Whole or Fat free dairy?

I personally think that less processed is better. Well, maybe not for dieters because of the saturated fat content but for health freaks( no offense I really want to be one of them! So jealus lol) organic whole milk is much better than an unnatural diet food. What are your thoughts? What would you choose when trying to lose weight?


  • thefitzner
    thefitzner Posts: 8 Member
    My nutritionist said Whole Milk is better for you. You can cut it with water to thin it out. I use it in my spinach/protein shakes in the morning. It calls for a cup of liquid so I do 1/3 cup whole milk and 2/3 cup water. She also said that I should eat whole milk cottage cheese (4%) rather than low fat cottage cheese.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    When it comes to milk, I am a purist.
    I like Organic Pastures Raw WHOLE milk. It's an amazing food.
    But I usually use just regular whole milk, due to the convenience (even though they ruined it by pasteurizing/homogenizing it).
    I buy whole milk dairy.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Whatever fits your macros.

    I eat full fat cheeses, half and half in coffee and skim milk in recipies to accomplish that. But then I am not tied to the idea that processed foods are "unnatural".
  • katbean6
    katbean6 Posts: 1 Member
    That's interesting. I have a a family cow that we've been milking and using the milk to drink and to make kefir. Every member of my family has lost between 3-10 pounds and for many of them, that was the only dietary change they've made. They aren't as prone to snack.:smile:
  • AngelsFan91106
    AngelsFan91106 Posts: 111 Member
    I consume full-fat dairy. Fat is satiating, and delicious. I would rather be completely happy with what I eat, even though I may eat a little less of it, than eat and then feel that something is missing.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Calories in vs calories out.

    The sat-fat does have some benefits as far as increased testosterone for men goes and such like.

    However, personally I'd prefer to get my fat from food if on fairly restricted calories.

    I do have a couple of cartons of UHT skimmed for 'emergencies' when I need to top my calories up.
    A litre =350 calories, just over half carbs, the rest protein.

    As I'm following a 'lean gains' approach, I try to reduce fat a bit on workout days.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I think it depends on your nutritional goals/priorities, the rest of your diet, and your preferences. For example, I drink skimmed milk (much prefer it) and eat fat free greek yoghurt (prefer it, and it's higher protein which is why I eat it anyway), but I eat full fat cheese and proper butter. With both of those things it's worth it for the taste, and I eat them in small quantities anyway, so they don't make a huge dent in my calories or sat fat intake. I don't often eat ice cream, but it's the real deal if I do.