Keep going over my protein limit

Lornarm Posts: 4 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I feel like it does not take much for me to reach my protein limit and then I go over for the day. I am new to this, any suggestions would be great. I feel like it is better to eat too much protein than fat or carbs but I guess I need some good protein suggestions. I do eat a fair amount of chicken.


  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I think MFP's protein limit is set low; you can always change it...

    I always aim to go over my protein... I don't see anything wrong with it...

    Good luck with your journey! :-)
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    You can't get too much protein. It's the body's building block for muscle. If you take in more than your body can handle (which is a whole lot), it will just leave the body. Don't worry about it.
  • I don't think it's a problem at all, I usually go over my daily goal. However, one of the fitness instructors at my gym told me that the body can only process around 30g of protein at a time, so I'd recommend not going too much over that for any one meal.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Protein is good for you, especially if you work out! You can go in and manually change your % intake for carbs/protein/fat. I was going over like crazy then I adjusted mine.
    you can change it to what ever works for you!

    Go to goals, then click change goals, then check custom (manually change goals) then you can play around with the percentages to what works for you!
    I personally do 40-30-30!
  • flowerpower263
    flowerpower263 Posts: 28 Member
    protein builds muscle so it is actually ok to go over your protein. i do every day since i found egg beater eggs! i was never a breakfast eater,but since i've been on mfp i have had to be creative with my food and started eating them. so right after breakfast i am already over my protein! as you exercise and work out your body needs the protein to build muscle to hopefully replace the fat. my husband was a body builder many years ago and this is what they "drank" to build muscle. hope this was helpful :?)
  • The limit is not a limit--it's your recommended daily intake to sustain your body's current muscle mass. If you want to build muscle, you need a lot more. Medical types would probably recommend 2x your recommended intake (for a 160 lb person, between 90-135 grams/day), bodybuilders recommend 1 gram per 1 lb of bodyweight or more (I've even heard 2x body weight, which is crazy). Arsenal45 is partially off in that you can eat too much protein--if you eat a ton of protein but aren't working out, your body will convert the excess to fat. If you're still eating around your daily goal of -500/day or whatever, then it doesn't matter because your body is going to consume all of that protein anyway.
  • Lornarm
    Lornarm Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone! I feel better about it now :wink:
  • I always go over my protein in MFP because I'm in the Fat Shredder Phase of P90X. I'm pretty sure it's not a problem at all. Protein helps you build muscle, so like the previous poster mentioned, it will only help you if you are working out.
  • Good 2 know!!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I wondered about this since I've started drinking a protein shake after working out I"m always over by around 15-25 I wondered if it would do any damage, or if I should quit drinking the shakes?
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Protein also keeps you fuller for longer, so I wouldn't worry about it if you are going over your limit by too much. As long as that protein isn't putting you over your calorie goals, you should be fine with the extra.
  • I aim for 105 plus!! Keeps me full and my muscles healthy. Woman don't get enough!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    More protein = equals good. lol
  • omg!!! we have the same goals! I want to join the Air Force summerish!
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