Is it a bad idea to weigh yourself everyday



  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    It's a bad idea IF you get emotionally attached to the number on the scale. If you accept the fact that the number on the scale will fluctuate daily and use that number as data to track the overall trend, then no it's not a bad idea.

    I weigh in every morning, track it in excel. Like today I'm up 2 lbs from yesterday, it doesn't upset me, I know it's water weight because of my sodium intake. My overall tracking is still moving in the right direction.


    Track it like a scientific experiment. Look for a range, not a number.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I weigh daily, just to keep myself on track. But I don't obsess over the number on the scale.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I weigh everyday, but my official weigh in is once a week. My weight can fluctuate a LOT, but it doesn't bother me. Like everyone else is saying- If you can't handle seeing the daily fluctuations, don't do it.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I weigh daily since I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey and I think it is important to learn how my body is reacting to all the changes as well as things like sodium, hard exercise, TOM, etc.

    I don't have a problem with it since I figure I didn't gain the weight in a straight line so won't lose in a straight line. :) As long as things trend down over time, I am good.

    I tried the weekly weigh ins and got more discouraged if I worked hard all week and then, BAM, saw no improvement over those 7 days. I seem to be able to catch things sooner so I can make changes sooner with the daily weighs.

    Plus, I get to do more happy dances in the kitchen, where I keep the scale, when I do lose or stay the same from day to day.
  • SarahJains
    SarahJains Posts: 35 Member
    Once a week is probably better - then you don't know if you had lost 2lb on Tuesday but then put on an extra lb by thursday lol
  • Andaisy1
    Andaisy1 Posts: 306 Member
    It's a bad idea IF you get emotionally attached to the number on the scale. If you accept the fact that the number on the scale will fluctuate daily and use that number as data to track the overall trend, then no it's not a bad idea.

    Another vote for this.

    I weigh in daily, almost as a curiosity; but really go by progress photos, how I feel, & how my clothes fit to see how I'm doing.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Weighing daily is bad if you obsess and it causes you to over compensate with lower calories or overexercise every time you see a little jump. Used to keep an eye on your daily flucuatations and weight trend it can be useful.

    I weigh daily and I know if I see a one or two pound jump that I've had too much sodium and need to up my water intake to flush it out. You need to be able to not stress over it and be able to stick to tracking it on MFP only once a week or less. I always wait a week or two of my weekly checkins before making intake or exercise corrections.
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I weigh twice a day. Helps keep me in check. I say do what is best for you. I know I am not the "norm."
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    If I were asked how often one should weigh themselves...I would recommend no more than once a week. I would also explain the reason of weight fluctuation and how discouraging it can be. is reality for me...

    I weigh every day and yes I have seen those fluctuations and I have felt the discouragement. I have also experienced those highs...those moments of elation as each pound has disappeared and not returned.

    What it has taught me is keep working...but most of all patience.

    I ignored all those pounds for so long...I didn't pay attention as 1lb turned in to 2lbs...those 10lbs turning into 20, 30 40...100lbs.

    5 1/2 months ago...I decided to not ignore them bid them farewell as they left...each and every one of them.

    I have also learned so much about my I lose I water affects the choices that I make in food plays a roll.

    Some of those pounds have fought hard to stay with me...they had no desire to go anywhere...I learned that I am stronger than the pound...that I can win the battle against a pound that just wants to hold on.

    As of this morning...I am 2lbs away from seeing the one hundreds again...the first time in so many years that I can even remember. I will be there every morning to encourage those two pounds along the way. These 2lbs are significant to me...I don't want to miss their departure because I didn't weigh...I want to say good-bye to those pounds...say good-bye to the 200 hundreds.

    Weighing every day works for me...would I recommend it to really. However when I got pass the obsession of seeing the number go down daily and started using it as a tool to know my body and how it works...I have experienced greater success.

    We like to call our weight loss a journey instead of a diet...part of that journey has to be...learning what works for you as an individual...because in the end...we take that journey on our own.

    Everything you just said.

    I'm maintaining now and I knew that in order not to let weight creep slowly back on and to be accountable to myself I would need to weigh every day, so I did whilst I was losing weight too and it meant that I was in tune with exactly how my body reacts to all sorts of different things. It also means i'm used to the 1kg fluctuation that happens over a week depending on what ive eaten, and to the differences during different times of the month etc. I track my weight every day with an excel graph / spreadsheet and that helps keep perspective too as you see the daily fluctuations but also the overall trend and i've found that much more helpful than weekly weigh ins.

    But I think the most important thing is to do what is right for you.
  • Glens_Life
    Glens_Life Posts: 32 Member
    I weigh daily since I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey and I think it is important to learn how my body is reacting to all the changes as well as things like sodium, hard exercise, TOM, etc.

    I don't have a problem with it since I figure I didn't gain the weight in a straight line so won't lose in a straight line. :) As long as things trend down over time, I am good.

    I tried the weekly weigh ins and got more discouraged if I worked hard all week and then, BAM, saw no improvement over those 7 days. I seem to be able to catch things sooner so I can make changes sooner with the daily weighs.

    Plus, I get to do more happy dances in the kitchen, where I keep the scale, when I do lose or stay the same from day to day.

