binge eating and bipolar disorder

recently got diagnosed with bipolar disorder... i have had binge eating disorder for the last 5 years and the high and low moods every other month. The doctor says the binge eating relates to the bipolar disorder..

does anyone else have both? He wants to put me on medication but i also think i need to cut out sugar alcohol and wheat to get better...

any responses if changing diet has helped bipolar and binge eating will be helpful or any experiences with this...

thanks friends


  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    I don't have bipolar disorder, but I just wanted to respond to wish you well. I hope receiving your diagnosis enables you to now get the right treatment and feel you're in control of your eating (and your life).

    Cutting out alcohol, at least for the time being, sounds like a good idea - it's a depressant drug, after all, and if you're having to deal with mental health issues then it's often helpful to avoid it if you're able to. But I'd be a little worried about you also cutting out wheat and sugar just at the moment - that sounds rather extreme, when you're already dealing with an illness of extremes. To me, aiming for a balance where you can eat healthily but normally sounds like the ultimate goal. Of course, I'm no doctor, so do talk this through with yours - but be kind to yourself, and do be wary of pushing yourself too hard.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    i'm bi polar and i binge eat. i'm also a closet eater. there are a few things going on here. first you have to get control of the bi polar disorder. that doesnt necessarily mean medication, but you and your doctor should decide on that.

    whatever your doctor wants to prescribe to you, make sure you do the research and find out what the side effects are and if you are willing to put up with them. going the medication route can take some time to find the right mix, so dont get discouraged .

    once you get the bi polar under control you can really take a look at why you binge eat, and what you need to do to get a handle on it. i would suggest a therapist, one that specializes in eating issues.

    you will get a handle on this, take it slow and dont try to do it all at once. give yourself a break, this is a huge diagnosis dont take it lightly.
  • Whether wheat is bad for you is still up for debate but i think we all know sugar and alcohol are bad for you. I would definitely cut them out. Sugar causes even more high lows and makes it very difficult to lose weight.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Continue working with your doctor and do not disregard medication.
  • create a routine for enjoyment of food and cooking, I agree keep alcohol out of the equation for now, or say 'I only have a glass on Sundays' be kind to yourself and find new ways to relax . I have coeliac and a gluten free diet brings lots of lovely new foods into your life (not keen on quinoa!), but sushi for example really lovely. for sweet things go with a high cost and high calorie chocolate pot every now and again, but frozen grapes for midnight desperation times. I'm not a doctor so can't advise re medications etc but I think getting a sense of quiet joy comes from taking care of yourself.
  • Arne_becomesxXx
    Arne_becomesxXx Posts: 504 Member
    Hell yes, I know what you´re going through! I also have both of it and that´s one reason I am here.
    I became fat from that binge eating and non moving because of depression phases.

    But...and that´s a light at the end of the realy helps to eat clean!
    I cut wheats, sugars and trying to eliminate all alcohols out of my life.
    And it´s amazing. I get so much more energy, more fun and more time to workout and have fun because I am no more tired anymore and anytime.

    I also started to have fun cooking and eating.
    Most time of my life I just had junk food, frozen pizzas and stuff. Now, I eat more, healthier and it´s so cool what kind of stuff I have begun to like.

    I do it with medics also, but started medicamentation way before and just after I started to change my eating habits it gets realy better.

    So, my point of it! You just can get better :)