starting insanity


I'm starting insanity workout tomorrow. Has anyone any tips on recovery drink..


  • GRosetta
    GRosetta Posts: 1 Member

    I'm also starting insanity tomorrow. Would love to hear from any one who has started/completed it, for some tips of drinks and food that I should consume :).
  • Hi,
    I did the fit test this afternoon, didn't do too bad i don't think ... Have no idea how am suppose to consume 1,700 calories a day ... Good luck with it
  • im starting insanity tomorrow also it would be great if someone could clarify cause I was wondering about that recovery drink also
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    I did Insanity last year. After the workout I prepared myself a vanilla taste protein shake with skim cold milk. Aaahhh....that was the best part of workout. It helped with reducing sore muscles.
  • Not long finished insanity fit test.... ouch!!
    Legs feel like lead and didn't realise that I still had stomach muscles...

    But that can only be a good thing
  • Elimi88
    Elimi88 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am starting Insanity workout tomorrow hoping I can do it as I am not currently very fit. I've done the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred before and had great results with that but from what I've been reading here, Insanity is another level! Hope it works I need to loose weight and get fit. I'm more bothered about loosing inches than actual weight and from what people have posted on MFP, it works miracles!

    Anyone has any advice or experience doing insanity before? Is everyone here following the diet plan as well?

    Good luck everyone!!
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Water, water, water, and lots of it.
    I have a soy protein powder, and I have had to add it to my water for use during some of the Phase 2 Max workouts.
  • asaffell
    asaffell Posts: 43 Member
    Protein and carbs after is what most of my Insanity friends do. So add some fruit to a protein shake, or they use a recovery drink formulated that way.
  • just started today too, no idea what i should drink before or after tho
  • Hello Everyone who is starting the insanely intense Insanity workout today!!

    I just want to give you all a tool that you will most definitely need to log your Insanity workout calorie burn since MFP doesn't have a definitive workout choice once you enter it into your diaries!

    Hope this helps, also a HRM is a fairly accurate gauge of your calorie burn if you wish to go that route as well!
  • tho0505
    tho0505 Posts: 16 Member
    Don't worry too much about the recovery formula. Just get at it and you'll be amazed at results. I feel like people get too hung up on protein drinks and shakes and whatnot, and really lose focus of the exercise.
  • tho0505
    tho0505 Posts: 16 Member
    The first two weeks are really tough if you haven't been exercising as you'll be extremely sore. Thats not a bad thing people. Ice your feet and legs, eat good, and get back at it. Your muscles will warm up and the soreness will go away as you start in again. Its a great workout and perfect for those struggling to keep under calories, because you'll burn so many.

    A lot of people waste an hour and a half at the gym and get little results, because they truly don't work out. They go there move around a little and lift a little, but don't really push themselves. Insanity is great because for the first month no video is over 42 minutes.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I completed the insanity program late last year. Best workout ever. I didn't have much lbs to lose but I did lose inches and my body tighten up nicely.

    I never consumed any recovery drinks ... Had half cup of dark choc almond milk sometimes. It will get rough, you will be sore but don't give up. Month 2 you will need to push even harder but you will see changes in your body and endurance.
  • Hi,

    My name is Janelle, I have had fluctuating weights since last year, im only 5"2 and currently about 128 lbs. In a week sometimes I can go down until 122 lbs. Its because I dont eat, not because I dont want to, but, I work in the hotel industry for group reservations, and I work 9 hrs a day. If I oversleep, I wont be able to bring any food with me at work which ends up me not eating anything for 9 hours because Im not a fan of fastfood or even 7/11. So I stay on my desk. When Im on diet and budget, i eat mostly boiled eggs, i cook ground pork with either cabbages, green beans or and green leafy veggie, I drink milk and yakult and buy canned peaches and I dont drink softdrinks AT ALL. My problem is, even if i only eat this small amount of food I cant seemt o maintain my weight like 120 or I dont go down 120 lbs. Im from the Philippines and Im 23 y/o and in like 3 months time, it's already summer, and i really would love to wear a bikini and rock it in Boracay :)

    Do I have to really try and eat and increase calorie intake?

    I run for 30mins-1hr on weekends. i dance too...sometimes.
  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    Hey all! I have done Insanity now onto P90X....and here's my input. Insanity is tough! You will need to modify what you are eating and drinking and on the second month even start adding some extra calories because you'll be working so hard. It's a tough program but it's not impossible...and the results are AWESOME! You'll be pushed to your limits but that is what you get for getting in the best shape of your life in only 60 days.
    I have also done Les Mills Combat, which is less intense but still works!

    If anyone here wants to join my support group it's free and the only way I made it through Insanity both times was from the support I got from others. So it would benefit you a great deal! Send me a message and I'll add ya :)
  • babyweight50
    babyweight50 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi mizztanjo,
    I'm an Insanity newbie. It's been a while since I've worked out regularly and at such high intensity!
    I'm currently into week 3 and completed day 2 of the Insanity workout today. Feeling a little unmotivated as I'm not really seeing any progress. I know it's only been a couple of weeks but I get very impatient. Would love to find out more about your support group or find some other Insanity buddies for some extra motivation!
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    I currently do Insanity and hit the gym right after, and use a pre-workout called C4 from Cellucore. Its been great. Gives tons of energy with no crash. Comes in awesome flavors too. Rarely do I feel soar after workouts or in the morning, mid day after a little but not much no matter how hard I workout.
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    Hi mizztanjo,
    I'm an Insanity newbie. It's been a while since I've worked out regularly and at such high intensity!
    I'm currently into week 3 and completed day 2 of the Insanity workout today. Feeling a little unmotivated as I'm not really seeing any progress. I know it's only been a couple of weeks but I get very impatient. Would love to find out more about your support group or find some other Insanity buddies for some extra motivation!

    Trust me.. You WILL see result soon. give it time.