    That's a good reason to weight daily. :)
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    Depends on whether or not you will let that number affect your emotional well being for the day. I weigh every day and take an average for the week. I log any losses the day I see them. It works for me!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's a bad idea IF you get emotionally attached to the number on the scale. If you accept the fact that the number on the scale will fluctuate daily and use that number as data to track the overall trend, then no it's not a bad idea.

    I weigh in every morning, track it in excel. Like today I'm up 2 lbs from yesterday, it doesn't upset me, I know it's water weight because of my sodium intake. My overall tracking is still moving in the right direction.

    This is exactly the same thing I do. I was down to 170.2 on Sunday and this morning I weighed in at 174.2. Does it upset me? Not at all! TOM (time of month) is on my doorstep and I had a high sodium day yesterday. I know it's not fat, it's just water.

    Sure you could only weigh once a week or once a month but what if that weigh in day is after a hard workout day or a high sodium day or the day you start your monthly? You stil might be up a pound or stalled and for good reason.

    My point is, you have to become familiar with the reasons behind weight fluctuations and accept them fully as part of this process. You cannot let the number on the scale dictate how you feel about yourself. PERIOD!
  • davadoto
    davadoto Posts: 105 Member
    I must admit, I do weigh myself daily but I can't help it. If I don't weight myself then I will just be wondering whether I've lost any weight that day for the rest of the evening.
    Lol! The same for me. I stress about not knowing , specially if I have kept with my daily weight loss plan, I have to weigh myself first thing the next day. :embarassed:
    !!! I stay away from the scale 4 days prior and during my period. Water retention can be a real drag.
    That said all the former post contain good advice, weight fluctuates, you have to find what works for you and keeps you motivated (daily tape measurement or other).
    Good luck all on your journey!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't weight myself ever. I go by how I look and how clothes fit.
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    I've started weighing daily this week, the first couple of months I did every 2 weeks and since then once a week, not sure if I like it yet, but my trainer wants me to.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I just started back at this, and I'm weighing in on Wednesday mornings. I don't NOT weight myself on other days if I feel like it, but I'm only going to track my number from the Wednesday morning weigh-in. Why?

    1 - I chose Wednesday because I don't want to weigh in on the weekend. I have a lot of events and things, and if I have a few glasses of wine or a couple drinks with friends, I don't want that to ruin my weigh-in, and then ruin my attitude.

    2 - I started thinking about my Wednesday weigh-in again on Monday and it motivated me to eat better yesterday and today to "prepare" for it. At this point, I'll take anything to keep me on track, and this works because I know that I'm taking tomorrow's number for better or for worse, so I might as well do what I can to make it for the better.

    3 - I don't forbid the scale on other days because I don't like the negative tone of that. I weighed myself on Saturday and had lost a pound already. I got excited, and it motivated me to continue to follow my plan. If it was higher, I could make adjustments to my plan before it was too late.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • TheWretchedFat
    TheWretchedFat Posts: 52 Member
    Set a day of the week you would like to record your weight like Sunday and stick to that. You can weigh yourself everyday but try not to get too obsessed. I became obsessed and would weigh myself 5-6 times a day. :/
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    If I were asked how often one should weigh themselves...I would recommend no more than once a week. I would also explain the reason of weight fluctuation and how discouraging it can be. is reality for me...

    I weigh every day and yes I have seen those fluctuations and I have felt the discouragement. I have also experienced those highs...those moments of elation as each pound has disappeared and not returned.

    What it has taught me is keep working...but most of all patience.

    I ignored all those pounds for so long...I didn't pay attention as 1lb turned in to 2lbs...those 10lbs turning into 20, 30 40...100lbs.

    5 1/2 months ago...I decided to not ignore them bid them farewell as they left...each and every one of them.

    I have also learned so much about my I lose I water affects the choices that I make in food plays a roll.

    Some of those pounds have fought hard to stay with me...they had no desire to go anywhere...I learned that I am stronger than the pound...that I can win the battle against a pound that just wants to hold on.

    As of this morning...I am 2lbs away from seeing the one hundreds again...the first time in so many years that I can even remember. I will be there every morning to encourage those two pounds along the way. These 2lbs are significant to me...I don't want to miss their departure because I didn't weigh...I want to say good-bye to those pounds...say good-bye to the 200 hundreds.

    Weighing every day works for me...would I recommend it to really. However when I got pass the obsession of seeing the number go down daily and started using it as a tool to know my body and how it works...I have experienced greater success.

    We like to call our weight loss a journey instead of a diet...part of that journey has to be...learning what works for you as an individual...because in the end...we take that journey on our own.

    What a well written post!!!
    I agree with Annie completely, I look at it like this. Weight loss is a job and in that job you need tools, the absolute best tools that you can get, weighing everyday is a tool for me. It helps me understand what's going on and helps me to LEARN what works and what doesn't, start off weighing yourself everyday, keep a written or typed log of exactly what your patterns are then use that to your advantage. The number on the scale is just a guide, make it work for you!
    Listen to Annie she had this thing figured out!
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    i weigh myself everyday, but only log the weight or take it into account once a week.