Proud that I didn't cave in!

I'm home studying tonight and was starting to get hungry. I've cut back on fast food a lot, but a part of me still loves a small Coke and medium fry from McDonald's. Hubby said, "I'm going out, want me to get you anything?"

I told him those two items that I wanted. I was SO CLOSE on letting him go out the door to retrieve my order.

Then I thought how I didn't want to slip into old habits. If I was really going to get healthy, I needed to look to my own damn refrigerator when these cravings happen rather than elsewhere for my proper choices. I had GOOD food in the house, I had no excuses. I decided on water, a babybel cheese wheel, 1/4 cup of gluten-free granola, and a mandarin orange.

My hunger is curbed and I am only 10 calories over goal, whereas if I ate the McDonald's foods I would have gone over by hundreds. :)

Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and say no. I don't regret this snack, but I would have regretted the other!


  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • AndyN87
    AndyN87 Posts: 32 Member
    Glad to hear it.

    I have to say using MFP has helped a lot in me making better choices. Recording what I'm eating and seeing how it reflects on my calorie count helps me rethink eating something that would be completely terrible for me.
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Very well done :) , so easy to fall back intobad habits
  • well done that should give you a wee boost.. hopefully reading your post will keep me away from the fridge before i go to bed today, have an extra long morning before I get to go to bed so I suspect I will have something extra.. but now you've said fruit I might try do that too
  • Glad to hear it.

    I have to say using MFP has helped a lot in me making better choices. Recording what I'm eating and seeing how it reflects on my calorie count helps me rethink eating something that would be completely terrible for me.

    Im the opposite to be honest.. one of the first things i did was count the burger kings and chinese calories and found a way to make them work.. I've given up smoking which is my main goal, this is on the side to prevent getting any bigger and I would love to get a lot smaller too but if i dont and i manage to stop smoking without weight gain that will be a great start..

    I am however loving MFP because I am mostly within my limits, one day slightly over by about 100 cals I have not noticably lost weight but neither have I noticably gained weight.. And I still have not had a smoke and I still get 2 hot chocolates with marshmallows almost every day (some 1large 1small) but they are 300cals a pop so I like that I have to be thoughtful and check it before grabbing it and shoving it in my gob.. As wierd as it sounds it has 100% helped me to stay off the smokes
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    Very well done. For people like me who resort to food in times of stress, saying NO is a big choice.

    I am happy that you made that choice today.

    So proud of you :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    great job, I find that drive through fries are pretty crappy by the time you get to eat them anyway. Also not having greasy things for a few weeks and then you have them, all you taste is the grease for me.
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you all for your support! :)
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    Glad to hear it.

    I have to say using MFP has helped a lot in me making better choices. Recording what I'm eating and seeing how it reflects on my calorie count helps me rethink eating something that would be completely terrible for me.

    I agree. I believe that this is what makes calorie counting so effective. And it helps you see your patterns, when your "triggers" happen, etc. So amazingly empowering to recognize these things about ourselves and using strategies to overcome these things.

    I will probably never say that I'll give up my McDonald's fries and coke forever. In fact, I was surprised that the calories weren't worse than they were. I think it's all about balance and fitting it into your target calories appropriately on occasion, not every day. But I would need to be aware of the inevitable sodium content and what that would do in terms of water retention!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yay! This is where rubber meets the road! Awesome!
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    That's so great! I had a similar experience the other day. My husband and I both had a few hundred calories left and decided to go for a treat. We were planning on getting Dairy Queen blizzards but said no and had a sundae instead. Still a treat, but we stayed within our calorie limits despite how delicious the alternative sounded.
  • Congrats!
  • MJharry
    MJharry Posts: 8 Member
    Good on you! It's actually quite powerful to know you can say no.

    I've often thougth that MFP needs a tracker for the calories you say no to... like your Maccas, or the biscuit in the tea room when you're craving a 3pm sugar fix... or the after dinner munchies that you don't have and instead grab a couple of grapes....
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Good job staying focused on your goals!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Good job! Now I highly recommend you work out a little extra one day soon and get those fries and small coke. Not everyday, but every once in a while when it will fit in with you calories and macros. The number one reason people fail at weight loss is by having a diet that is too restrictive and the cave eventually and binge. So, treat yourself every now and then. I eat ice cream every night, it's just my thing and I have still lost 50 pounds in the last year.
  • Good job! Cravings are the hardest part.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member

    I can relate. Well, actually, I can't relate to the coke, but I always enjoyed McDonald's fries w/a strawberry shake. Once I was put on a no/low sodium diet for health reasons, I tried ordering the fries without the salt. Big mistake, or maybe it was really a blessing in disguise. :smile: The fries were completely tasteless to me, and I have been turned off from them ever since. I realized I didn't really like the fries but the salt on them. Those fries are overrated.