What brought you to MFP?



  • the_other_kitkat
    I stumbled across the forums a while ago and had poked around the site a few times. I began losing weight last year by lifting weights, walking a lot, and eating healthier. I didn't count calories or own a scale so I can't tell you exactly how successful I was, but I manged to go down about 3 pant sizes. This year, however, has been a big stall, despite the fact that I kept up my better habits for the most part (fell of the lifting wagon for a month and a half, and also went through a flaky lifting period).

    I've recently added running to the mix - I'm about to start C25k week 9 - and I decided that I also need to track calories for a while so I can really see where I'm at. MFP seems like a great place to do that. I also broke down an bought a scale earlier this year. So, now that I am armed with more information, I hope to get past this stall and transform into a newer, fitter, and smaller me!

    Oh yeah, the iPod app finally pushed me over the edge and got me to actually sign up here. ;)
  • Carol_can_do_it
    I downloaded the app on my phone to track my calories and exercise. My counselor suggested I track my calories in and burned with exercise as part of my treatment for emotional eating. I found the community when my phone could not get a signal. I'm hooked because anytime I need some support all I have to do is reach for my phone, which is always by my side, or log in on any computer.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I was fat and tired....and sick and tired of being fat and tired?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I had seen several of my friends on fb making posts about their calories and exercise, so I looked for an app on my phone. I actually used a different app for quite a while then that app had major issues they couldn't seem to fix so I went looking for another one. I found MFP and love it. There is a lot of people here that keep me accountable when I don't have the encouragement at home. I don't think I would still be here if it wasn't for everyone here.

    how did you get all three of those pictures as your profile picture? My Virtual Model hates me
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Just did a Google search; Losing weight--count calories--fat--help--
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    I was looking for a calorie counter, and found this website. Its great I could nt have gone this far without it.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I was actually on Facebook visiting Shay's wall (shay from Biggest Loser) And I kept noticing a girl posting how many calories she had burned doing whatever excercise so I sent her a message and asked her How the heck do you know you burned EXACTLY 542 calories? And she told me about MFP. I have been here everyday since! (Although my tracker lies and said this morning was 60 days lol) Although that girl no longer logs in here I keep her as my friend in hopes she'll come back and see how she helped change my life. I was always struggling before without any support sysytem!! Even though I have not yet found someone to workout with on a regular day to day basis it ok now because I log in my workouts and my friends here give me the support and atta girls I need! I continue to learn from others and am able to teach others what I have learned over the years. It is a win-win!
    I :heart: MFP!!
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