Once you started did people follow you?

This is week two for me, I'm tired and sore from working out and slowly my friends and family are joining me in trying to lose weight. My mother in law (about 300lbs) is going to start exercising with me a couple days a week after she gets off work, and now my coworker/best friend has decided to buckle down. Apparently in the time since I've had my son she's gained the same amount of weight that I did in my pregnancy and is back to only weighing 5lbs less than me.

Have any of the rest of you had this happen, where without even trying your at home support has grown?


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Not really. My husband joined MFP in December (I've been here since March of last year) and he likes it, but I don't think that really counts because he's already very fit and active and eats healthy. He lost a lot of weight years ago and is using MFP more to track exact cals/macros for those final or vanity pounds, not really changing his lifestyle.

    Most people I know ask about MFP and show an interest in using it themselves. Then I hear a lot of negative feedback about it being too hard, food too difficult to log, entries inaccurate, blah blah blah. I disagree on all counts but I just smile and carry on.
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    Nope. I have no one in my life who is joining me in my goals. I wish I did, it would make it a bit more fun.
  • roniredd
    Actually, I started following my husband!
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I started doing this more seriously about 4 months ago am logging everyday. Now that I have my own place, I am working out a lot harder and becoming a lot stronger. My boyfriend has taken notice and has jumped in with me! It's so cute; he has no weight to lose, but he sees that my body is firming up a lot and so now he's going to start trying to gain muscle. It's so funny to see him reading a book about weight lifting. His exact words were "You're not about to be bench pressing and punking me". LOL! It's so awesome to have him as support and it's so stinking cute to see him following in my footsteps.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    once others see your results they want to hop on board.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    Yes. My husband in particular. I started cooking much more healthy meals and so his energy level started to go up. After a few months of fairly healthy eating he started getting interested in working out and mountain biking. I think if you nourish the body properly you will naturally start being more active because you feel better and have more energy.

    Also, remember to surround yourself with people that you want to be like. Studies show that you are most likely to be like your peers. Hang out with people who want to rock climb, mountain bike and play tennis and you will find yourself being active. Hang out with people who just want to sit around and watch TV or wander the food court at the mall and...well you get the point.

    I am very passionate about nutrition and fitness and I have been told by many friends that I inspire them...If you are enthusiastic (but not annoying) If you look healhty and happy, people will start following you.
  • mgorham13
    mgorham13 Posts: 168 Member
    While I have lit a spark in some people we don't do it together. Just make sure that you keep the focus on you, now is the time to be a little selfish. Don't make it about them keep your goals your routine your schedule and if they can fit in around your life great. If not so be it.
  • jlar09
    jlar09 Posts: 99
    Yeah, I find once people see you losing and losing they want those same results, so they buckle down on their diet and exercise. It's not always long-lived but I have noticed my friends watching what they eat more carefully. I have a friend that saw I wasn't eating sugar and decided to make that her 2014 resolution...we'll see how that goes, haha.
  • thepinkleprechaun
    I can only hope my husband does...I only have 15 lbs to lose and he has a LOT.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I started doing this more seriously about 4 months ago am logging everyday. Now that I have my own place, I am working out a lot harder and becoming a lot stronger. My boyfriend has taken notice and has jumped in with me! It's so cute; he has no weight to lose, but he sees that my body is firming up a lot and so now he's going to start trying to gain muscle. It's so funny to see him reading a book about weight lifting. His exact words were "You're not about to be bench pressing and punking me". LOL! It's so awesome to have him as support and it's so stinking cute to see him following in my footsteps.

    aww that is adorable :-)

    I sort of feel like with my husband and I it's been the same thing in reverse. When we met I was like, "Ah I may lose a few more lb but I'm cool with just being bigger" but he motivates me through example and when I started using MFP I would talk about nutrients and stuff he would laugh and think it was cute because he's been doing this healthy lifestyle stuff for ages.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yes! My hubby has been working so hard to get healthy with me. He even quit smoking cold turkey to support me! :heart: Is he perfect? No. Am I perfect? No. But we are working together to be a little healthier each day.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    My husband started first, I followed him.
  • nashvillenellie
    nashvillenellie Posts: 75 Member
    My hubby is following my lead. At home he HAS to eat the way I do, and he has started taking healthy stuff for lunch. I am glad I am rubbing off on him.
  • tatiianag13
    tatiianag13 Posts: 76 Member
    Yes…but don't' count your chickens yet. Not to be negative, but just to be real. Most if not all of those early followers will stop at some point. We've all been that person at least once!

    That's when its super important to have your own motivation. Because the easiest way to quit, is to quit with friends. Over pizza. And beer. I had a really close friend and we use to ditch our diets together with great gusto, over and over again!

    So yes. Cheer them on. Let them be your support. But don't let their struggles be yours.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Uhhhhh....kind of.

    Everyone wants my "secret". Am I doing low carb? Am I following Dr. Oz? Am I eating lots of cauliflower? whatever.

    When I tell them there's no secret, just cutting a few calories and exercise they say:

    "Oh I don't have time to spend my life in the gym like you do" (I don't)

    Andddd..... they're out. Where's the next ripped in 30 minutes book.
  • b2kelly
    b2kelly Posts: 62
    A number of buddies followed me and starting using MFP too, but I am the only one who is sticking with it really.. I find it so easy to use and follow, it is because I have a brain for making money and MFP acts like a calorie bank to me so it really works well for my mindset. First time I actually enjoy a diet program.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Yup! My (adult) DD and DS are both now on MFP. More smack-talk IMs, but also Skyping for mass cooking discussions.

    We're not MFP friends, and are all taking slightly different approaches (DD logs on paper - don't get me started). There's a certain glee when the child who laughed at your food scale confesses his just arrived from Amazon.

    It's a study in YMMV, and we're all enjoying it.
  • asaffell
    asaffell Posts: 43 Member
    I have a few friends who have lost some major weight that I've introduced to what I do. It's amazing to be a part of it, but my husband seriously JUST got on board after 2 years!
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's excited to share this with their friends and family, and I'm so excited especially to get my mother in law to start being more active. I'm excited to have tangible people to talk to about trying to trim down even if I am taking it more seriously than them.
    I think about the time I get thinner than my friends they'll want on board.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I've had a few people ask what I'm doing and express that they should do it too, but none of them actually have yet.