors, it takes very little space, and you go at your own pace.

    Just seen a small section of this video clip and it looks good. Do you know if it's available on DVD in the UK at all?
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi Leeds230 welcome to the forum and well done for making this massive step.

    As others have said just make some small changes at first and you'll work your way up, I know it's absolutely freezing at the mo but definitely try doing a 20min walk around the block first thing before work to get your steps up or is there any chance you could walk or cycle to work, if you're only a mile or 2 thats a do-able walk 2-5miles is cycle-able for a beginner.

    As for food STAY AWAY FROM ASDA COUNTER PIZZA those things are lethal lol I would guess the pizzas to be between 1200 - 2000 cals for the big ones, I go for the pizza express ones which are usually on offer and not too bad for the cals if you have half.

    Also get rid of any junk snacks in your house, biscuits, chocolate, crisps as it's so easy to go grab a bag or a biscuit if you're just infront of the box not thinking about it. I know you have kids who may complain but it'll be good for them too :)

    As for trying food, maybe see if there's any local council run healthy eating cooking classes, they might be free or reduced if you're on any in work benefits too (I used to enroll people onto college courses in York many moons ago)

    My fave new vegetable is butternut squash (it tastes half way between a carrot and a potato to me and is half the cals of potato)

    My fave recipe is butternut squash chips

    peel a butternut squash then cut into chips/wedges spray with some one cal spray and sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika then shove in the oven at 200 degrees C for 20-30 mins or until soft in the middle. They are an awesome alternative to chips, count as one of your 5 a day and are super healthy and low cal :)

    Good luck hun x
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    I'm going to be a politely blunt as I possibly can: You need to decide whether your picky eating and other bad habits are worth more to you than your health. Those are not things outside of your control, they are decisions that you have made and rationalizations you use to justify them to yourself. You have a lot of excuses but ultimately the choice of what to put in your body is yours and yours alone. Take some responsibility and push yourself. Add one new food a day, pick up something that's an interesting color, and eat it. Go for a walk. Drink your water.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Thank you very much. My other major problem in life is that I have been in a crap job for 4/5 years now, I hate it and am trying to find a way out at the moment. My self confidence has been very low for a long time, possibly for longer than me being in this job. I think the way I feel in my head is a big issue for my comfort eating etc. My weight is something I do want to change but is in amongst a lot of other things as well, which I think is why I find things hard.

    I don't really care for vegetables - I have tried some but just don't like the ones I've tried. I'm not fussed on peas but will eat them, I don't like swede or broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower (that's all I can think of at the moment). Fruits - I don't like oranges, not keen on apples, I don't mind peaches, again can't think of anything else at the moment.

    Yes to pizza though we have recently acquired a brand new asda with a pizza counter and I find every time I go to asda I want a pizza. I don't always have veg on top tho - I will have mushrooms and don't mind pineapple but not too keen on the latter.

    I think I will have to force myself to have more fruit and veg as that could be the only way to help myself.

    I live in Worcester, UK but have never heard of the store you mentioned. I have got a couple of games for my husband's Xbox - Zumba and dance but don't often use them as I find I'm just not very motivated.

    It stinks to be in a job you hate. You're going to find that as you take control of your health, you start to take control of your life. Health breeds confidence! Take little steps, vow to try new things, get out and walk... It's SO free. And it's fun. Being here on MFP is awesome. STAY here and learn and thrive!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I think this is fun........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjduJjO1pLg&feature=related
    This is great because you can do it indoors, it takes very little space, and you go at your own pace.

    Just seen a small section of this video clip and it looks good. Do you know if it's available on DVD in the UK at all?

    This particular workout....I don't believe so. This one was a workout Leslie did for ExerciseTV. BUT, several of her workouts are available at stores........many have worldwide region codes. You might check Amazon (UK)


    This website is great, you can look at video clips....to help you decide
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Oh I do zumba on my xbox kinnect it's a really good workout! I know it's hard to find motivation at first but it'll get to be a habit after a couple of weeks, just look at some of the girls from the success stories page if you really want some reasons to get motivated. :)
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    I don't understand people who allegedly want to lose weight or eat healthy, but insist they must be able to do that on a diet of brownies, pasta, white rice, and milkshakes. Come on.

    Vegetables are amazing, and how can you dislike every fruit? Seriously, as someone stated, there are many delicious fruits.