When do you start to notice weight loss?

I've lost 26 pounds, and I swear I can't tell a difference, besides having clothes getting a little bit smaller. I feel like I still look the same way I did when I was at my 'before' weight. And that makes me feel like people don't notice, and that they think I'm not trying to lose weight. So when do you think I will be able to tell a difference?


  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I really think it depends on the individual. Personally I saw a difference at 20 lbs.

    Do you have any "before" pictures? If so, you may have someone take a picure of you now. Sometimes it is easier to see in a picture than in the mirror.
  • TomZot
    TomZot Posts: 165 Member
    You answered your own question. If your clothes are getting smaller, people notice. They may be reluctant to say anything (at least right off) but I suspect they notice.

    Keep up the good work.
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    Don't keep wearing your old baggy clothes. I bought smaller jeans from Value Village (a thrift store) that were inexpensive.
  • simplypsyko
    simplypsyko Posts: 1 Member
    2 things:

    1- just because people haven't said anything, does not mean they don't notice. People are generally reluctant to point out that you'd lost weight. I suspect it's because weight is a touchy subject for some people, and pointing out that you lost weight means implying you were fat before. Also, they might be scared that they're wrong, which would make for an awkward conversation.

    2- depending on what your body looks like before you started losing weight, you might still be in the stage where your body is decreasing its dimensions horizontally, but has not gotten to the point yet where you start taking a more "fit" shape. I had a similar experience. I lost 20 pounds, and definitely felt lighter and fitter, but I still could not see a difference in the mirror or in pictures. After that though, I started to notice a difference every 5 pounds I lost. People started giving me compliments around then as well.
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    I think when you lose weight your mind plays tricks on you and you look at yourself much more cricitally and don't see yourself as thinner and more attractive. What you need to do to "notice" your weight loss is to look at a picture from "before" and take periodic "after" pics, then compare. I think then you will see your progress and that will boost your morale.

    I have a completely unscientific theory why we don't seem to notice our weight loss initially and get discouraged. I think evolution and survival want us to "fatten" up as much as possible (in case of a famine or something) so our subconcious mind will do everything within it's power to "discourage" us from thinning. It wants us to "fatten"!
    So there is my completly unscientific theory!
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    People told me they saw a difference after I lost about twenty pounds. That was when I began taking pictures on the last day of each month.

    I think if you tend to obsess about it, staring at yourself in the mirror and whatnot, it's harder to notice these changes.
  • Darrxy
    Darrxy Posts: 11 Member
    Pictures make a massive difference. When I finished uni, I was about 30 lbs heavier than I am now. I still feel like the larger chap I was back then, but when I look at photos I just can't believe how big I was.

    In terms of how others view you, it might be harder for those who see you all of the time. I know that it wasn't until I raised the topic with a friend of mine, they said "I was going to say, it looks like you've lost some". It is a bit of an awkward topic of conversation for others to start, but I'm sure they notice.

    Keep up the good work, sounds like you are going great :-)
  • dixieracer27
    dixieracer27 Posts: 79 Member
    First off, don't depend on other people to tell you how you look! I've lost close to 60 pounds and I look like a totally different person and there's people who haven't said a word. Some people feel awkward mentioning it. I suggest taking pictures of yourself weekly and use them to compare your progress. I still look in the mirror and don't see my changes at times, that's when I get out my pictures and compare. I'd have to say clothing doesn't lie, so if it's fitting loose then something is happening. I'd rather lose clothing sizes than pounds.