No weight lost, but...

Although I'm some what new to MFP (not really, I had a profile a few years ago) I have been working out and changing my eating habits for about a month now. I stepped on the scale today and unfortunately, I haven't lost a single pound. I have however, lost a few inches :smile: And to top it all off, this morning - after I realized the scale hasn't moved - just for the heck of it, I pulled a pair of work pants straight out of the warm dryer and put them on with ease, no wiggle, jump and kick movement like I would normally have to do. To test it a little further I pulled a shirt out of my closet, that just two weeks ago didn't fit me. Well, today it fit great. It wasn't too tight on my arms or my stomach. To make my day even better, my supervisor told me today I look like I've slimmed down some :happy: That definitely made my day!!


  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Yes! Way to go!!!
  • Thank you!!
  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    That is the best feeling! Way to go!:happy:
  • I love the "try on tight clothes" test. Awesome job. The scale will catch up and show the loss.

    On a side note I noticed you have exercised quite a bit lately. I few days ago took a new class at the gym and used muscles I didn't even know I had and have been quite sore for the past few days. The scale has gone up with my aches and pains (up 2 pounds) from my poor, sore inflamed muscles. Not worried about it as the scale will correct when my muscles heal. At least I hope so. LOL
  • wendalyse
    wendalyse Posts: 58 Member
    Hi. I can relate. I have only lost 13 pounds in 4 months and can go weeks and weeks without dropping a pound according to the scale. My clothes, however, tell a different story. They are definitely getting looser. It feels good. Sure I'd like to see the numbers go down on the scale but I just have to remind myself to be patient. It will happen if I continue to eat well, exercise regularly, drink enough water and get adequate sleep.
    Good luck to you and PATIENCE!!!!!
  • Fitting into clothes that are normally tight is definitely one of the best feelings in the world! Don't worry about the scale so much :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    That's the best! I just want to know that I'm smaller where I want to be smaller. I don't care what weight that is, lol.

    My first 8 weeks back on track here, I lost most of my inches and hardly lost any weight! Now I'm still losing inches, but not as fast, and the lbs are coming off easier. So it'll all work out by the end, I guess :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Fantastic NSV!!!
  • jessautumn
    jessautumn Posts: 66 Member
    i lost a lot of my lbs in 2013 (before joing MFP) but then recently my weight has actually gone up slightly, as i'm doing a lot more exercise and growing a lot more muscl (esp. on my bum! Haha)

    In the end, as long as your clothes are getting looser and people are commenting on your slimming down, there's nothing to be worried about!! :)